BlogHide Resteemsaungphyothu (38)in myanmar â¢Â 7 years agoFeel postHello Everybodyaungphyothu (38)in myanmar â¢Â 7 years agoMy Sonááºá á¹ááœá áŒá¬á±áᬠáá¬ážá±ááž áá±áጠááᬠááᯠá á¡ááá¹ážááŒáá¹áž áá¬ážá±ááž ááºáá¹ážáá¬áá«á±á á±ááŸáá®ážá¡áá¯áá¹ááºáá³ážá á¬ážá±á ááºá á¹á±áᬠá±ááŸáá®ážaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoMY INTRODUCTION POSTHello steemit I live in myanmar . My name is Aung Phyo Thu. I have a problem. My account is blacklist. Everybody,please slove my problem by advise. ááŒáºáá¹á±áá¬á¹á±á¡á¬áá¹á¿ááá³ážáá°áá«âŠaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoHijos en el futuroimágenes de poemas didácticos jardÃn de infantes KG VIH debido a la trama manos del Nilo El apoyo a los maestros a unirse el ascensor Guardar y Compartir Esencia sagrada, Marruecos MaungâŠaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoVisitNam was temporarily breaks. áááºáááºážááœá± / visit anywhere. :) My village was like the mother land.aungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoMarshall spoke about MourinhoMarshall, like why did Mourinho In fact, with the current United Mourinho question anyway, but now I'd like to discuss Mourinho á¡ááœá±ážáá±áž location I'd like to first about Marshall MarshallâŠaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoWelcome To TravelA forgotten wild flowers (or holding) ð 3100 (940 meters) above sea level, is held in high Kokang autonomous region and from city to city. China town was filled with elaborate trade immigrantsâŠaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoNeymar Jr fanLa vida de un deportista se mueve por desafÃos. Algunos son impuestos, otros son fruto de nuestras decisiones para mantener la luz que ilumina nuestra carrera, que es intensa, pero corta. ElâŠaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoMyanmar communications#MPTáá¯áá¹ážááºá¬ážáááá¹á»ááá¹á±ááá²ááááºáá¹ááá¹ á±áážá á¬ážááá«á±áᬠááá¯ááá¯áá¹ážáá¯áá¹ážá¡áá¶á¯ážá»áá³áá°ááºá¬ážááá¹ááºá¬ á»ááá¹áá¬á·ááá¹ááŒáá¹á±áážáá¯áá¹ááá¹ážá GSM ááá¯ááá¯áá¹ážáá¯áá¹ážá¡áá¶á¯ážá»áá³áá°ááºá¬ážááᯠá¡ááá¹á¡á±ááŒážááá¯ááá¯á±áá¬áá¹ážááŒáá¹á±áá¬âŠaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoWELCOME TO KUTKHAIKutkhai (Thinks not .Cheers days, township) Kutkhai township of latitude 25 degrees 14 minutes north and 24 degrees 25 minutes east longitude 97 degrees 35 minutes, and is situated between 98âŠaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoOften double pendantsCommon mistakes can easily be forgiven Hair. Seldom smile and understanding for insult Hair. Do not get too affected by abuse are peacefully Solution properties. Beyond feeling spoofing to "âŠaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoThey know that according to my dear wifeThey know by the boys Do not boil a little tender love and care uncomplainingly Maung never change ððð #photo crdaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoChildrenChildren should not associate consumption (food can cause the death of vomit) Quail eggs and oranges Quail eggs and pork liver Globe-traveler omnivore, it feeds and Omnivore, it feeds theâŠaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoI read a coupleBed and I .... My bed The most compatible couple .... 7feeling #photo crdaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoBlue Ocean Star Travel and Resortá»ááá¹áá¬á»ááá¹áá²áá¡ááœáá¶á¯ážááá¯áá±áá«áá¹ážáá¶á¯áᬠá¿áááá¹ááŒáœáá¹ážá á¯á±ááŒáá®ááá¯á†Blue Ocean Star Travel & Resort â€áᜠááá¹á±áá¬áá¹ááá¡á±áá¬áá¹ážáá¶á¯ážáá²áááá¯áá±áá¬áá¹á±áážááºáá¹ááœááá«ááá¹... Myeik â Islands â09444956668, 09444956669âŠaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoWELCOMEKunlong Kunlong includes the city of Lashio district height 1413 ft above sea level and the highest windy Golden Mount is situated 7171 feet. Kunlong Township, was ruled by feudal Emirates.âŠaungphyothu (38)in seemit â¢Â 8 years agoTragedyááá¹á áá¹ááá¯áá¹áŸáá»ááá¹á»áá®ážááºá¬ ⊠ááá¬ážááá¯áá¹áᬠáá±áážááá¹ááá¹âŠ (áá-á-áááá) ááá¹á±áá á áá¬áá®á¡ááºááá¹ááá¹áá á»áááá®á¿ááá³áá á¡ááœáá¹(á)ááá¹ááŒáá¹á ááá¹á±á¡á¬áá¹á»ááá¹ááá¹ážááœá á±ááá±á¡ážáᬠá¡áá¹áá¹ááœáá¹á±á áºážááŒá¬ážááá¹ á»áá¶ááœá¡ááŒáá¹ áá®ážááá¯ážááœáœáá¹âŠaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoPlease read completeshareá±áážá»ááá¹ážá»ááá¹á·áá°áá®áá« :) :) :) á¡ááºáá³ážáá¬áž áá°ááá¹ááºá¬áž á¡áá¯áá¹ááœá¬á±ááá«ááá¬áž ? (áá°á¥á®ážá±á ááœáá¹á· á±ááá¬ááá¹ ááá¹áááá¹ááá¬ážáá«á) á áááá¹á¿áááá¹áž + áá ᬠáááááá áᜠá ááááá áá áááœáááá¯áá¹ . . . = = = = = = = = = = = = = =âŠaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoAlways Pan Pan Nancy Riceááá¹áá¯áá¹ááá ááá¯áá¹ áááá¯á á¬áŸááá·á¹áá¯ááá¹ááᯠá±ááá±á¡á¬áá¹ááá¹ážá á¯áŸááá¹ ááŒá¬ážá±áá¬áá¹ áá¯ááá¹áá¶á±áá¬á¹á á¡áá¯ááá¹áá¶áá¯áá¢á³ááá¹ á±ááá±á¡á¬áá¹ááá¹ážá á¯áŸááá¹áᬠááá¹áá¯áá¹ááá áá¯ááá¹ ááá¯áá á¬áŸááá·á¹áá¯ááá¹áá¯á áá®á±áá áá°áá¯ááá¹á áá ááá¹á ááŒá¬ážá±áá¬áá¹áá²á·á¿áá®ážâŠaungphyothu (38)in steemit â¢Â 8 years agoOf 70 years of the dynastyááœá á¹ áá á»ááá¹á· á¡á¬áá¬ááá¹á±á á· á¡ááá¹ážá¡áá¬ážááá¯á¯ á·áá¬á±áá¬áá¹áá«ááá»áá³ááá¹á· á¡á¬áá¬ááá¹áŸáá®áž ááºá¬ážá áááá¬ážá á¯á¯ááá¹ááºá¬ážááœáá¹á· áá«ááá»áá³ááá¹ á±á á¬áá¹á·ááá¯á¯áá¹ážá±áá±áá¬á»ááá¹áá°ááºá¬áž