What's The Buzz? ~ Gratitude and Positivity Day 6

in 7daypositivitychallenge •  6 years ago  (edited)

This is the penultimate day for the #7daypositivitychallenge that beautiful @riverflows tagged me in and I must say I'm really glad I decided to give it a go. This is going to be a slightly shorter than usual post, but I hope you will find value in it nonetheless.

I was sat outside this morning contemplating life... yes seriously we've had some bad news and I was just trying to process it. I'm not going to get into that here because that's not what this post is about and more importantly it's what I found when I was sitting that inspired my gratitude post today.

The bees were going about their daily pollen collection on the lavender plant by my front door and it was on the grass just next to them where I sat. Watching these beautiful little stripey insects going about their work, the hum of their buzz was rather musical. Bees need pollen and the plants need bees in order to produce their seeds to carry on the next generation.
As I'm sure most of you all know, recent studies have shown that bee populations are in decline. Insecticides containing dangerous neonicotinoids are sprayed on crops around the world. These deadly poisons are mass produced by companies such as Bayer and Monsanto are clearly wreaking havoc on the natural order of things. We need to do something about it. So here's my list of how we can help the bees.

  1. Let your garden get a bit wild. Leave some weeds like dandelions and the odd wildflower.
  2. Buy as local as you can and make sure it's not GMO produce. The less business for Monsanto the better.
  3. If you have a big enough garden consider inviting bees to nest in your garden by making a beehive they can inhabit. @mountainjewel did a really good post about it a few weeks back. You can read it here.
  4. Avoid using insecticides in your own garden or balcony. I know it's tempting but there are a number of ways that pests can be reduced naturally. You can even plant certain flowers that attract the predators of the pests.
  5. Bees actually drink water, leave a small bowl of water out for them to quench their thirst.
  6. If a bee goes into your house, gently usher it out. Please don't try to swat the little dude... Ok so this is going to sound really crazy but I actually ask them to politely leave and point to the way out. It works. I've never been stung or attacked.

    I took this image about 2 years ago.. look at the pollen on his legs!

I'm super thankful for bees. Without them flowers would die, and our food supply could collapse. Next time you see a bee, I hope you remember this post and acknowledge their part in our world.

I'm going to leave you with a lovely TED X talk from a beautiful lady and bee conservationist named Sarah Red-Laird who alongside educating the next generation about beekeeping, works alongside farmersand land managers to conserve bee habitat.


I was tagged by @riverflows to:
Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.

  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.

  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post

  • Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)

I'm going to break the rules again and offer it out to whoever reads this and wants to carry on the challenge. So many have been tagged already. Let me know in the comments if you do, and if I'm not already following you I will.



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GREAT inspirational post!
I have never and will never use pesticides. Horrendous things happen with those chemicals; plus we have a dog and I, in no way, want chemicals near her.

I presonally have this love/fear relationship with bees. I love that they pollinate my garden and plants and I fear them because... well, they are bees. I was in my mid-40's before I was ever stung by one and I didn't much care for the PAIN.

I add pollinator flowers to the garden all over to invite them in. We live near dozens of apple and peach orchards so bees are a common thing to have here. Earlier this season when I would see one in my greenhouse buzzing around the seedlings, I would give it a BIG berth to do their thing.

Thank you for your kind words! That's great that you don't use pesticides. I used to be terrified of bees! I was stung on my hand as a child.
About 5 years ago a bumble bee landed on my back and I hadnt noticed. As I went to brush my back wondering what the itch was the bee stung me. Poor little darling. But The rest of the day I kept thinking how I didn't want my body to react to the sting as I was getting on a plane the next morning. Sure enough Within 2 hours the sting wasn't even there. It taught me the power of manifestation and not to fear them anymore.

Haha, bees... The creatures that often fly into my room and wake me up from my deep sleep... Ahh what lovely creatures.

But, yeah. The situation for bees is really bad, because of the way humanity is treating everything around them. It would be a very serious problem if bees went extinct, so we should definitely appreciate those little creatures!

