BlogHide Resteemscpipi (45)in teammalaysia • 6 years ago2019, New Year New GoalsHello, 2019! It's been almost one year that I first stepped into the so-called "society". After working for months since last year, I would say, it has really made great changes in my lifestyle.…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years ago怡宝之乐乐兜着走(1) IPOH Delightful Casual Turn假期就是要趴趴走到处去游玩啦~ 没错!趁着假期,就很yolo的,说走就走,驱车往怡宝冲去! 只能说,假期去那儿就是要有心理准备,等! 我们从airbnb订了Hotel ABJ,给个👍!非常棒棒的房间~厕所又干净。 有车的人住这儿其实还挺方便的,不在市中心就可避免塞车了。 Holiday is coming Woohoo~ What does a holiday mean…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years agoCpipi之上班族晚餐 Cpipi's Simple Meal--萝卜蛋菜汤 Vege Soup昨天加班,到家也迟了。 晚餐就随便煮了一碗汤,谈得上是汤吗?啊哈哈哈 不晓~ 夜了,也不想吃太多。 所以,切了油麦和萝卜,放入滚水煮沸。也不可能让汤淡而无味嘛,就随手加了点酱青,胡椒粉和黑胡椒。 最后,打入一个鸡蛋,等水滚一番,就可享用啦。 山珍海味是没有啦,就是可以果腹而已。 #上班族的小小生活 #有颜色就有食欲 #就是快狠准的一道菜肴 Yesterday OT till…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years agoCPipi的便当系列(六)Pipi's BENTO Series (6) - 东炎鸡肉炒饭 Tomyam Chicken Fried Rice简单快速炒饭便当cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years agoPipi's BENTO Series (5) CPipi的便当系列(五)- Tomyam Minced Pork Spaghetti 东炎肉碎意粉Hello everyone! It's Monday again! After taking good rest for three continuous holidays, let's us prepare BENTO again spiritually! Bento served today is ----> Tomyam Minced Pork Spaghetti …cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years agoDream Big Breakfast 久违滴梦幻早餐 -- ZAO朋友介绍的Zao早餐店,位于KL, 有的是梦幻的丰富早餐哟! 将将将!是不是很棒棒哒?最爱的莫过于炒鸡蛋scrambled egg了! 话说,别人盘中的食物看起来都比较好吃,是绝对没错滴!所以我就光天化日下打枪了我朋友的菠菜炒鸡蛋啦!这个比较好吃,真的! 当然,其他的配菜如炒蘑菇都是很不错的哟!开始想念了。 最重要的是,份量很大!绝对吃得饱!我还点了橙汁,原汁原味!打八分!…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years agoCPipi的便当系列(四)Pipi's BENTO Series (4) - 初之寿司 Sushi Day星期一不再blue blue的,来点寿司吧! (怎么好像打广告了?哈哈哈) 这个便当无需我早醒准备,因为昨天晚上我就准备好放入冰箱啦~ 是第一次学习,卖相有点差啦,勉强勉强过得去啦,哈哈(自我安慰~) 材料:黄瓜,鸡蛋(5粒),紫菜,日本米,盐…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.CPipi的便当系列(三)Pipi's BENTO Series (3) - 泰式炒肉碎又是美好的星期五!早安大家! 今天便当的重点菜肴就是泰式炒肉碎!个人最爱的。 材料:萝卜,大葱,芹菜,肉碎,鸡蛋,小番茄粒,黄瓜,蒜头,小辣椒,草菇,西兰花,菜豆 调味料:番茄酱,黑胡椒,酱青,麻油,胡椒粉,黑酱油" 将萝卜,芹菜,大葱,黄瓜,小辣椒,菜豆切块/碎。 煎鸡蛋;水煮西兰花。…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.CPipi的便当系列(二)Pipi's BENTO Series (2) - 鸡丁意粉今天准备的便当就是 将将将将!非常简单的料理,省时省力又不油腻~ 就是有点睡迟了,没办法,来个简单点的。 材料:鸡胸肉、大葱、萝卜、鸡蛋、意大利面、西兰花、蒜头、黑胡椒,酱青,番茄酱,麻油,蚝油 将鸡胸肉、萝卜、大葱切块而蒜头切碎 如果想要肌肉更入味,就需先腌制。首先,加入蔬菜油将蒜头炒香,再放入鸡肉于锅内翻炒,加黑胡椒调味。…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years agoCPipi的便当系列(一)Pipi's BENTO Series (1) - 番茄酱炒面米粉早安星期一! 开始带便当去上班啦,要多大的毅力啊~! 每当准备好便当后,帮它拍靓靓的照片就是一种满足与成就感。 Po文时,我总会hashtag说,#要睡觉还是要便当,很多人都会回应说要睡觉,毕竟要准备便当就是要早醒45分钟至一小时了嘛。 老实说,真的很挣扎,可是为了瘦身和健康的饮食,就是要逼自己醒来啦!