BlogHide Resteemsamadeus10 (43)in hive-180932 • 6 months ago请问法国街头的这些是啥?奥运期间在巴黎街头看到了好多,只拍了一部分。后来在南特和凡尔赛也都看到了。 基本都是马赛克艺术形式出现在城市街角的墙体上,经常和街名有些呼应。 感觉是某位艺术家的作品,但是也分部太广数量太庞大了,不知道他怎么拿到这种许可的 民众可以自发加入吗?amadeus10 (43)in hive-185836 • 6 months agosummer resort—Chinese city parkToday I entered a competition with "Park" Photography, for more details about the competition please visit: This is an urban park landscape from China. They have a very high greening rate and a…resteemedmister-omortson (75)in hive-185836 • 6 months agoPhoto of the week #191 | contest post | a parkHi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима! WORLD OF XPILAR Community mister-omortson p r e s e n t s Photo of the week…amadeus10 (43)in hive-180932 • 6 months ago一张图看懂酒店分级排行榜,假期出门必备‼️出门在外,衣食住行,不同城市,不同时间,酒店价格相差很大,甚至同一品牌在不同地方差别也很大 不过大体上可以做一些分级分档,做了一个排行榜单,供大家日常假期游玩出差参考,做到心里有数,旅途愉快 大家还有补充或想了解的都可以告诉我amadeus10 (43)in hive-185836 • 6 months agosunshine under the shadeOn a hot summer day, you will feel cool under the shade of a tree, right? The sun shines through the gaps between the leaves, giving you a different feeling.amadeus10 (43)in hive-185836 • 6 months agopencil drawingWhat I drew is the heroine from "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure": Xu Lun This is an anime that I love very much It allows us to face difficulties bravelyamadeus10 (43)in hive-185836 • 6 months agoWhich is the real worldIt was raining lightly, and I was walking on a country road with my friend. He walked forward holding an umbrella, and I stayed behind to take a picture of this scene. Maybe you will feel weird…amadeus10 (43)in hive-180932 • 6 months ago上班暂停!去免签的上帝后花园,逃离班味如果你想将想象变为现实?逃离所在城市、工作,来一趟说走就走的旅行,我推荐上帝的后花园——格鲁吉亚,现在南高加索山脉野花盛开,无需担心高反就能欣赏绝美雪山的含金量,你应该比谁都懂,用自然治愈自己后再来杯红酒,汲取能量重新出发,格鲁吉亚身体充能指南请查收~ Day1 第比利斯city Walk,国家科学院➠国家美术馆➠国家博物馆➠钟楼➠纳里卡拉要塞 Day2…amadeus10 (43)in hive-180932 • 6 months ago听说马代都把屎拉进海里确实会排到海里,但不是你们想的那样 就像飞机上厕所,也不会直接从高空排出去吧马尔代夫更不会直接排到海里,就算真的会排进海里,也是处理之后再排。不然水屋周围浮潜的朋友就有福了…… 所以,在每一间水屋下,都有直接联通厕所的排污管道、处理箱(大部分会直接运到集中处理中心),再经过很多次不同的处理,最后才会统一排放至规定区域被吃(放心吧,离岛很远,浮潜是遇不到的)…amadeus10 (43)in hive-180932 • 6 months ago第一次坐飞机不会选座的,都进来看!第一次坐飞机不会选座的,都进来看! 飞机千万别在随便乱选座位啦 不舒服的位置真的很影响旅途体验,码住这篇选座攻略,帮助小伙伴们避避雷,现在就来揭秘一下飞机上的座位怎么选? 今天的分享就到这里啦,如果我的分享对你有帮助,请你给我点个赞支持一下吧,谢谢!amadeus10 (43)in hive-180932 • 6 months ago异域风情,我最喜欢的城市出现了!!大连真的太美了!!! 值得三刷四刷五刷!!! 相比青岛厦门威海等热门的海滨城市 真的被严重低估了!!! 【大连景点】 星海跨海大桥观景台:导航大连森林动物园南门,可站在岩石上远眺大桥,日落zui佳观赏点 银沙滩:大连版济州岛,从停车场下来有一条通往大海的小路 菱角湾:以对面的渔人码头为背景,仿佛置身国外,这里的堤坝也很好拍 琥珀湾:最近开的小黄花太美了,这里也可以看日落…amadeus10 (43)in hive-185836 • 6 months ago在摄影课上拍摄的花想做一朵小花,与世无争,不受世间纷纷扰扰,独自享受,独自快活。amadeus10 (43)in hive-185836 • 6 months agoPhotography PokémonPhotography techniques learned in photography classes,i created it,It's Caracara from Pokémon。amadeus10 (43)in hive-185836 • 6 months agoTrue salvation comes from withinThe more things go wrong, the more you need to be calm and collected. Not everyone is qualified to take the difficult road. Only those who can bear the pain of nirvana can usher in rebirth.amadeus10 (43)in hive-180932 • 6 months ago【KangHee Kim】孤独的超现实主义风景90后摄影师Kanghee Kim出生成长在韩国,她希望通过作品来表达自己既热爱纽约这个城市,但同时也对外面世界的向往,她用自己的故事和艺术手法创造了属于自己的超现实风景。amadeus10 (43)in hive-180932 • 6 months ago夏天的川西永远不缺生命力…川西已经来了无数次了 新都桥的美永远都看不够 绿野广袤无垠 溪流、高山、草原、野花 仿佛世外桃源般的美 川西早晚温差较大 可以备好厚衣服 新都桥海拔3000-4000 可以带上氧气瓶以防高反amadeus10 (43)in hive-185836 • 6 months agoUse photos to record the beauty of lifeI am a college student who is about to graduate. I hope that my friendship with my friends will last forever. When taking graduation photos, I used the "Titanic" shooting technique to record our…amadeus10 (43)in hive-185836 • 7 months agoLANDSCAPE/SEASCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #211I responded to @axeman in the Landscape/Seascape Photography and Art Competition, who wanted us to showcase the beauty of the world, the places that, because of their beauty and energy, inspire us…