BlogHide Resteemsresteemedimusify (55)in music • 6 years agoThe benefits of holding IMU TokensIMU Tokens will be listed on most exchanges after the Token sales. imusify is challenging the music industry by providing innovative solutions for musicians, labels, and listeners. As never seen…resteemedsaiterm (30)in indonesia • 6 years agoIntroduction to the Indonesian CommunityPengantar Berkat pengalaman lebih dari tiga puluh tahun dan kreativitas staf teknis kami, sejak awal kami telah mampu mendominasi sebagai pemimpin dalam teknologi di sektor pemanas interior dan…resteemedsaiterm (30)in russian • 6 years agoIntroduction to the Russian CommunityВведение Революционное, инновационное решение для энергоэффективного отопления для домов, офисов, складов и коммунальных объектов: Saiterm Инфракрасные лучи, излучаемые солнцем, являются…resteemedimusify (55)in cryptocurrency • 6 years agoHOW IMUSIFY IS CHANGING THE MUSIC INDUSTRYBlockchain music applications like imusify have tremendous potential. Current trends within the blockchain space announce profound changes in the music industry. Innovative startups like imusify…alexkorol (31)in quarkchain • 6 years agoI found a wonderful blockchain project.I found a wonderful blockchain project. Let's do promotional activities for this project to make money. #QuarkChain #Blockchain #sharding #Crypto #etherresteemedsecurixio (34)in passiveincome • 7 years agoWhat Actually Is Passive Income?When pays out a 45% gross revenue share to token holders of its SRXIO token by sharing 45% of its gross revenue from every mined Bitcoin this is passive income. Referring to Passive…resteemedsecurixio (34)in bitcoin • 7 years agoSecurix Extends Private Sale to Benefit Investors During Unfavourable Cryptocurrency Market, a token-driven mining company, has reached a decision to extend its private sale stage by 21 days in light of currently unfavourable conditions in the cryptocurrency market. Aiming to…resteemedsecurixio (34)in ico • 7 years agoHere at A token driven mining company , we pride ourselves on having one super teamHere at A token driven mining company ( we pride ourselves on having one super team. Our leaderships - are seasoned professionals, Jacobus Donkersloot and Damian Strauss. They are…resteemedsecurixio (34)in ico • 7 years agoHere at A token driven mining company, we’re helping our investors hedge themselves against the volatile crypto marketsHere at A token driven mining company ( we’re helping our investors hedge themselves against the volatile crypto markets. SRXIO token holders are able to earn a monthly passive income…resteemedsecurixio (34)in ico • 7 years agoAt A token driven mining company , we’re offering our token holders a number of awesome investor benefitsAt A token driven mining company ( we’re offering our token holders a number of awesome investor benefits. · The potential for a significant token value increase, through our…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrrency • 7 years agoCryptassis高级通缩模型作为其业务模型的一部分,Cryptassist将包含一个独特的高级通缩模型。目前硬币的供应链相当的高,拥有8800万枚硬币,但是这只是为了补充我们的商业模型。…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist交易解决方案[removed]resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist的 多代币区块链浏览器多代币区块链浏览器是 Cryptassist生态体系中的一部分,它有助于让人民在日常生活中让更易于使用加密技术。由于市场上存在着多种不同的代币和凭证,使得投资者可以选择各种各样不同的投资组合,同时,他们也需要使用多个浏览器去搜索他们投资的这些代币和凭证的交易数据和投资情况,这会极大地占用他们宝贵的时间。 Cryptassist解决了这些问题…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist为什么选择基于DAG的算法?许多币圈人士相信DAG将成为下一代区块链3.0,为了保持在区块链结束的最前端,Cryptassist将在2019年第一季度转换为基于DAG的算法。 区块链是一个在2015年作为独立技术开始受欢迎的概念。此前,它只是作为比特币的背后技术的数据结构,并简称为“区块的链条”。…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years ago想使用你的加密货币? 介绍Cryptassist加密货币使用地址信息数据库Cryptassist平台将包含一个综合数据库,用户可以在其中查看他们可以在线和离线使用加密货币的位置。该功能将允许用户搜索可以通过加密货币支付的位置、网站、服务或产品。该功能可由用户自定义,使其链接到其投资组合,因此仅提供相关的代币和信息。 拥有搜索功能的地图 地图将提供可使用的地理或产品特定标准的搜索功能。搜索将显示接受加密货币的附近位置,产品或服务。…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist - Soziale Verantwortung des UnternehmensEin wichtiges Element der Cryptassist Philosophie ist: Spenden die der Umwelt zu Gute kommen. Um das Engagement von Cryptassist als ein verantwortungsvoller Unternehmensbürger in Bezug auf unsere…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years ago区块链北京见面会 ——投资者会议2018年7月25日 Cryptassist首席执行官Henri Oostebring在公关经理Samantha Haeberli和中国社区运营经理Tonjia女士的陪同下于 7月24日出席了在北京举行的区块链中国见面会。参与会议的成员为来自中国20家最大的投资公司和代币基金公司的投资者。…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist One Trading Tool[POST WAS REMOVED]resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST是未来 成为革命的一部分![POST WAS REMOVED]resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist网上商店 - 使用加密货币在线购买产品和服务[POST WAS REMOVED]