What Is 1UP - And How Can It Improve The Voting System?

in 1up •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Great ideas. It's time to rework the voting procedures.

I like this. the trending page is very broken atm there are a war between some whales about and make the most crap post. yesterday there was a picture of a rubbish bin that had $ 350 on it. very bad fore the steemit in the long run. so ty stuff like this is a very good thing. :)

Agree with that, it makes Steemit look like a damn kindergarten.

Wherever you involve monetary means in any way whatsoever you will get a whole stream of suited-up pretty-skinned city-children trying to "maximise themselves".
The banality of hominids...

Maximizing myself is my modus operandi.

Perhaps I must needs edit my post so water-monkeys don't presume this in any way beneficiary.
The path of self-mastery begin between man and nature, and not anywhere close to "wallstreet".

I agree with that. You should read my road to posts, you will like what you read there.

Thank you, but I've grown to dislike everything from having read too much already.
Just spending my days delivering perspective and hoping for mortal cessation. 🙏

Kindergarten and monopolized by large accounts. It's really hard to start from 0 level now

Really glad that some smart people like you come out with this idea!
But I have one small suggestion here: Take away the [UP counts] that the article already gets!
I said this because people like to judge contents on others' judgment, when you see someone's posts with lots of upvotes, you will probably tend to believe that it's a good article. Same things would happen if you put the 1UP count Icon on the Upvote button, if I see an article with 5UP, I'll probably just vote for it too without even checking it out.
I'm not saying that those content with high UPs don't deserve the upvotes and I agree that they deserve more attention, but with this mechanism, it's still very likely that we will miss valuable content. so personally I prefer a platform that hides all the upvote information so that I can choose my favorite on my own

That's just my thought, anyway I think you guys are doing an amazing job creating this! Good luck with the project

I agree with that. Hiding the amount of UPs given to a specific post untill the voting period has ended would be a lot more fair in my eyes. This incentivizes people to really start searching for content that they find great instead of following the crowd. Great idea!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

:>untill the voting period has ended

That's a good idea although there should still be some kind of system such as "views" on youtube which does help you know how popular a particular video is. When I saw popular though I mean popular in the sense of it having been popular to click on and interact with. Maybe it's a video people all hate.

I think all the information that has nothing to do with money should be made explicit and the rewards should be ideally hidden. The whole issue is that the way Steemit decides what is and isn't quality content is based on a factor that has nothing to do with something indicating quality.

Right now of course people are going to be tryjng to "vote farm" to put it the way @flauwy OP does. The value of the post is really the part that's been made to stand out. But the value isn't derived by quality it's instead literally valuable, and which gained valuable by voting strength the quality itself being irrelevant.

Simply put right now trying to farm the reward pool is insentivised, the only to change that short of a serious overhaul of the code is to MORE it more profitable to support quality content. So long as that idea is kept in mind, to make it the most positive and least destructive as possible I think there's a vast amount of potential ways to approach that effectively. I like the 1 UP idea, how well it will work remains to be seen, but anything like this I am glad to be seeing as it's a helleva lot better than those who apparently think aggressive flagging campaigns is the answer, the truth is this is very self destructive and causing more problems than they are helping

I really like the idea of the randomized time on voting within the trail, that way over time the odds of coming before or after the bigger voters within the trail isn't too bad and normalized the longer someone stays with the trail, and it prevents a race to the bottom happening among members of the trail as we see with others who follow popular authors etc.

Interesting thought. This would probably make it fair in the long run and takes away the early follower bonus. There could still a few spots reserved for the early 1UP curators to incentivize using the 1UP button.

Do you have any suggestions how to make people want to use the 1UP button more often?

Honestly, people are pretty much driven mostly by $$$, or the chance to make more future $$$, or cash in some current direct $$$ rewards, or a delegation that would get them more $$$, or a chance to get voted on by some delegated entity which translates into $$$ and some visibility for more $$$ potential, etc. etc. etc. so the answer to your question probably has something to do with $$$. Like, am I responding to your posts or comments in the hopes that I get some $$$? Maybe. Do I want this platform to succeed? That would probably make me a little more $$$, or at least get those I vote on some more $$$.

Sadly as with most instances of things people are attracted to, huge sums of $$$, or at least the ability to control the flow of $$$, are very attractive, so your end goal is probably going to be the same as the other platforms on the site i.e. turn 1up into a giant reward pool vacuum and have your two boost-1up and vote-2you bots be huge and vote on both the curated and the curators. At least that's how all the other large curation platforms work, and by that I mean nearly all of the groups on the site. At least with your method there might not have to be so much "overhead" and its rewards won't be so confined to a small group of administrators who get to dictate their own pay.

Great idea. It could be like the Utopian moderator payment system where auto-comments once per week for each mod and tgen upvoted according to their points.

