BlogHide Resteemschina-mobile (52)in hive-180932 • 4 years agodeletedeletechina-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.deletedeletechina-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.deletedeletechina-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.deletedeletechina-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.deletedeletechina-mobile (52)in zzan • 6 years ago测试在PyCharm中使用beem好久没用ubuntu了,今天有玩了一把。用pycharm安装beem,然后发帖。china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.zzang 钱包里一个非常好用的功能『A very useful feature in zzang wallet』zzang 钱包里一个很好用的功能『A very useful feature in zzang wallet』 相信大家已经对 steem-engine 已经非常熟悉了。 I believe that everyone is already familiar with steem-engine. 大家是不是感觉在steem-engine上收取各种token非常麻烦? Do you…china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.诱人的陷阱『Seductive trap』诱人的陷阱『Seductive trap』 无论在虚拟世界还是在现实当中,骗子都无处不在。 Lizards are everywhere, both in the virtual world and in reality. 如果你经不起诱惑,贪小便宜,那你很可能会成为待宰羔羊。 If you can't stand the temptation and the greed is…china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.最近的SCT审查收益不错最近的SCT审查收益不错 不得不说现在SCT点赞奖励真的很低。 锁仓了接近一千和SCT,也只能点出不到 0.15 个SCT。 由于SCT的作者奖励和审查奖励各占一半,所以用SCT赚审查是一个不错的选择。 用锁仓的一千SCT来赚审查,结果比点赞自己十次赚的还多。 现在,1 个 SCT的价格大约在1.5-2.0 steemp之间,年化收益率能达到50%以上。…china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.EEK,There is another new token in the steem-engine account.『又多了一个新token——EEK』steem-engine账户里又多了一个新token——EEK『EEK,There is another new token in the steem-engine account.』 早晨打开steem-engine钱包,发现里面又多出来一种新的token——爱沙尼亚复古钱币(EEK)。 Open the steem-engine wallet in the morning and…china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.『 Trade war between China and the United States and encrypted digital currency』中美贸易战与加密数字货币中美贸易战与加密数字货币。 Trade war between China and the United States and encrypted digital currency。 犹豫特朗普政府的反复无常,中国与美国之间的贸易摩擦又有了加剧的趋势。 Hesitant to the erratic government of Trump, the trade friction…china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.『It turns out that we have been sitting on the slide for more than a year.』 原来这一年里我们一直在坐滑滑梯『It turns out that we have been sitting on the slide for more than a year.』 原来这一年里我们一直在坐滑滑梯! 去年四月二十二日steem登陆火币交易所。 On April 22 last year, Steem landed on the huobi exchange.…china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.a suggestion to the SCT team『给SCT团队的一个建议』a suggestion to the SCT team『给SCT团队的一个建议』 在我的印象中,SCT团队是一个具有创新精神的团队。 In my mind, the SCT team is an innovative team. 他们制作的前端( The front end they produced ( is much better than the other SOCT…china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.LCT很棒的投机工具『LCT is a great speculative tool』LCT很棒的投机工具『LCT is a great speculative tool』 动辄接近十倍的差价是一个投机工具需要具备的基本条件。 The difference of nearly ten times the price is a basic condition for a speculative tool. 我觉得LCT就具有这样一个特性。 I think LCT…china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agoSBIT会不会成为下...SBIT会不会成为下一个steemspeak?『Will SBIT become the next steemspeak?』 不知道大家是否还记得上个月steemspeak的价格变化? I don't know if you still remember the price change of steemspeak last month? 我记得是从 1 steemp 一直涨到最高点…china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.steem的新低『steem's new low』steem的新低『Steem's new low』 steem的价格就像是一直没有起色的腹泻病人。 The price of steem is like a diarrhea patient who has not improved. 在经过一连串的下跌以后,steem的价格今天终于又创造了一个新记录。 After a series of declines, the price…china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Outside st...Outside steem『steem之外』 Steem-engine brings vitality to teams outside of steemit! steem-engine给steemit之外的团队带来了活力! A good team vision should be placed in the future, and should be placed outside…china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.SteemCoinP...SteemCoinPan的小更新,可以方便的查看的SCT代理给了谁☞SteemCoinPan's small update makes it easy to see who SCT delegated to☜ 今天打开SteemCoinPan.Com的钱包,我发现又有了新的更新。…china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.The price ...The price of steem returned to 0.2 USDT, but the transaction volume is still small.『steem的价格回到了0.2 USDT ,但是交易量依然很小。』 After a slow rise yesterday and today, the price of steem finally broke through…china-mobile (52)in wherein • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.十几天了,steem...十几天了,steem终于“绿”了一次『Ten days, Steem finally "green" once』 After more than ten days of decline, today I finally saw steem "green" once! 经过十多天的下跌,今天终于看到steem了“绿色”一次! Some people say that "playing"…