BlogHide Resteemseje545 (25)in girlfriend • 6 years agoMy girlfriendeje545 (25)in cn • 7 years ago加盟好项目全体成员 你还在玩抖音,快手吗,火牛视频股权分红,、10万fb币每天分红1000元,直接提现支付宝,每天,是每天1000元 区块链模式的抖音,快手,现在(火牛节限时)注册送60个币,推荐一个人奖励(限时)40币。发视频,点赞,转发都能产币,每天每个视频推广的一级二级都有分成,每天还能享受平台永久分红。2018最牛逼的火牛视频最给力。注意:这一切福利都是0撸,0撸,0撸的。…eje545 (25)in art • 7 years agoHometownThe confession of a small citizen on the first day of missing Chengdu. Maugham wrote a sentence to his hometown. "I think some people are born somewhere, and they can not be heard. Chance throws…eje545 (25)in art • 7 years agoHow many beautiful love has been lost to the bride priceAll acts of purity and holiness evading the bride price are all gangsters! Love can not talk about money, but not money. There is only one precondition for not talking about money, and that is…eje545 (25)in art • 7 years agoWhen you are in a bad mood, how do you coax yourself?Late at night, the sound of the plane rumbling outside the window, this is the last flight, usually this point, the seven elder brothers will turn off the lights ready to crawl to sleep, when the…eje545 (25)in art • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.The country folk are not goodHe said he came from the countryside. The girl looked up and down, not quite convinced: the young man was not tall, about her; he was pretty, with a little wrinkle on his head, and looked smart…eje545 (25)in art • 7 years agothe nightThe sun set, all the noise of dust settled, but the heart is more and more impetuous, ripple upon ripple. Late autumn night is very cold, early spring night is natural, lonely heart will always…eje545 (25)in cn • 7 years ago雨后彩虹自己平生第一次看见彩虹。 以前,总是觉得她那么的遥远,因为听见很多人说过彩虹有多么的美,但是就是未曾亲眼看见过。前不久的一场雨却让我目睹了这一切 雨后的彩虹,只是可惜的是,我没有照相机,要不然我想还能怕得更加的美丽。 有的时候人就是这样,当发现一件自己喜欢的事,或事从来没有见过的,总想用最好的方式把它留下。可是,当我们不在具备那样的设施或者能力尚浅之时,又会生出一丝感叹。…eje545 (25)in life • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.I like to live a little.A few days ago, a Netizen on social software on his weekend breakfast, a glass of milk soup, a custard sandwich, delicate plate, photos also take beautiful, people will be happy to see. However…eje545 (25)in cn • 7 years ago微笑下的阴谋嘴角有血还在流,只见风残琴面无丝毫表情,就像是一堆黄金摆在眼前也没有什么反应。 他缓缓走到赵丹妮前,向她鞠了一躬,道:多谢。 赵丹妮微微一笑,道:谢我告诉了你,如何杀死我的法子。 风残琴道:是的。 赵丹妮淡淡笑道:我百度庄园乃黄土高原第一帮会,凡擅入者死。你难道不好奇我为何留下你性命? 风残琴冷冷的道:我好奇,好奇你这个精明的女子,何时让我不好奇。…eje545 (25)in reading • 7 years agoRead pole full attention thoughtsOf the 19th century Central and Eastern Europe history of the anti-Semitism start with, recourse one of the totalitarian factors, and then look at the European colonization of imperialism. In the…eje545 (25)in cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.清心寡欲苏轼在《前赤壁赋》里有这样一句话:"惟江上之清风,与山间之明月,耳得之而为声,目遇之而成色,取之无禁,用之不竭,是造物者之无尽藏也,而吾与子之所共适。"少点欲求,才能快乐eje545 (25)in famous • 7 years agoOnly photographyGuess, what is the famous mountain here?eje545 (25)in cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.勇敢爱当真的爱着天空晴空万里和乌云翻滚都觉是美的 当真的爱着自己境遇顺遂和世味寒凉都觉是安的那跌跌撞撞的那拖泥带水的那野草丛生的那波澜不停的那活泼光鲜的那无拘无束的那寂静澄清的那悲悯含香的皆是自己分外有趣独一无二的心啊皆是自己偶尔迷失偶尔荒废的心啊皆是自己自我清澈自我愈合的心啊皆是自己懂得窃赏也懂得承受的心啊皆是自己揣着糖果也垂着泪水的心啊皆是自己乘着长风也沾染尘埃的心啊eje545 (25)in cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.怎样遇见你 遇见更好的自己这两天突然觉得整个人有些恐慌和迷离,不知是因了和大学同学三年后重聚又别离的伤感?还是自己离开这座小城的日子越来越临近的缘故?或许各种掺杂吧…… 其实第一次听到这个变动风声的我,内心是狂喜的,想着终于可以换个环境,结束这近三年如单摆闹钟般的单调,真是极好[没办法]…eje545 (25)in cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.男人一生必去的10大旅游胜地关对于旅行,每个男人的心里都深藏着一种别样的渴望,一种热血的冲动。 无论是穿越高山荒原的呐喊,还是遨游天际挑战自我的疯狂,亦或者是一路向西寻找无边自由的浪荡...... 那都仿佛是扎根心中不散的执念,也似乎只有做过这些,才可以让心灵变得透净,让人生变得完美。 今天旅行菌给众位男士推荐一些美丽的地方,以此,来给你的人生添上一些沧桑有感的风景! 西藏 烦躁心灵的流放之地…eje545 (25)in cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Emotional confusion, Would like to know a person is there to you put in my heart, don't ask, use the heart to feel, in fact, feelings not so difficult to understand, only two words ~ "misses"! When you misses a person…eje545 (25)in cn • 7 years ago奋斗的你一个人不想努力的时候,你怎么帮他都没有用; 一个人不想被点燃的时候,你怎么燃烧都没有用; 自己想醒,没有闹钟也可以醒来; 自己想努力,没有帮助也可以成功; 自己想点燃梦想,一根火柴足以形成燎原之火; 自己是一切的根源,想改变一定得靠自己!eje545 (25)in friend • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Contact the secretWhy do people certain spread positive energy, learned physics of people all know, nature is a magnetic field, a person, faith changed, virtue becomes a; virtue changed, gas field on changed; gas…eje545 (25)in dlive • 7 years ago5It's a busy day for a beautiful woman. My video is at DLive