We do need to do something to address the reward pool abuse on steemit. I know you're talking about utopian. But steemit is where people land first and if they are seeing rubbish content rewarded, they will just copy that process.

The danger is steemit turns into a big spam fest.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You need to care also about how well it goes down with people on the outside when they see these mass flagging drama campaigns and have no idea what is going on, or really what exactly the problem is, or the rules. That's far more likely to leave a bad impression and put then off

If the goal is you're concerned about leaving a good impression with people, then you will understand that you don't want your attempt at a cure to make things worse.

People don't want to find that they leave YouTube for the supposedly censorship free Steemit and then find just a single user with a powerful enough vote has the power to screw them over in many ways more than YouTube.

I agree that the cure should not cause more damage. But the first sensible step is to all agree that there is a problem.

If these solutions help make steemit more accessible and rewarding for new community members, I am for it. Even if it highlights problems in the short term.

One thing we can learn from Facebook is that the value of the social network comes from users. The more users who come over to steemit, the more value STEEM has, it's a win win for everyone

Actually, more users does not necessarily always mean more value for STEEM, in fact it's quite possible for users who never buy in to steem to reduce the value of steem by using up network resources, driving the costs of hosting servers up, and making the place less attractive for potential witnesses and investors.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

But the first sensible step is to all agree that there is a problem.

I would love to see this topic move to where I see is a more productive area, but I have a tendency to end up with quite long posts opening posts so i understand if someone feels too exhausted at the idea of reading it all. At least initially, i find it saves time if not having 10 back and forth replies just filling in the gaps I left out..

I totally agree with you that the first step is recognise there's a problem but the next step makes the first step meaningful and without this part it can go from being something useful to harmful.

If you take away haejin's self voting and most of the significant complaints will stay standing because everyone is caught up in this idea that haejin represents "the problem" and since the problem is also that poor quality content gets heavily rewarded and haejin's case involves something he DOES have control over, they get this idea that it's all caused by something people have have control over.

This idea that he is "abusing" steemit so that without this exploit that would solve the problem. You know they see it this way because otherwise there's no way to see flagging as being effective to punish those who "abuse the reward pool" until they stop. They don't seem to realise that what they really don't like, the idea that post rewards don't fit quality, is a problem, not caused by people you can get angry at it's something that is a fundamental flaw in Steemit and that all this aggressive flagging and trolling campaigns are just damaging Steemit with no hope of success.

Optimally the 1up would be implemented on all steem front-ends by default, utopian is a bit more predictable so they launched there first to front-run the utopian vote, there is no general steemit bot and a lot of the other apps with delegations are a bit more "random" as it were in what they vote on.

Steemit being a spam fest wouldn't be an issue if people were actually making and viewing content that they liked, but since everyone is just here because they are either invested or need to make money, the topics discussed are always the same and things are a bit stale in the first place.

At least if the 1up vote works as intended when applied to different areas there's a good chance a dedicated group of 1up voters will feel their vote matters more than if they didn't have access to the 1up option.

In that case, let me tell you my story.

I was an active user on twitter @kabir_LDN and @FBPE_central

I came across STEEM from trying to figure out what all the coins in the top 50 do.

I love the concept and I have already got about 5 people to join. So I see STEEM changing into a genuine social network sooner rather than later

I think the main danger we have is another team coming along and they push their own coin with their own fine-tuned, user-friendly social media website with a smaller dev cut, better initial distribution and a focus on the end-user. If they focus on actually generating social media interest, user retention rates and have a solid growth plan then we're looking at some dire times ahead. I envision more than a few existing and potential companies trying to go that route, which is why we need to at least TRY to make the lowly new user feel a little more involved in the process with things like 1up.

I think 1up will contribute in the steemit community like making it easier for small reputation holders like me.

Browser extension?

Yep, so far it runs only via Steem-Plus which is a browser extension with SteemConnect. But direct on the platforms as an official add-in would be even better. :)

I think there's a whole universe of untapped potential in terms of building on top of Steemit.

Hearing you speak about this system before I was actually quite interested in the concept, with the explanation here, it really sounds like a cool system. Especially in times where a quality post would by chance miss out on the audience it deserves and the reward it deserves, the users can therefore create more of a tailor made feed for the platform of content they truly want to see more of.

Following this concept for sure. As long as it can remain organic and genuine for a fair opportunity, it has big potential in my opinion.

Well, the goal is to make 1UP an automated incubator for quality that is optimized for a compromise between trailers, upvoters, authors, platforms and sponsors. The cool thing is we can adjust pretty quickly and evolve the system.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm very interested in your 1UP project. I've recently been creating a community called BuddyUP (weird coincidence that we have similar beliefs and directions? I think not), over at BuddyUP we are actively trying to change the behaviors and values of the newer members.