I have never asked a bee politely to leave my room, LOL. That's quite funny, but if it works, then nobody can argue with that :P

it can't hurt to try! Let me know if you ever do try it! :-)

it can't hurt to try! Let me know if you ever do try it! :-)

You know why you are such an inspiration to me? Because you can still look at the world with gratitude even though you have just received some bad news. I feel like I am learning from you so much.

Never realized how important bees are until I started a garden. It's definitely a joy to see them flying all around my food forest working hard to pollinate everything. I had to convince my neighbor to stop using chemicals in his garden after I started mine. I showed him how to grow a garden without chemicals and now he follows my advice and grows chemical free. Too many people don't understand how important bees are to our food supply.

That's amazing your neighbour listened to you. I remember a few years back one of our neighbours wanted to grow an organic grape vineyard and he letter dropped asking us to not use pesticides as it would affect his property too. I was fine with it of course and agreed with him, but gee it got people annoyed! Needless to say, they don't have gardens anyway, so I don't know what they were on about!!

Bees are such a delight and always something to be thankful for.

Oh, you just have to know how to bribe people. My neighbor loves fresh homegrown tomatoes, peppers and squash. I told him if he stops spraying chemicals, I would share with him what I grew. I grew better produce than he did organiclly, so he happily accepted my request and never looked back.

That is a FABULOUS way to bribe your neighbour!!!! 💙💙💙💙 How lovely. I love how you converted him!

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Your bumble bees are so different to our bees - I love their fluffy cuteness! We always grow herbs here for the bees - oregano, thyme, lemon verbena, mint, comfrey - plus we have all the natives. I do what I can!! xxx Plus, yay, we have a bee hive given to us by a friend. If there's anythign to be grateful for, it's BEES!!! xxx

PS have you ever seen the Eddie Izzard skit about being covered in bees?? xx

I know right! We hae honey bees too, I think they are more camera shy though. hahah! The bumbles are quite happy to go about their business while I take a picture of them. :-) xx The first image they are on my sage plant, not the lavender though. The sun angles were all wrong on the pic so I used that one instead hahah xxx

No i haven't watched Eddie Izzard in years. Time to look on youtube. :-) <3

Just Google that Izzard clip..
Guaranteed laughs...

googling now. Just caught up with comment replies and will get on discord soon to chat. Big love to you xxx

💛💛💛💛 off the bed .... missed you the last few days, look forward to catch up when stars align xxx

Congrats on completing the challenge.. i hope your personal challenges are resolved.. and a further congrats for staying positive despite them.. life is a the ultimate challenge, and staying positive is a sure way to be thankful and attract more goodness into our lived. A person who wears a smile will likely meet and create more happinness in their world. Xxx

Aww thank you! You always have such kind things to say @eco-alex! The personal challenges are getting there. Everything happens for a reason and now we have more reason than ever to start fulfilling our dreams. Even though a little sooner and less prepared than expected.
I agree about the smiling and that's a lovely way of looking at the world! I shall remember that to quote you :-) xxx

Well written post and amazing pictures!!!
Loving the positive vibes throughout it.

Aww thank you very much :-)

Well said :) My neighbors can't stand me. I won't pick dandelions or anything that flowers and I let my rose and columbine bushes get bushy and produce large amounts of flowers. I can't wait for next season to get the strawberries back up.

It's almost as if people don't understand just how important they are. No bees, no honey, no fruits, no vegatables, no herbs, no coffee, not chocolate the list goes on down to livestock. Without a food source how are they supposed to thrive and produce.

I'd love to be your neighbour! We could let the wilderness into the whole yard and beyond :-).
Unfortunately this expectation of prim and proper tidiness for aesthetic reasons is why we have become so detached from nature and why many don't care about other living organisms on our beautiful planet.
People are waking up though and understanding the necessity of working in harmony with nature, which I'm grateful to see! :-) xx

They are. one of my neighbors can't stand any form of what he calls a weed and uses dioxin and a even a substance that has been deemed hazardous and pulled from the market (I can't remember what it is right now) I don't respond well to chemicals. I get headaches and get sick. So when I sprays ...I have to make sure my windows are shut and the swamp cooler is off. It really sucks since I sleep during the day.

Very beautiful photos! It's so hard to catch the moment and take a picture) Great!

Thank you ! <3