BlogHide Resteemsbzhanbanyungong (25)in cn • 6 years ago北大教授怒批吴京:谁让你代表中国了?一点常识都没有!吴京应该是家喻户晓的明星了,多年前就通过功夫电影出道,赚足了观众缘!当时的吴京可谓红极一时,不过在竞争激烈的娱乐圈,吴京很快便失去了优势,整个人就像消失了一般,很少被人提及!但近年来吴京凭借自导自演的电影《战狼》再次重归影视圈,电影票房大卖,吴京也获得超高的口碑和人气!再加上和名主持谢楠之间的感情生活,吴京备受瞩目!…bzhanbanyungong (25)in cn • 6 years ago山东脑瘫小伙把糖纸吞嘴里,来回一嚼吐出一架纸飞机,获世界纪录山东有位奇男子,用嘴巴可以把糖纸折成轮船,还获得了世界吉尼斯纪录!这样的技术活可是震惊了大家,更令人佩服的是,这名男子是一名残疾人,患有先天性脑瘫,全身唯一能动的地方只有嘴巴。…bzhanbanyungong (25)in cn • 6 years ago她曾抛弃吴京嫁入豪门,如今吴京身 家过亿,而她却沦为卖鱼妹说起吴京,相信网友们都不陌生。近年来,吴京频频出现在大众眼前,一直都是荧屏硬汉的形象。从春节到现在,他的名字一直在热门高居不下,因为由他导演和主演的两部片子上映后,持续破了票房纪录。作为一个武打演员,他曾经也经历过低潮。今天的一切不是偶然,都是通过自己的努力得来的。…bzhanbanyungong (25)in cn • 6 years ago老婆把整块五花肉放进电饭煲,30分钟后切片端上桌,连肉渣都不剩五花肉是猪肋条的肉,肉质五花三层,位于猪的腹部,在肥肉中夹杂着肌肉组织,这部分的肉往往是最嫩最多汁的,但是有很多人觉得五花肉过于油腻,不喜欢吃五花肉。平时小编也不喜欢吃五花肉,不过这次做出来的五花肉,真的颠覆了我对五花肉的看法。整块五花肉放进电饭煲,30分钟出锅,不是资深吃货是想不到这么做的。 叉烧肉…bzhanbanyungong (25)in cn • 6 years ago烙饼和面用凉水还是热水?很多人第1步就错了,难怪饼硬不好吃烙饼,可谓是面食中的翘楚,尤其是对于北方人而言,烙饼是最重要的主食。小时候,家家户户口熬猪油,用猪油炒菜用猪油烙饼,菜香饼软。用猪油烙出来的饼格外香不说,还非常软,即使用凉水和面,而且放凉之后饼也是软的。但如今人们很少再吃猪油了,那怎么烙饼才暄软而且放凉之后也不会变硬呢?…bzhanbanyungong (25)in cn • 6 years ago这种“菜”,在中国没人吃,在美国却卖到断货,而且价格比肉还贵有一种蔬菜,在中国的销量一直很差,甚至现在都没什么人吃了,在农村,这种蔬菜吃不了几天连穷人们都能吃腻,而在城市里,这种蔬菜就更难了,几乎很难售卖,都没什么人买,但是更加奇怪的是,这种蔬菜在美国竟然能卖的比肉还要贵,而且还非常好卖,这到底是一种什么蔬菜呢?…bzhanbanyungong (25)in cn • 6 years ago三十年河东,三十年河西bzhanbanyungong (25)in food • 6 years ago1 banana 1 egg, chopsticks a stir a mix, sweet and crisp, the whole family size to eat!Banana is the very common fruit in daily life, nutrient composition and starch content are very high, when compensatory nutrition still can be satisfied with one's hunger, and mouthfeel is soft and…bzhanbanyungong (25)in food • 6 years agoPotato shreds can not be directly under the frying pan, less of this step, no wonder it is not crisp, not fragrant, but also softAlso call it a "potato" in some places, the potato is a kind of amazing food, it can be either as a staple food, can also as a vegetable, in many western countries, the heating method with steamed…bzhanbanyungong (25)in food • 6 years agoNo matter what kind of meat you stir-fry, remember these 3 tips to make sure the meat is tender and tastyBefore small make up Fried meat not only old and wood, trouble is still sticky pot, difficult to clean, Fried out of the meat themselves feel not delicious, and can not waste, on part of the…bzhanbanyungong (25)in food • 6 years ago(2019)Tofu omelet:2 eggs, 1 tomato, do not make tomato scramble egg, teach you new practice, eat everyday not be bored withHello everyone, here is the first chef, pay attention to us, there will be more food for your reference, let your life more delicious and colorful. Bean curd egg cake is a homely cate, basically…bzhanbanyungong (25)in food • 6 years agoWhen fry meat piece, absolutely cannot go directly boiler, add this one pace more, meat piece is tender delicious againAfter staying in the kitchen for a long time, I find that home-style stir-fry is the most popular, no matter for those who eat it or those who make it. The stir-fry is quick and takes less than half…bzhanbanyungong (25)in food • 6 years agoThe 10 foods you should never put in the fridge, the first one you probably put on a regular basisIs your refrigerator like this? We all know that Storing food in the refrigerator can extend the shelf life However, You know what? Some foods are not suitable for refrigeration Take a…bzhanbanyungong (25)in food • 6 years agoNo matter what kind of meat is Fried, do not use starch, remember these 3 points, the meat is tender and tasty!A period of time before the pig plague, this period of time finally recovered, there is a period of time did not sell pork. Pork is a more affordable meat, compared with beef and mutton, the price…bzhanbanyungong (25)in haha • 6 years ago玩太大,差点没转过来。bzhanbanyungong (25)in today • 6 years agoToday I still miss you every dayToday I still miss you every day, and you are still the reason why I refuse others! After breaking up, go to the streets with you, listen to the same songs, full of memories with you. I miss you…bzhanbanyungong (25)in hi • 6 years ago这大概是儿子和女儿的区别吧。。。。这个就是儿子和女儿的区别吧