Giving people the platform to learn how to productively contribute is the main goal. It's very hard for new users to join the platform without navigating the trending & hot pages to find content. It is usually not until you find Discord that you start to develop more personal relationships.

Even then, some fall into the spam links for exposure trap. We've set up our community and server to reward those who contribute meaningfully to the platform and we have certain restrictions set in place to prevent spam abuse and low effort input.

I'd love to have a chat with you to see if there is a way for us to colloborate in some way. If you get the chance, our community account is @buddyup and we have a couple posts there that should help you get an idea of what we do.

By all means leave a reply. But if you want to talk privately, send a friend request to calumam on discord.

Anyway, I am very interested in your project and I'll be supporting it myself. Great work.

Hey, I will certainly contact you on Discord. Your project sounds really cool.

I look forward to the interaction. I'm active in discord for the large portion of my day, so whenever is best for you.

upvoted... and does 1UP exist yet? if not and you need some assistance building the UI and flushing out the rules id be happy to help.

I could have really used 1UP for my Redesign Series posts about redesigning the UI for steemit.com

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yeah, we started a month ago and it works pretty great so far. Already 250 trailers. Currently we don't need any designs but good to know you are doing that. I might come back to you for another open source project I am starting soon.

cool... how can i get my community posts that make a difference into the pipeline on 1up. id love to submit a few posts coming up or my last one

Currently 1UP is only available for utopian posts. Other platforms will likely come as well in time.

Well since I’ve been building great ui/ux for Steemit how would i post it using the utopian-io builder? Everytime i tried it required a github extension and i don’t have one or a github. Is there an address to use for all open source creative as it relates to Steemit website improvements?

I like this, the more people you can spread power across the better! I love that Steem has the ability to incorporate these systems(and harbors the people with the ability to make them) while still keeping its vanilla systems intact

Yeah, it is awesome what you can do as a third party developer with the Steem blockchain!

Wow. Sounds like a great concept even though this is the first time I have heard about it, but you explained everything so nice and easy, and I think it will be very successful, so thanks for sharing it with us.

Great that it was understandable. My previous posts about 1UP included always the details for setting it up which made it all overly complicated. And it is not so complicated after all even with the setup.

Still haven't used busy, utopian or 1UP... might need to check those projects myself!! Hopefully, 1UP will be very successful and when you finally become a witness you will get lots of upvotes because of it!

That will be awesome! ;)

I really like this concept. Too often the trending page is crowded by the same users over and over irrelevant of the content. This should do wonders in leveling the playing field. Hopefully eventually steemit can incorporate it directly in as well

That would be awesome. But I think it has more room at all the other platforms first as it can handle their delegation power. Steemit itself has no Steem power they use directly. Only by delegating it to third party platforms.

very cool project, i think it would definitely be a huge gain for the other platforms à la dtube. have to think more about possible adjustments though 😄

Hi, all steemers, I am just join this wonderful community, today I see this post and really like this idea. From the 1st day of my joining steemit I just thought that how can I get upvotes on my posts, coz I share some good quality posts but in return I have not a good of votes, and I am going upvotes from bots, I am now on 38, you set a benchmark of 45 ,but there is a must plan for newbies, thx. Need ur support...

My reputation is 45 and has a steem power 32 my goal is have a 1,000,000 steem power so that i can help more people through upvoting their post

Great post! As a steemit newbie, I am learning so much from posts like this. In the end great content HAS to win out. I like the idea of 1UP

utopian giving the power to empower everyone :D

Okey. I like this post how you tell all about steem power.

How to Get High Upvote? follow this formula

This my post what i tell about community

@flauwny sorry I guess I missed it how can we. Support up?

wow cool .. want to vote so much .. but no one wants😥😥😥

Upvoted and resteemed. Hope this process can go beyond Utopian-io related posts and include other categories of Steemit posts:

With 1UP all Steemians with a reputation of 45 or higher will get a brand new upvote button to give daily up to ten 1UP's to the best posts they find. These 1UP's are free and avoid the usual Proof of Stake system because no matter whether a whale or a minnow gives the 1UP - it always counts the same! The posts land on the special 1UP Ranking Page where ten times a day the post with the most 1UP's will be upvoted by the 1UP trail account and trigger all the 1UP trailers to also upvote the post. The trailers are additionally incentivized to participate through a following whale upvote which increases the expected curation rewards drastically.

I like programs that produce passive income such as the minnowbooster. Can I assume that 1UP allows for the generation of passive income @flauwy?

This curious idea, I really like to frequent the trend of art and a few days ago I saw in the first place a subject who made a "digital painting" of a landscape for his best friend ... that of digital painting I had NOTHING was simply a photograph placed in a vector program and vectorized automatically ... I also see many post of incredible people with spectacular talents to whom np give them nothing of credit for what they do, they are only invisible.

