BlogHide Resteemschildrensclothes (60)in hive-165917 • 4 years agoVASTAGO|Special uniform design for the "Puma Caraballo" Children's Club in Venezuela.Welcome to the Blog of Vástago Casa de Modas C.A Happy day to all those who visit our publications, this time we want to share a little of the work done for the "Puma Caraballo" Soccer team…childrensclothes (60)in hive-165917 • 4 years agoVASTAGO|PATROCINANTE OFICIAL DE FUTBOL INFANTIL EN VENEZUELA|OFFICIAL SPONSOR OF CHILDREN'S SOCCER IN VENEZUELASPANISH VERSION Después de una semana muy especial queremos compartir la primera selección de Equipo de Futbol Infantil. En Venezuela muchas familias y entrenadores se han reunido para formar…resteemedbusinessactivity (68)in hive-165917 • 4 years agoBusiness Activity | Power Up Summary - [08/16/2021 - 08/25/2021]Power Up Rewards The need to Power up for companies, leads them to improve their potential inside and outside the blockchain. With greater stability in your account value and as an investment…childrensclothes (60)in hive-165917 • 4 years agoBusiness Activity | Vástago |First Showroom of Brands, Entrepreneurs Lecheria Anzoátegui-VenezuelaDuring the weekend we joined the Chiringuitoshowroom team in the city of Lecheria, this was organized to publicize the different undertakings that have been taking place in our city in recent…resteemedoscarcc89 (71)in hive-165917 • 4 years agoSteem Business Magazine | Edition 01 / AugustWelcome businesses and entrepreneurs! Steem Business Magazine It is a section in our community to highlight and reward the business activities of the week in a different and professional…childrensclothes (60)in hive-165917 • 4 years agoSTEEM BUSSINES ACTIVITY | VASTAGO C.A |FASHION WITH PURPOSE: THE BEST COATS, IT'S LOVEIt is a pleasure for us to start in this community of Entrepreneurs, in which we are sure that it is the true path to follow, to offer the tools so that all the people are encouraged to make their…resteemedsteemchurch (71)in steemchurch • 5 years agoDECENTRALIZED (UNIVERSITY OF NICOSIA) BEGINS ITS CHAPTER IN VENEZUELAWELCOME TO THE STEEMCHURCH INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY BLOG Happy Sunday to all the brothers and people who follow us and help us every day, with excellent news for the Blockchain community in Latin…resteemedsc-v (71)in steemchurch • 6 years agoBLOG#32: CHILDREN'S DINING ROOM BREAD FROM HEAVEN CHILDREN AT SOCIAL RISK BARCELONA VENEZUELAWELCOME TO THE BLOG OF STEEMCHURCH VENEZUELA @sc-v The team of Steemchurch Venezuela is expanding its work with mobile children's canteens, during this time of school vacations time and space have…resteemedsteemchurch (71)in steemchurch • 6 years agoEXPANSION TIME THROUGH STRATEGIC ALLIANCES: WE WILL BE CROWDS.BIENVENIDOS AL BLOG DEL MINISTERIO INTERNACIONAL STEEMCHURCH Blessings to all the brothers and friends who follow the updates of our community, today has been a very special day where we have met…resteemedeco-alex (73)in steem • 6 years agoCan a non-technical, non commercial project be supported on Steem? The Steem ecoVillage CommunityImagine a world where you were truly secure, relying not on the vulnerable and unethical model of modern capitalism, but instead on the natural intelligence and reliability of the forces of nature.…childrensclothes (60)in fundition-28pa2mxrr • 6 years agoANTICIPATING THE CELEBRATION OF BEACH DAYOn the eve of the next celebration of World Beach Day, we are taking the initiatives and organizing the activities that we will carry out through the #GREENFOOTPRINT campaign initiated by @sc-v, in…resteemedsteemchurch (71)in steemchurch • 6 years agoSTEEMCHURCH MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL: ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT REPORT (08-08-2019)The year 2018 represented great challenges for Steemchurch. With the rigor and commitment that characterizes this beloved community, we face adverse situations. They were difficulties that we…childrensclothes (60)in fundition-28pa2mxrr • 6 years agoCLASS # 5: WHERE WE HAVE TO BEGIN? Awaken environmental awarenessToday we want to continue sharing classes about school gardens with you. Goals • Map the school grounds and the location of the garden • Raise awareness about the ecosystem. • Plan…resteemedsteemchurch (71)in delegationapp • 6 years agoDELEGATION REQUEST STEEMIT, INC. - STEEMCHURCH INTERNATIONAL MINISTRYSPECIAL THANKS: To God, who gave wisdom to the human being and gave us the ability to create through science and technology tools for the growth and strengthening of our nature, being partakers…childrensclothes (60)in fundition-28pa2mxrr • 6 years agoCHILDRENSCLOTHES: GREEN FOOTPRINT CAMPAIGN IN SCHOOLSWe have been working hand in hand with our friends from Steemchurch Venezuela @sc-v and its "Green Footprint" campaign, in this opportunity we accompany you in preschool promotions, making…resteemedsc-v (71)in steemchurch • 6 years agoBLOG#28: BREAD FROM HEAVEN CELEBRATING THE DAY OF THE CHILD IN CANTAURA STATE ANZOATEGUI -VENEZUELA.WELCOME TO THE BLOG OF STEEMCHURCH VENEZUELA @sc-v Children's Day in each country is celebrated on different days and in Venezuela it is celebrated on the third Sunday of July. This celebration is…childrensclothes (60)in steempress • 6 years agoVENEZUELAN CHILDREN NEED TO EAT, DRESS AND LOVE: THE BEST LAYER CONTINUES TO BE LOVE.@childrensclothes is a textile company, that works in Venezuela under the brand "VASTAGO" we are focused on being a community social production company, donating a percentage of its profits to…childrensclothes (60)in steempress • 6 years agoCLASS # 4: CREATE AND HANDLE A SCHOOL ORCHARD/WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF THE GARDEN?Today we want to continue sharing classes about school gardens with you. WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF THE GARDEN? Goals: • Review the principles and priorities • Decide on goals • Write a…childrensclothes (60)in fundition-28pa2mxrr • 6 years agoCLASS # 3: CREATE AND HANDLE A SCHOOL ORCHARDToday we want to continue sharing classes about school gardens with you. WHO WILL HELP US? Engage the family and the community Goals: • Get local support • Form the Garden Group •…resteemedsc-v (71)in steemchurch • 6 years agoBREAD FROM HEAVEN: COMBATING CHILD LABOR THROUGH IN EDUCATION IN VENEZUELAWELCOME TO THE BLOG OF STEEMCHURCH VENEZUELA @sc-v Just a few days ago, on June 12 , the World Day Against Child Labor was celebrated. In 2002 , the International Labor Organization…