…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years agoKiddo--Crayon Shin Chan 童心——蜡笔小新Growing up, you can always keep a childish heart deep inside. People often say that those who remain innocent and childish will not get old easily. This is absolutely true! As long as you have a…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years agoMagic of Water 水的魔力Previously, talking about the sky. And now, let's proceed with the water, including rivers, oceans and lakes. All these are the favourite of people from all walks' of life. Especially picking these…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years agoShades of Color in Sky 天空之色调The shades of blue-white on sunny day, the blacky sky on rainy day and the twinkling stars at night are the most common weather that we all can admire. Recently, on the way to and from work, I start…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years agoColours in Macau, My love 我爱之彩色澳门Good morning, Thursday! In such a beautiful morning, let's embellishing our mood with a few photos of the colourful, amazing scenery. As people's sayings, colour always brings a positive effect on…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years ago泰国之变Bob Bob记 Thailand Trip to Become ChubbyTalking about Thailand, other than known to be the shopping paradise due to items with reasonable and even cheaper price, it is also famous with its food. DELICIOUSSSSS! The typical one is TOMYAM of…resteemedhonoru (76)in steempress • 7 years ago「天降橫財」經歷了十多小時,終於拿到錢了昨晚凌晨看到 @punqtured 發出一段關於 byteball 空投,而我愛用 「天降橫財 」來形容Airdrop。今天全個Steemit網為之瘋狂,引致系統大塞車。我最後用了十三小時才完成整個「天降橫財」的過程。 Byteball的派錢,是以Steemit 聲望做分配。30聲望得 $10美金等值Byteball幣,40聲望得 $20美金,50聲望得 $40美金,60聲望得…cpipi (45)in streetphotography • 7 years agoArashiyama: Picturesque & Delightful District, Hugging NatureThis is a place called Arashiyama, a districit in Kyoto. It is a place that retains the Japanese traditional culture with the temples and shrines, if compared to those of cities in Japan which have…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years ago日本の可爱地方 Cuteness of Japan之前去到日本的京都和大阪游玩,就在日本发现了许多小秘密。也不算是秘密,只是小小惊喜吧?就是所谓的特别之处。所以说,旅行真的是可以增加新见识 和体验。今天,就和大家分享我发现的日本可爱之处吧! I have been to Kyoto and Osaka in Japan and thus, discovered some adorable and surprising parts…cpipi (45)in cn • 7 years ago续•香港趴趴走(二)Papazao in Hong Kong PART 2The previous post introduced the places that most of us might know. Thus, I would like to introduce some places that some of you might not know. I wonder, have you been there actually…resteemedrivalhw (75)in contest • 7 years ago“月旦评”第十一期(七月)正式开始各位社区小伙伴们, 大家好! 最近市场整体行情很低迷,一些小伙伴们的创作热情也明显不如先前那么高涨,但话说回来,坚持创作和写作,最大的受益者还是自己。趁着现在这机会,我们刚好可以“两耳不闻窗外事”,一心只在创作上,远离喧嚣的世俗,慢慢沉静下来,投入到自己喜爱的各种事情上,浮华尽去,方留精彩,不是件更加令人心欢喜的事情吗? 言归正传,我们在这里宣布,…