BlogHide Resteemscherishtoday (25)in new • 6 years agoLost little girlIn the evening, under the glory of the setting sun, a village near the Yellow Sea is sparsely populated with several low-rise thatched cottages surrounded by a saline-alkali meadow. The locals said:…cherishtoday (25)in art • 6 years agoMy collection picture sharing threecherishtoday (25)in art • 6 years agoMy collection picture sharing twocherishtoday (25)in art • 6 years agoMy collection photo sharing onecherishtoday (25)in news • 6 years agoBaidu was fined 600,000 for publishing illegal advertisements such as obscenity, pornography, gambling, superstition, etc.On November 30th, Haidian Branch of Beijing Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce released the Administrative Punishment Decision No. 2286 of this year: Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology…cherishtoday (25)in photo • 6 years ago"Daughter, you don't have to be too kind," admire the wisdom of this mother.There is a sand pile at the entrance of the community, which is a paradise for children. I passed by yesterday and saw a girl of seven or eight years old, playing with a small toy forklift and…cherishtoday (25)in photo • 6 years agoFrom now on, testing the rich and the poor only needs a pound of pork.A stratification of consumption on the table is kicking off, this time the protagonist is pork. Pork is an essential meat on the Chinese table. Dongpo meat, Huiguo meat, and plum-boiled meat…cherishtoday (25)in art • 6 years agoCreative vase decorationcherishtoday (25)in art • 6 years agoArt comes from life, a beautiful day begins with appreciationcherishtoday (25)in cn • 7 years ago海纳百川,有容乃大; 壁立千仞,无欲则刚海纳百川,有容乃大; 壁立千仞,无欲则刚。是林则徐的之理名言,其中“无欲则刚”意思是并非不允许人们有欲,而是要克制私欲。克制私欲,就能寡欲清心,淡泊守志;克制私欲就能刚锋永在,清节长存。使人如同苍松翠柏,不怕乌云翻卷,不怕雨暴风狂,挺立世间,永不摧折。cherishtoday (25)in cn • 7 years ago这对联贼牛逼,看完我笑了,哈哈哈cherishtoday (25)in cn • 7 years ago有点瞌睡,来看个笑话,提提神人到中年,有孙悟空的压力,猪八戒的身材,沙僧的发型,取经的路已经走了一半,再有一半就到西天啦。cherishtoday (25)in cn • 7 years ago高考如何才能考出好成绩呢?我记得当年我高考的前段时间经常玩手机,就在快高考前的一个月,我刚和母亲打完电话手机就掉进了下水道,之后就没手机玩了,之后我就认真复习了一个月,到赶考的时候母亲给我买了一大包零食,我自己提了一大包书,去参加高考了,高考的人很多,我当时也有点压力的,后来也想通了,考试尽力就好,只不过这次考试和之前相比比较重要一些,这次考试要细心一点,做完题有时间了多检查几遍就好,没必要担心自己考不好或落榜,我觉着,高cherishtoday (25)in cn • 7 years ago如何从餐厅服务员成为座上客呢?那年高一暑假,老师要求我们每个人自己必须去找份实习工作,锻炼自己,并且开学还要有实习单位的签章,以证明自己确实在哪工作过,我记得我找的是一家回明餐厅,那是炎热的夏天,餐厅的顾客很多,每天都要为顾客不停的上菜,每天都是快十一点的时候才下班,早上六点多就要起床,七点就要开始一天的工作,每天都很累,回到宿舍洗漱完我就倒头就睡,幸运的是一起工作的都是和自己年龄相仿的小伙伴,一起干活有空聊聊天,也就忘记了自cherishtoday (25)in cn • 7 years ago你知道下《五子棋》必胜的秘密吗?想知道下五子棋必胜的秘密吗? 秘密在这里: 孙子曰:知己知彼,百战百胜。 这句话出自《孙子·谋攻篇》:知彼知己,百战不殆;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼,不知己,每战必殆。 下棋也是一样的道理,下棋前先了解自己的棋局,再了解对方的棋局,再分析双方棋局后决定棋子的落点,这样 就可以保证自己下棋不会输给机器人啦,哈哈哈哈。cherishtoday (25)in cn • 7 years ago这就是2018年顶级笑话!教授与农民在火车上相对而坐,无聊之际。 教授说:我出一道题,你若不知,给我5元, 如果你出一道题,我若不知,给你500元如何? 农民同意。 教授问:月亮距地球多远? 农民一言不发递给教授5元。 农民问:上山三条腿,下山四条腿,是什么动物? 教授苦思无解,无奈给农民500元。 农民接过钱准备睡觉。 教授追问:上山三条腿,下山四条腿究竟是什么动物?…cherishtoday (25)in cn • 7 years ago“天要下雨”为何要扯上“娘要嫁人”?“天要下雨,娘要嫁人”,这是全国人民都知道的谚语。 虽然常常拿来用,意思也都明白,但是“天要下雨”为何要扯上“娘要嫁人”呢?这两句之间的关系真是百思不得其解,其实这句谚语来源于一个民间故事。 传说古时候有个名叫朱耀宗的书生,天资聪慧,满腹经纶,进京赶考高中状元。 皇上殿试见他不仅才华横溢,而且长得一表人才, 便将他招为驸马。 “春风得意马蹄疾”,循惯例朱耀宗一身锦绣新贵还乡。…cherishtoday (25)in cn • 7 years agoOnline peony---Yellow Peony is coming! 在线赏牡丹---黄牡丹来啦!cherishtoday (25)in cn • 7 years agoFlowers, I love Peony alone 繁花锦簇,我独爱牡丹2018.05.09 The peony is large and colorful and has always been regarded as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. The legend of the peony is another appreciation. It is said that Wu Zetian, the first…cherishtoday (25)in photo • 7 years agoBeijing Jingshan Park Peony Flower Appreciation北京景山公园牡丹花欣赏2018.05.02 Jingshan Park Day Tour On this day, I walked into Jingshan Park in Beijing. I was in a good mood. The garden was full of flowers. It made me love this city more. I hope I can have more…