Repliesfuli (46)in rien • 8 hours agoRE: Si vous voulez que ça change, rejoignez la coalition, pour faire une transition ! Une adresse pour vous renseigner ! [email protected].You've got a free upvote from witness fuli. Peace & Love!fuli (46)in rien • 5 days agoRE: Si vous ne voulez pas que cela continue, rejoignez la coalition, pour changer de système. Une seule adresse de contact : [email protected].You've got a free upvote from witness fuli. Peace & Love!anti.abuse (48)in rien • 23 days agoRE: Alerte, il assassine nos animaux domestiques, sauvages, et les animaux de nos agriculteurs, avec la 5 G !Warning, This user was downvoted or is blacklisted likely due to farming, phishing, spamming, ID theft, plagiarism, or any other cybercrime operations. Please do your due diligence before…fuli (46)in rien • 29 days agoRE: Alerte, il assassine nos animaux domestiques, sauvages, et les animaux de nos agriculteurs, avec la 5 G !You've got a free upvote from witness fuli. Peace & Love!anti.abuse (48)in rien • 2 months agoRE: Pourquoi les médias cachent-ils le cas de la révolution casserole, pacifique de l’Islande en octobre 2008 ?Warning, This user was downvoted or is blacklisted likely due to farming, phishing, spamming, ID theft, plagiarism, or any other cybercrime operations. Please do your due diligence before…anti.abuse (48)in rien • 2 months agoRE: Dimanche 17 novembre, première journée de Fête pour la libération de la France, le retour De l’état de droit et de la mise en place d’une Transition par le peuple !Warning, This user was downvoted or is blacklisted likely due to farming, phishing, spamming, ID theft, plagiarism, or any other cybercrime operations. Please do your due diligence before…xpilar.witness (56)in rien • 4 months agoRE: Un professeur de Harvard déclare sous serment que le vaccin anticovid sert d’arme biologique 04/09/2024 Harvard professor testifies under oath that COVID vaccine is a biological weapon"Wow, what a thought-provoking article! 🤔 I'm glad you shared this important story about the COVID vaccine and the Harvard professor's testimony under oath. It's always great to see people coming…claudia (74)in rien • 4 months agoRE: Kill Bill & mosquitoes, bande annonce du blockbuster en tournage. Bill Gates est un assassin, Bill Gates is a killer !Spam de basura.anti.abuse (48)in rien • 4 months agoRE: LE DIRECTEUR DE L'OMS EST UN ASSASSIN ! WHO DIRECTOR IS A KILLER !Warning, This user was downvoted or is blacklisted likely due to farming, phishing, spamming, ID theft, plagiarism, or any other cybercrime operations. Please do your due diligence before…fuli (46)in rien • 5 months agoRE: LE DIRECTEUR DE L'OMS EST UN ASSASSIN ! WHO DIRECTOR IS A KILLER !You've got a free upvote from witness fuli. Peace & Love!claudia (74)in rien • 5 months agoRE: 🏭 Climat et Crédits Carbone Le Scandale du Siècle éclate ! 🚨 (Enquête Exclusive) July 21, 2024Mierdapost de spam.anti.abuse (48)in rein • 9 months agoRE: Voila le vraie visage de l'Ukraine . This is the true face of Ukraine.Warning, This user was downvoted or is blacklisted likely due to farming, phishing, spamming, ID theft, plagiarism, or any other cybercrime operations. Please do your due diligence before…fuli (46)in rein • 9 months agoRE: Voila le vraie visage de l'Ukraine . This is the true face of Ukraine.You've got a free upvote from witness fuli. Peace & Love!anti.abuse (48)in rien • 9 months agoRE: Bientôt la fin de la Ve république et des assassins qui gouvernent ? Soon the end of the Fifth Republic and the assassins who ruleWarning, This user was downvoted or is blacklisted likely due to farming, phishing, spamming, ID theft, plagiarism, or any other cybercrime operations. Please do your due diligence before…fuli (46)in rien • 9 months agoRE: Bientôt la fin de la Ve république et des assassins qui gouvernent ? Soon the end of the Fifth Republic and the assassins who ruleYou've got a free upvote from witness fuli. Peace & Love!anti.abuse (48)in rien • 10 months agoRE: Les réserves de pétrole ne s’épuiseront jamais… mais le problème n’est pas là ! Oil reserves will never run out !Warning, This user was downvoted or is blacklisted likely due to farming, phishing, spamming, ID theft, plagiarism, or any other cybercrime operations. Please do your due diligence before…fuli (46)in rien • 10 months agoRE: Les réserves de pétrole ne s’épuiseront jamais… mais le problème n’est pas là ! Oil reserves will never run out !You've got a free upvote from witness fuli. Peace & Love!do-orr-die (72)in rien • 11 months agoRE: Pascal Najadi “Global US Military Operation STORM reality in 2024” 10 janvier 2024 post belongs to spamming. Spamming posts are spoiling the beauty of the steemit platform. So we will always fight against spamming and other abuses. So message you to stop your spamming post.…do-orr-die (72)in rien • 11 months agoRE: Jimmy Sax Black : LA TÉLÉVISION RUSSE SE LÂCHE SUR JEAN-MICHEL MACRON. 8 janvier 2024Your post belongs to spamming. Spamming posts are spoiling the beauty of the steemit platform. So we will always fight against spamming and other abuses. So message you to stop your spamming post.…anti.abuse (48)in rien • 11 months agoRE: Saviez-vous qu’il existe un lien entre Epstein, Bill Gates, le Covid et les vaccins ?Warning, This user was downvoted or is blacklisted likely due to farming, phishing, spamming, ID theft, plagiarism, or any other cybercrime operations. Please do your due diligence before…