BlogHide Resteemsekusumawardani (27)in kuliner • 7 years agoJajanan Gandos Kuliner SemarangMakanan ini sebenarnya sudah ada sejak dahulu karena di semarang sangat familiar. Dan bahan bahan nya terdiri dari tepung beras, parutan kelapa,telur dan air santan. Rasanya sangat gurih karena ada…ekusumawardani (27)in indonesia • 7 years agoTraveling ke desa Genting Boja Kendal part 2Menyambung tulisan saya terdahulu, saya berkesempatan melanjutkan kunjungan tubing sungai Ringin yang ada di desa Genting Getas Boja Kendal. Bahwa aliran sungai tersebut ber hulu di daerah kabupaten…ekusumawardani (27)in indonesia • 7 years agoTraveling ke desa genting Boja Kendal (bilinggual)Menyusuri pemandangan hijau menuju sungai Ringin di daerah Singorojo Boja Kendal. Dimulai dari Semarang kami rombongan berlima touring dengan sepeda motor. Mulai dari BSB Ngalian, dengan sudah habis…ekusumawardani (27)in food • 7 years agoKue Leker Indonesia (Billingual)Indonesia has a unique snack food one of the people favored is LEKER. These foods include the type of snacks that always exist in the village children. Usually the sellers use bicycles or carts. The…ekusumawardani (27)in good • 7 years agothe practice of a child against a deceased parent{ENGLISH} Not long ago I have lost a mother already 100 days. He died since December 10, 2017 and is 86 years old and my father since December 26, 2004. Our coincidence is Moeslem, in the Qur'an…ekusumawardani (27)in life • 7 years agoFriday is a blessing as a social empathyI am a mother who has a daughter studying in Germany. For 24 years I have lived a household life and of course there is almost always a problem of life both financial, educational and social issues…ekusumawardani (27)in life • 7 years agoCOFFE VARIETAS MINUMAN JAWA{ENGLISH} Continuing my previous writing, about the philosophy of coffee, coffee plantation and now the type of coffee. In Indonesia is known for two types of highly popules Robusta and Arabica.…ekusumawardani (27)in coffee • 7 years agoorganic coffee singorojo kendal jawa tengah o{INDONESIA} Secangkir kopi, untuk menjadi minuman yang nikmat sebenarnya butuh proses yang panjang. Dimulai dari penanaman, proses panen, pemasakkan sampai jadi bubuk siap minum. Kebetulan saya…ekusumawardani (27)in coffee • 7 years agoCOFFEE: Beyond the Popular of Coffee, Find what the real Coffee is...The philosophy of coffee is by drinking coffee when we find the identical of coffee of its color (black) and its bitter taste. Inside of the coffee, it depends on how we interpret them. The unique…ekusumawardani (27)in selfremainding • 7 years agoSELF REMAINDING {ENGHLISH} {INDONESIA}{ENGHLISH} As great and tremendous as any of our lives will inevitably end up being the same and simple .... As simple as the shroud we use is not pocketed is not just a white model. Then why…ekusumawardani (27)in finance • 7 years agoMoslem Perspective on Riba, Why is it so Essential? MOST FINANCE FIRMS MUST SEE{ENGHLISH} "Do not exchange your Akherat (afterlife) only for Your business on this life"! The definition of usury means: ziyadah (additional). It can also mean growing and growing. Whereas…ekusumawardani (27)in rose • 7 years agotraining rose blossom pelatihan mawar mekarSemarang Rose Community is a place for both fresh rose lovers and our work. Established on January 23rd, 2018, it is on the mission of learning and working to increase the insight of our work, as…ekusumawardani (27)in culture • 7 years agoLOUNCING PASAR JATENG WISATA BUDAYA BARU DI SUKOREJO GUNUNGPATI SEMARANGIn the city of Semarang there are many potential kampung kampung them already exist such as Kampung Pelangi, kampong Batik, kampong Alam, Kampong Seni. Dikota Semarang on Sunday, February 25, 2018…ekusumawardani (27)in food • 7 years agolunchHow to Lunch in Indonesia I happen to live in the land of central Java who always eat with sauce, lalapan without eating alias wear hand. and this according to the sunna of Prophet Muhammad SAW is…ekusumawardani (27)in culinary • 7 years agoculinary indonesiaSambel mangut Semarang is a typical food-based food that has been in the smoke and then we make a sambel consisting of lombok, tomatoes, shrimp paste, lime, plus sugar salt in flavor correction…ekusumawardani (27)in life • 7 years agoIndonesian culturesis a printing technique that uses natural staining. This eco-friendly printing is done by absorbing pigments from plants to create attractive colors.ekusumawardani (27)in introducemyself • 7 years agoPerkenalkan (Introduce My Self ) | (billingual)(Indonesia) Perkenalan : Namaku Endang Kusumawardani saya lahir di kota Purbalingga tanggal 27 April 1971, alamat Jl Watugunung 1/95 Krapyak Semarang. Saya sudah menikah selama 24 tahun dan…