BlogHide Resteemsdiaman (40)in kr • 7 years ago비엔나가 당신을 기다린다는 걸. 왜 알지 못하나요?도착했습니다. 비엔나, 오스트리아 거리는 어딜가나 이런 느낌이구요. 호텔에 도착해서 이번 여행을 위해 제작한 모자를 찍어봤습니다. Vienna waits for you 로 만들었어요. 아리아나 그란데가 부른 Vienna 에요. 옆에 생로랑 선글은 면세점에서 충동구매했구요~ 제일 처음 달려간 곳은 그라덴 거리입니다.…diaman (40)in art • 7 years agoSincere Love Patched CapWhat is the most important thing in your life? Sincere Love So I made a Sincere Love patched cap. First, put the message on vegetable tanned leather. Cut the leather, Make…diaman (40)in art • 7 years agoMaking bow tie cat collar | Happy CaturdayToday, I will make blue bow tie cat collar. The leather are vegetable tanned leather. Put the name 'Forrest' on collar leather. Make bow tie with blue leather. Make cat collars. Put…diaman (40)in travel • 7 years agoGourmet trip to Deajeon, KoreaWhat makes your business trip more pleasant? Delicious foods!!! Last Friday, I visit Deajeon, Korea for business. I think foods are very important in business trip. Goods foods give me…diaman (40)in travel • 7 years agoItaewon, The hottest street of Seoul, KoreaItaewon is the hottest street in Korea. This knight protects this city. Saturday night fever is blaming in Itaewon Can you feel? People in Itaewon can speak English. I mean…diaman (40)in art • 7 years agoMaking Bow Tie Dog Collar using Vegetable Tanned LeatherI will make leather dog collar. The collar leather is distressed type, and bow tie leather is solid vegetable leather. First, put the name on collar leather. This collar is for Bosco, big boy.…diaman (40)in kr • 7 years ago프랑크푸르트에는 볼 거리가 없다구요? | 독일 여행사람들은 프랑크푸르트에 볼 거리가 없다고 말합니다. 상업도시일 뿐이지, '유럽'의 느낌은 없다면서요. 전 여행은 새로운 것을 보는것 만이 중요하다고 생각하지 않습니다. 낯선 장소를 걷는 것이 진정한 여행의 즐거움이죠. 그래서 저는 아무런 계획 없이 프랑크푸르트를 걷습니다. 프랑크푸르트는 현대식 빌딩과 유럽풍의 집들이 어우러진 아름다운…diaman (40)in travel • 7 years agoYou said there is nothing to see in Frankfurt? | travel in GermanyThey say there is nothing to see in Frankfurt. I think travel is not seeing something special. Travel is walking as a stranger. I walked Frankfurt without any plan. It is a beautiful city…diaman (40)in steemit • 7 years agoMaking steemit leather patched cap | steem fashionLet's make steemit cap!! First, choose s t e e m i t fonts. I will use hot stamping machine with this fonts. Fonts looks left-right overturned now, but stamped words will look right. And…diaman (40)in art • 7 years agoMaking leather bow tie cat collarLast time, I made a simple cat collar. But I thought, beige color cat cafety buckle look better. So I changed it. And I put my signature leather bow tie!!! Bow tie can be placed…diaman (40)in art • 7 years agoMaking leather cat collarToday, I will make this leather cat collar. First, choose the leather. And cut. Make buckle part. Do hand stitch with natural linen thread. Engrave his name on collar part. (I…diaman (40)in travel • 7 years agoVisiting downtown of small city, Shinheung, KoreaI love downtown of small city. Last Friday, I visited Shinheung-dong to meet my friend. Every Friday night, people gather in downtown to find love or something. This town has very steep…