BlogHide Resteemsdanding (25)in life • 7 years ago标准化的操作指引比人的经验学习更靠谱今天洗碗的时候一个念头突然蹦出来,如果洗碗有一个标准化的操作流程,餐具就不会有清洁不到的死角和偶然有未清洗干净的残留?确实是! 这种思维可以用于任何事情,日本人做事情精细,貌似就是用的这种思维吧。…danding (25)in cn • 7 years ago麻吉宝内测虽然最近币圈跌跌不休,ETH跌破400美元,但机会主义者仍然坚信币圈一夜暴富的神话的存在,币圈依然火热。就在今天中午,阿里“发币”消息刷爆朋友圈,麻吉宝上线进行创世内测,邀请码被转发得铺天盖地。只要是与区块链能沾上边的产品,都无一例外的获得币圈的免费营销和传播。但麻吉宝邀请码下午两点半左右却突然失效,app火速下架,灭了许多人的”发财梦“。最戏剧性的是,阿里公关发话说这项目跟区块链没有半毛钱关系。resteemedhamzayousaf (66)in steemit • 7 years agoHow the wealthy people managed their money to become more wealthy? How Steemit can make you wealthy...The wealthy people of course, did not become rich rapidly in one night. They did not do a lot of the things which we used to do with money. That is what we would know in this post. We would also…danding (25)in life • 7 years ago亲身拜访某ICO项目执行团队白皮书团队主要团队不见踪影、实际上线平台与白皮书差异甚远、写文案目前是项目的核心人员。。。。这就是通过ICO募集过亿资金项目的真实写照。 与其说ICO是一场骗局,不如说ICO是掌控了你的心理,它深知你一定害怕失去一夜暴富的机会。 机会没那么容易失去,因为它本来就不存在。danding (25)in life • 7 years ago鄙视链文化去年“煎饼大妈月入三万”的爆红把社会鄙视链文化表露无遗,现实生活中各种行业鄙视行为得到最大限度关注。上班白领看不惯闲人的无所事事,看不起做小买卖的小商贩,一脸“与工作俱来的”优越感,最喜欢的一句就是“我是什么什么正规单位的。。。。。”。但有钱的闲人其实也看不起上班族的受制于人,天天上班辛苦赚那么一点点钱,还不够我一顿饭。。。。…resteemedivanli (66)in dlive • 7 years agoGoogle's OWN BLOCKCHAIN, Escobar ICOGoogle's OWN BLOCKCHAIN, Escobar ICO Google creating own Blockchain, Pablo Escobar's brother doing ICO and Edward Snowden on Bitcoin. We're also going to discuss what the crypto space really needs.…danding (25)in cn • 7 years agoSocial-media giants are falling while Trust Disrupter is Coming信任危机催生去中心化的需求,Blockchain区块链应运而生,被经济学人杂志称为“信任机器”。最终区块链技术是否成为赢家其实并不重要,重要的是我们的隐私数据已经不安全,很有可能会被少数巨头掌握并随时调用。我们需要新的技术去改变这一现状,解决隐私保护和极端中心化绝对垄断的问题。科学技术总是在解决人类问题的同时,积累着下一个问题,直至爆发,我们静待下一个科技革命的到来,一批新生企业的崛起和一批巨头的resteemedcharles1 (68)in community • 7 years agoWarning!!! Scammers on Steemit are getting smarter: Phishing links, Steem clones et alThe ability to earn daily on steemit is a good thing, however this has led to many scammers signing up fake accounts in order to send out massive wallet/post phishing links including scams via… (65)in steem • 7 years agoSTEEMNews.Online: Decentralized News Platform Powered by STEEMSteemNews.Online ( is a decentralized news platform built on the STEEM blockchain to answer the disinformation, misinformation, propaganda and brainwashing that has become the…danding (25)in life • 7 years ago一场财富分化运动正在上演,99%的人却浑然不知如何实现财富自由几乎是所有人都感兴趣的永恒话题,也许最终只有不到1%实现了真正的财务自由。 在投中网看到这篇关于财富自由的文章,受益匪浅,跟大家分享一下,来源于正和岛 , 作者是叶开甫 ,以下是全文内容: 引用:“ 胡润研究院最新的报告公布了一组“扎心”的数字:2017年北上广深的财富自由门槛已经高达2.9亿元,相比2015年提高50%。在二线城市,这个数字是1.7亿。…resteemedmystifact (59)in technology • 7 years agoWill Artificial Intelligence Take Over the World?The two words; ‘Artificial’ and ‘Intelligence’ can strike fear into anyone intelligent enough to understand its implications. The late Stephen Hawking predicted that AI will supersede…danding (25)in cn • 7 years agoAI无法读懂人类的“愚蠢”霍金曾经说过,AI或许能根除疾病和贫穷,但也可能摧毁人类。但目前为止,我对AI表示乐观,AI可以复制甚至超越人类的智慧,但人类是感性动物,存在太多的弱点,情绪变化无常,AI大概率将败在无法读懂人类的“愚蠢”。danding (25)in life • 7 years ago你曾想过当年的自己到底有多令人生厌吗?年纪越大,往往越容易在年轻人身上看到或者联想到当年的自己,回想当年自己是否也曾经如此的幼稚无知,如此的让人生厌。 曾经有段时间,流行逃离一线城市北上广深,看着同事朋友一个个撤退,也曾经一度想过不如把房子卖了,回老家找份闲差,好好享受生活,何苦要在物价、房价虚高的一线城市当一名普通民工拿着微薄的工资,受气受累。…danding (25)in travel • 7 years agoBaltic Sea- SopotThe most beautiful blue!danding (25)in life • 7 years ago与其在低水平努力,不如努力提高自己的层次每日自省:正确的努力工作,提高自己的层次,避免长时间停留在低水平重复劳动。 圈子很重要,要敢于屏蔽负能量的朋友圈,提升自己关注力水平。danding (25)in life • 7 years agoA lesson learn from Li Ka-shing--work longerSuper Rich Man Li Ka-shing retires at the age of 90, while a lot of people are eager to retire as early as possible. He once said he worked as many hours as 16 hours daily. I believe that it is a…