BlogHide Resteemsresteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Website IntegrationsTo assist Cryptassist users with gathering the latest information on market capitalization rankings, mining profitability and exchanges, all on one easy to use platform, Cryptassist will integrate…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Corporate Social ResponsibilityAn important element of the Cryptassist philosophy is to donate back to the environment. To demonstrate Cryptassist’s commitment to the environment as a responsible corporate citizen, Cryptassist…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist One Trading Tool[POST WAS REMOVED]resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist - Soziale Verantwortung des UnternehmensEin wichtiges Element der Cryptassist Philosophie ist: Spenden die der Umwelt zu Gute kommen. Um das Engagement von Cryptassist als ein verantwortungsvoller Unternehmensbürger in Bezug auf unsere…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoThe Cryptassist ICO is Live Now![POST WAS REMOVED]resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Multi-Coin Block ExplorerPart of the Cryptassist philosophy to make crypto easy to use on an everyday basis for everyone, is the Multi-Coin Block Explorer. With so many different coins and tokens available and many traders…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Referral ProgramCryptassist have introduced a referral program for the duration of the ICO that will allow all registered users to refer CTA through any online means and make a profit out of their referrals’…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoDon’t miss your chance to join the Cryptassist Revolution. Join the ICO now!• Max coin supply is 88 Million coins • ICO runs 31/07/2018 – 12/09/2018 or until hardcap is reached, whichever is earlier • Coins cost: $0.38 USD • 2% of your purchase goes to charity –…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist - Win a Tesla RoadsterAs a thank you to buyers during the Cryptassist ICO, for every purchase of $250 US a ticket will be given for the chance to win an amazing Tesla Roadster. The more CTA you buy, the more chances to…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST OTC – SELL YOUR CRYPTO OVER THE COUNTERThe over-the-counter (OTC) cryptocurrency market sees hundreds of millions of dollars worth of coins moved on a daily basis. The popularity of this method of selling and buying cryptocurrencies has…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoПартнерство Cryptassist с Организаций «One Tree Planted» («Посади Одно Дерево»)Cryptassist очень гордится своим партнерством с некоммерческой организацией One Tree Planted, занимающейся рекультивацией планеты – посадкой деревьев. Cryptassist осознает какое огромное количество…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST - Интеграция веб-сайтовЧтобы помочь пользователям Cryptassist собирать самую последнюю информацию о рейтингах рыночной капитализации и рентабельности, Cryptassist будет интегрировать три ведущих веб-сайта по этим темам.…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist ФорумОдна из самых больших проблем в криптовалютном мире заключается в том, что существует много ресурсов для поиска информации, но очень немногие, которые поощряют взаимодействие пользователей и ввод…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoBlockchain Beijing China Meet Up – Investor Meetings - 25 July 2018The Cryptassist CEO, Henri Oostebring, accompanied by the Public Relations Manager, Samantha Haeberli and the Chinese Community Manager, Ms. Tonjia, attended the Blockchain China Meet Up in Beijing…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoBlockchain Beijing China Meet Up - Investor Meetings - 25 juli 2018Cryptassist CEO, Henri Oostebring, vergezeld door de Public Relations Manager, Samantha Haeberli en de Chinese Community Manager, mevr. Tonjia, woonden dinsdag de Blockchain China Meet Up bij in…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Exchange LicentieCryptassist zal een eigen exchange met volledige licentie ontwikkelen om gebruikers een ongeëvenaarde handelservaring te bieden. De uitwisseling zal het meest ultieme en gebruiksvriendelijke…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptopedia CryptassistEine weitere Eigenschaft das Cryptassist seinen Nutzern bietet, ist eine Datenbank, die verfügbare Websites, Forums und Blogs verknüpft und jeden Aspekt über Kryptowährung abdeckt. Die Suche kann…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist CryptopediaAnother essential feature that Cryptassist will offer users is a database linking available websites, forums and blogs, covering every aspect that is related to cryptocurrency. Searches can be done…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptassist Trading SolutionThe Cryptassist Trading Solution application is a revolutionary cryptocurrency trading tool that will arm the everyday trader with the same data that multinational corporations routinely pay…resteemedcryptassist (44)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST ICO ASSISTANTGot an unbeatable idea and want to hold an ICO? Don’t know how to run an ICO? Cryptassist ICO Assistant helps project founders to launch an ICO in order to raise capital for a project. For a…