Esta curiosa esta idea, la verdad a mi me gusta mucho frecuentar la tendencia de arte y hace unos días vi en los primeros puesto a un sujeto que realizo una "pintura digital" de un paisaje para su mejor amigo... eso de pintura digital no tenia NADA era simplemente una fotografía colocada en un programa vectorial y vectorizada automáticamente... también veo muchos post de gente increíble con talentos espectaculares a los que np les dan nada de crédito por lo que hacen, solo están hay invisibles.

Here's me thinking that maybe there's no hope for this platform if all these externalities are required only to get one's content seen by an organic streem.
So, Steemit's lost its Steem due to bots & automation?

Hmm, what a shame. :-/ But I guess that's why it's developed in such a haphazardly manner.


This to me almost feels like a workaround to the voting and content promotion system. Doesn't fix the core issues imo.

Yours is a great idea...God bless on your endeavors sir @flauwy...

@flauwy There comes from Costa Rica country?
You are one country with kaylor navas, the goalkeeper I really like

there is def a gap in the organic curation of content for users. the trending page really has LOW value to almost everyone.

Finally some one doing something about the shit thats going on. We need good content, and not software developers or complainers or 2 liners or stupid meetups where only ass kissing whales goes on, and no genuine discussion of improving content. Whale and high SP are taking way too much advantage. Needs to be stopped. Some whales (like adsactly)never replies to comments, only want money money money. Need good content on steemit and not bullshit.

Your post is very nice. @boost-1up upvote to you. I hope... Succesfully wait you. Bless you

Fantastis @flauwy,i resteem

Thanks for your constant support!

This is excellent, I needed this... I always asked myself how I do to have an audience if I don't appear in trend and there are a lot of people who upload quality content but don't have the audience or the monetization they deserve, but that's Steemit, everything comes to their time, you don't have to give up and this project is a tool that beyond supporting the good content, it will help us and facilitate our way in Steemit.

I am really thankful @flauwy :-) for posting about 1Up and improving the voting system. It will be really helpful for steemit team.

This sounds great! Utopian has a bright future!

Got to know a lot about this platform thanks to you :)

Very Nice. Om coming over soon to use it as i get 2 more Levels higher. Should not take too long. Brilliant idea.

Very nice post @flauwy

Sounds very promising but I have not been on Utopian so not certain about the functionality.

Wow!!! I'm really excited about the potential for this!!!!! Kudos to you guys for coming up with it and getting it in motion!!!!

Your post is Golden sir I just follow your post so kindly follow my post thanks for sharing

1up has such a crazy feautures.looking forward to it.


Thanks for this cool post. I'll be sure to follow you. Are you an admin for 1up? @flauwy

I feel 1up is simply going to be amazing... I'm loving it already

Congratulations @flauwy!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 2 with $ 448,68

Wish I understood what I just read

Good posting

good 😍😍😱😍😍

I love Steemit and the idea of 1UP. I have to spend SBD on upvote bots that never work for getting exposure to my high quality content because I need HUGE upvotes in order to compete. I don't have those huge upvotes, so 1UP sounds perfect.

Good afternoon @flauwy, I think it's an excellent initiative, it's a very interesting proposal and it will have very good results, my question is this: where can I find this information in Spanish? I usually use the automatic translator and I do not understand the information very well. I would really appreciate your help. I only have a little over 20 days collaborating with Utopian and I am completely in love with her. I want to do an excellent job (like the one you do).

Hats off to @flauwry, @stoodkev and @andrejcibik for taking this highly praised initiatives and trouble to create a more 'junk-free' and quality driven Steemit community. I believe that through adversity people thrive and form brilliance like yours.
Poor quality posting would always be here to stay, after all this is a community platform and people that we know in here would consciously/unconsciously give votes even though some post are gibberish.
Perhaps this is a good start to reward for both well deserved authors that need credits and exposure for their posts as well as curators for identifying readworthy posts .

Awesome idea!

@flauwy sorry for bringing it up, but i won 1up few hours ago, and I didn't get upvote on my post. Here is the link:


Please do check it out, utopian-io is yet to vote on it. Thank you.

1UP did upvote your post. However, the trail did not follow. Must be a problem with Steemauto then.

@flauwy ok, I see. Thank you.

Very interesting, for me that I am new and I do not understand very well this system has cost me to have some significant gain apart from my initial presentation, my rewards have been on the ground, and that I do not expect so much, because in a country like Venezuela with 4 or 5 $$$ are enough to help you half a month, however I want, anxious, know how to improve, for me any tool that helps me to get that income that I need is very helpful.