15th Birthday: a Brazilian tradition

in 15thbirthday •  6 years ago 

Hey, folks!

Today I'd like to share with you a day that is os paramount importance to a girl's life in Brazil: the 15 year of birthday. I just went to one yesterday that had a very long ceremony, so let's get to it!

In most countries, girls have a celebration of the passing of age. In the US, we have the Sweet Sixteen. In Brazil, it happens when the girls reach the age of 15. It's called Debut Party. In old times it was the party where a young lady is to be presented to society and to attract young suitors. A little machist? Yes, we must consider is an old tradition. Nowadays it is more of a big luxurious party where the main objective is to make the girl immensely happy. Sometimes, the party is replaced by a trip or other extravagant wish from the birthday girl.

It all begins at the entrance: a magnificent hall is prepared with lights, tables, chairs, music and, of course, a beautiful table full of sweets, decorations and the cake - often a themed cake! Yesterday's party had Cinderella theme:

Also, thinking about the guest's comfort, lately, the organization has been adding some perks such as: "Comfort ticket", which means each guest can pick up a pair of flip flops to wear if their feet get too tired of dancing in high heels!
Readings: "Present this card. Get your flip flops. Ease your feet and have fun!"

As the theme was Cinderella:

It's a night to remember. There are a lot of different foods and drinks. Besides, the ceremony is very touching. Emotions are on top! First, there is a courting where the debutant enters in her formal dress, then follows in her proud parents, they go to the main stage where the girl receives praise from both her parents, then from grandparents and enjoy a waltz with the father and with her Prince.

The Prince is one traditional part of that kind of party. It's the young suitor who has the honor of the first dance with the lady of the night. Girls tend to invite a best friend or even a boy who they secretly have a crush on to be their Prince!

Yesterday's ceremony was a very long one: we had the courting, the praise from parents, grandparents, best girl friends, best boy friends, godmother, first waltz with the father, with an older brother and with her Prince! Wow! It was quite a night!

Hopefully, there was enough licquor to ease the night away!

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Saudações, iyt

Você é brasileira, certo??? Qual seu nome?? Nasceu aqui no Brasil?

Gostei de sua postagem. Realmente, é uma tradição antiga e muito entrahada em nossa sociedade o fato de uma menina realizar uma festa imensa e muito chique quando faz 15 anos. Me lembro de ter ido há alguns bailes quando eu tinha essa idade. Foram bem legais.

Obrigado pela postagem e lembrança. Espero que algum dia você poste em português também.

Bom dia

Opa, @julisavio! Tudo bom? Sou brasileira sim, me chamo Ísis.
Eu mesma não tive festa de 15 anos, só um jantar em família mesmo, mas gosto muito dessa tradição! Quem sabe num próximo aniversário eu não faça algo no estilo? Hehehe

Muito bom, valeu! Uma dica, se for postar em português o pessoal dos projetos @camoes e @lusofonia recomenda a adoção da tag #pt. Se precisar existe tb o wiki Steem.center com a tradução do FAQ e guias para iniciantes. Sucesso e boa sorte mais uma vez!!

Opa! Valeu pela dica! Normalmente posto em inglês por causa da abrangência!

Sim, mas as vezes os posts em português tb tem boa performance pois a competição é menor. Valeu!