BlogHide Resteemsevan-zhang (25)in trival • 6 years agoFor all its beauty the lotus needs its green leaves to set it off.WHAT A BEAUTIFUL PLACE!evan-zhang (25)in cn • 7 years ago减负教育,中国是否也将进入“寒门难出贵子”时代?今年的“两会”在如火如荼的开着,教育减负的议案再一次被人大代表提及,并且也得到教育部的积极回应。未来,中小学生在校时间有望进一步缩减,中小学生的课后作业同样会进一步减少。我想这一幕一定是那些多少年如一日鼓吹素质教育的人所乐见的吧,或许在他们的逻辑中这就是还更多的时间给孩子,让孩子有更多的机会接触美好的大自然。毕竟俗话说,读万卷书不如行万里路。…resteemedevan2012 (25)in cn • 7 years ago元宵节才是我国真正意义上的情人节The Lantern Festival has been part of Chinese New Year celebrations since the Han Dynasty (206 BC- 221 AD). 自汉朝(公元前206年—公元221年)起,元宵节就已成为了春节庆祝活动的一部分了。 It is said that the holiday evolved from an…evan-zhang (25)in new • 7 years agoChina's first carrier launch from a sea-based launch pad is planned for 2018, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) announced on Tuesday.China's first carrier launch from a sea-based launch pad is planned for 2018, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) announced on Tuesday. 中国航天科技集团公司周二宣布,中国首次海基发射火箭将于2018年进行。…resteemedyou-decide (57)in fun • 7 years agoWould you rather have to leave the country you now live in and be unable to return or spend the rest of your life being unable to make more than minimum wage?Share your answer and read what other people voted for! Join the game and discuss the results with other users in the comments.QuestionWould you rather have to leave the country you now live in and…evan-zhang (25)in steemit • 7 years agoNin Jiom Pei Pa Koa is becoming even more popular among New Yorkers in this flu season(京都念慈安在纽约大火)A Chinese traditional cough syrup, called Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa, is becoming even more popular among New Yorkers in this flu season, following a U.S. news report.…resteemedoflyhigh (79)in steem • 7 years agoO哥闲扯淡:注册账户那点事有不少朋友从各种渠道得到信息,STEEM就是个大金矿,然后风尘仆仆赶来淘金,却发现被一张入场券挡在了外边。眼看着黄澄澄的金子被别人一大盆一大盆的淘出来,自己却无法入场,人世间最悲哀的事情莫过如此吧? 好了,姑且不去讨论STEEM是不是金矿的问题,想必大家都清楚了我说的入场券是注册账户,那今天就来扯扯注册账户的事情喽。 (图源 : pixabay )…resteemedevan2012 (25)in cn • 7 years ago警惕!未来10年,世界可能的大变局!警惕!未来10年,世界可能的大变局! 生意,从来就离不开政治,政治从来也脱离不开生意。在一个政治经济分不开的时代,不能盲目打出市场的旗号,直捣黄龙。而应该琢磨透全球化的时局图,看清政治力量的走向。 尤其是当下的中国企业家,不仅要关心中国经济的发展趋势,对于国际时局也要有最起码的认知。…resteemedzathras (66)in newslink • 7 years agoNewslink: SpaceX Delays Next Falcon 9 Rocket Launch to Conduct Nose Cone ChecksSpaceX has delayed its weekend launch of a Spanish communications satellite to allow time for extra tests on the mission's Falcon 9 rocket. A new launch date has not been set.evan-zhang (25)in cn • 7 years agoA Hero Born was on Thursday published in English for the first time.《射雕英雄传》第一卷《英雄诞生》英译本周四首次出版中国武侠小说家金庸的《射雕英雄传》第一卷《英雄诞生》英译本周四首次出版。 