BlogHide Resteemsclaraalbert (33)in bitcoin • 6 years agoEOS 在4小时上MACD的顶背离很明显,相应的回撤也比较明显,还会继续如果强势的话,可能会在4小时的MA360和MA30之间进行震荡,否则跌破MA30也是完全可能的。不要问我MA30和MA360是什么点位,看截图也知道,均线是均值形成的一条曲线,是变动的而不是一个定数,在任一行情软件上设置一下均线就有。claraalbert (33)in cn • 6 years agoETH:表现比较被动,跟大盘走。300压力没过,4小时图上看已经底部盘了很久,也不容易轻易跌破这个底部区间。claraalbert (33)in cn • 6 years agoBTC,小级别上看,4小时图上MACD顶背离已经完全形成了我觉得去到7000,乃至6900都是有可能的。然后还是维持前几天的原判不变,已经说了无数次了不赘述。眼光不要只盯着几天几小时。claraalbert (33)in cn • 6 years ago空头头寸增加,指标也需要修复现在是日线级别出现MACD的顶背离,而调整连5日线都还没沾到,遑论10日线,远没调完,且调且看。 细节上,今天有两件事: 一、一些2014年休眠的比特币被转到交易所。据BitcoinExchangeGuide消息,自2014年以来处于休眠状态的11万个低成本BTC,在近期其中一部分BTC被分别转移至Bitfinex和Binance这两个交易所钱包。…claraalbert (33)in cn • 6 years ago火币并购港股公司,区块链公司的上市捷径?来自港股的新闻引起了币圈投资者的关注。港股主板上市公司桐成控股(HK.1611)大股东分别向火币集团董事长李林和裂变资本董事长滕荣松转让73.73%和6.8%的股权,转让完成后火币集团以6.03亿港元的代价成为桐成控股(HK.1611)实际控制人,而另一收购方裂变资本今年上半年还收购了雄岸科技集团。…claraalbert (33)in cn • 7 years ago谣言四起,又闻到了熟悉的味道首先,美国证监会SEC拒绝了3家公司的9只ETF申请,包括ProShares、Direxion和GraniteShares,拒绝的理由和之前拒绝Gemini的ETF一样,不符合美国证券交易法的 6(b)(5)规定。 以下是这9只被拒绝的ETF名单,注意看: ProShares Bitcoin ETF ProShares Short Bitcoin ETF Direxion…claraalbert (33)in cn • 7 years ago久违的阳线与凉凉的Fomo3DETF的消息。SEC将在8月23日公布Proshares ETF的申请结果,今天这么涨,有人认为是不是这只ETF要通过了? 这种说法我认为是靠不住的。8月23日的ETF并不是那只关键的VanEck和SolidX共同设计的Bitcoin Trust,市场对这只Proshares ETF预期并不大,通过的概率也较低,目前看不存在预期差。…resteemedwyh (10)in bitcoin • 7 years agoEOS BankAS an infrastructure of EOS, EOS Bank allows DApp developers get access to vast CPU computing resources with small pays which will be paid to all bank depositors. These lease transactions are…resteemedwyh (10)in life • 7 years agoAre you addicted to your cellphone?Phone addiction is a common thing these days. I'm a smartphone addict. We are not supposed to be obsessed with smartphone all day long. Parents should help their kids to avoid overusing cell…resteemedwyh (10)in life • 7 years agono, I’m not a prisoner. I’m in detention for immigration. I haven’t committed any crimesLong lines are now common at the US-Mexico border where immigrants queue up at official border posts to enter the US legally, and usually claim asylum. If they do it legally, they have a much better…resteemedwyh (10)in life • 7 years agowhat foods do you crave? Let us know in the Comments Section!We have all been there.It’s 3 o’clock and you’ve been hard at work.As you sit at your desk, a strong desire for chocolate overcomes you.You try to busy yourself to make it go away. But it doesn’t.In…claraalbert (33)in bitcoin • 7 years agoShould We Invest In Ethereum? There are 100,88 million Ethereum coins in the market.2018/8/10Ethereum is an open-source, blockchain-based operating system designed to create smart contracts. Ethereum was introduced by cryptocurrency researcher and programmer Vitalik Buterin at the end of…claraalbert (33)in bitcoin • 7 years agoEOS ( 10 ) : As other mentioned, EOS is the one to look at.It has been designed from scratch to scale, it doesn't have transaction fees and it is damn fast (0.5 sec/block). is currently working on an iOS app (Android coming later hopefully :D)…claraalbert (33)in bitcoin • 7 years ago不需要看行情,只要打开朋友圈就知道:又跌了。BTC,今天凌晨1点多一度跌到了6100多,重新回到了底部的区间。下午的时候观察到1小时级别的MACD和量价的底背离,但是级别太小,力度也很弱,不见得能往4小时及以上的级别扩大。昨天的日K下引线的存在使得短期存在止跌的可能,尽管并不稳定。向上的抛压比较重,静待市场出清吧。 ETH:和BTC差不多,但4小时上出现了量价背离,有希望短时间反抽到370附近。…claraalbert (33)in bitcoin • 7 years agoShould We Invest In Ethereum? There are 100,88 million Ethereum coins in the market.2018/8/9Ethereum is an open-source, blockchain-based operating system designed to create smart contracts. Ethereum was introduced by cryptocurrency researcher and programmer Vitalik Buterin at the end of…claraalbert (33)in bitcoin • 7 years agoEOS ( 9 ) : As other mentioned, EOS is the one to look at.It has been designed from scratch to scale, it doesn't have transaction fees and it is damn fast (0.5 sec/block). is currently working on an iOS app (Android coming later hopefully :D)…claraalbert (33)in bitcoin • 7 years ago结果还是比较确定的,现在的问题只有一个:猜猜到底哪个时间点?BTC,昨天比特币短时间反弹幅度果然不大,到了7100多后就开始下跌,最低一度到过6300多。最近的情绪是哀而不恐,越看越低,但也不见得割肉离场。哪怕以月线来看,此处就算不是本月低点,也已经是本月的相对低位,继续杀跌对空方意义也不大,无非就是消磨,无非就是从哪儿开始反弹的问题。大家都来猜猜看好了。…claraalbert (33)in bitcoin • 7 years agoShould We Invest In Ethereum? There are 100,88 million Ethereum coins in the market.2018/8/8Ethereum is an open-source, blockchain-based operating system designed to create smart contracts. Ethereum was introduced by cryptocurrency researcher and programmer Vitalik Buterin at the end of…claraalbert (33)in bitcoin • 7 years agoEOS ( 8 ) : As other mentioned, EOS is the one to look at.It has been designed from scratch to scale, it doesn't have transaction fees and it is damn fast (0.5 sec/block). is currently working on an iOS app (Android coming later hopefully :D)…claraalbert (33)in bitcoin • 7 years ago这是一款纪念币、纪念币、纪念币。BTC,反抽到5日线,今天已经碰到了,但是我觉得大家的情绪还是不好,有人甚至说已经8连阴乃至9连阴,情绪坏到了阴阳不分的程度。 越是情绪败坏的时候越是好时候,恰恰让我觉得短线变盘可能会向上,当然短期幅度不见得很大,保守点看也就7100-7200的样子。 ETH:缩量缩得简直尴尬,小级别的均线快要粘连,而日线依然在空头排列。有走成盆底的态势,但积极性不够,希望能够放量站出来。…