A Hero Born, the first volume of famous Chinese martial arts novelist Jin Yong's Legends of the Condor Heroes, was on Thursday published in English for the…evan-zhang (25)in life • 7 years agoGod Had to Be FairWe always knew our daughter Kendall was going be a performer of some sort. She entertained people in our small town by putting on shows on our front porch when she was only three or four.…resteemedevan2012 (25)in cn • 7 years agoSpaceX plans to launch its first demonstration1 satellite Wednesday for its internet-in-space project.SpaceX发射首枚太空互联网卫星 SpaceX plans to launch its first demonstration1 satellite Wednesday for its internet-in-space project. 美国太空探索技术公司周三计划发射首枚太空互联网演示卫星。 SpaceX is slated2 to launch a rocket from…evan-zhang (25)in cn • 7 years ago马斯克改变世界的下一步:2024 年前让全球都有无线网节前刚刚把重型猎鹰发射成功,马斯克的 SpaceX 又在昨晚搞了个可能会在未来几年改变世界的大新闻。 先来了解些背景故事吧。根据联合国教科文组织宽带可持续发展委员会的报告宣称,全球 70 亿人之中,有超过 52% 也就是 36 亿人因为各种原因而无法使用互联网。所以对于很多互联网科技公司来说,让全球人民都能用上互联网,一直是个终极目标。 去做尝试的公司还是挺多的。之前 Google 的…resteemedjerrybanfield (74)in blog • 7 years ago10 Ways I Think Different!Albert Einstein said we cannot solve our problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. When we think differently, we receive everything we often believe we have to work…evan-zhang (25)in cn • 7 years ago我们被叫做90后-1- 2003年,你是小学生了,上学路上,小鸟说,早早早,你为什么背着小书包 2004年,非典,操场上排队量体温,还没有灾难的恐惧。 2005年,你打开电视,《家有儿女》热播,"我叫夏雪我叫夏雨我叫夏冰雹"刘星总是说出了我们的心声,小雨肉嘟嘟的总是尖叫,小雪是典型的别人家的孩子。《仙剑奇侠传》你喜欢赵灵儿,你喜欢听六月的雨,却听不懂《一直很安静》的林月如。…evan-zhang (25)in cn • 7 years ago诗:我和春天有个约会那是在锈迹斑斑的冬天 以血书契约的方式 对美好的约定 那是潜伏在皑皑雪原底下 被暗流撕扯成血痕累累的封印 我在暗里窥视着冬天 着一身白色锦袍飘然离境 又目睹黑色披风的春天 覆手为雨 并卷起冰冻的云层 不久后 它会穿上伪善的绿装 以假模假式的笑意 面带和煦 背地里却解开冬的封印 释放被囚禁的、召回被流放的 病毒、细菌 我终将背弃那张羊皮纸上的符咒 待那天来临…resteemedoflyhigh (79)in cn • 7 years agoO哥闲扯淡:STEEM上的财产隐私这两天热门帖子中 @fyrstikken 的 《The Joy of flashing the STEEM account-value!!》 吸引了很多注意力和讨论。 Never flash your money around said my dad, it attracts thieves and thugs. Keep it in your pocket or keep it…resteemedoflyhigh (79)in cn • 7 years ago有错就要改,公众号个人资产计算部分更新在之前的帖子 《O哥闲扯淡:STEEM上的财产隐私》 中,为了给大家演示如何查询别人在内部市场挂单的资产,我贴了一个微信公众号查询个人资产的截图。 (图源 : pixabay ) 问题 然后 @itsok 朋友在回复中指出: Steemit 公众号程式是不是有个小bug? Value(EST):那行怎么加出来那么多SBD? (例子里…resteemedrea (75)in cn • 7 years agoCelebrating the Chinese New Year with Dim Sum Feast / 点心大餐庆贺新年I haven’t had "dim sum" for some time now. So, with my husband being up for some traditional Chinese dishes, we popped in at a restaurant aptly called Ping Pong to celebrate Chinese New Year…resteemedevan2012 (25)in blockchain • 7 years ago大佬们都在聊区块链,我该怎么办?一、3点钟焦虑 春节这几天,本来喜庆洋洋的,却弥漫着一种莫名的焦虑,叫做“我没有加入3点钟社群”,翻译一下就是:现在大家都在讨论区块链,我会不会错过!? 3点钟社群是一个区块链微信群,据说是集中了币圈和链圈最牛逼的大佬们,更有佟丽娅、高晓松等娱乐圈人士加盟其中。“3点钟”据说是一个口号,在区块链即将到来的日子里,睡觉都是浪费时间,大佬们也是每天纵横论战到3点钟。…