BlogHide Resteemsresteemedarcange (73)in steemreply • 6 years agoIntroducing SteemReply - Stay in touch with your Steem networkfreyman (56)in homesteading • 6 years agoEvil Dog Double IPA: Day 21[See below the English Version] Bos días. En este post aproveito para correxir errores de medición: Día 21 de fermentación (hoxe): Densidade:3.5 º Plato == 1014 Gravedade Específica. A…freyman (56)in sakura • 6 years agoA primavera non se trabuca / Spring never mistakes #sakura #cherryblossomNon deixes que te enganen con iso dos meses e das datas. A primavera ven cando quere, e xa ás árbores berran novo ciclo. Achegase A #flordacerdeira, o #sakura, o #cherryblossom Do not…freyman (56)in foodblogs • 6 years agoGalettes de Alforfón con Marmelada(s) / Buckwheat galettes with jam(s) (Gluten Free)Parece ser que as filloas cando se fan con fariña de alforfón Fagopyrum esculentum deben ser chamadas "Galettes". Esta é pois unha receita de Galettes con Confitura(s) It seems that…freyman (56)in homebrewing • 6 years agoEvil Dog Double IPA: Day 10[See below the English Version] Esta é a densidade actual de esta double IPA de Bulldog . Xa leva 10 días de fermentación e ainda mantén unha densidade de 1050 !! As temperaturas na bodega…freyman (56)in steemstem • 6 years agoFacendo Hidrolato de Alecrin (Making rosemary hydrolysate)Un saúdo! A explosiva floración do alecrim na eira, as gañas de tirarlle o pó a pota de destilar arrinconada no faiado e ter lido as propiedades caseque máxicas do alecrim ( Rosmarinus…resteemedmcoinz79 (70)in partiko • 6 years agoReTweet & Vote 🗳Posted using Partiko iOSfreyman (56)in steemstem • 6 years agoDestilando alcohol de cereal en alambique clásico.Un saludo. Después de haber asistido a una charla sobre aromaterapia, se me ha ocurrido que podría intentar extraer aceites esenciales e hidrolatos del romero de la finca. Conclusión: Me toca…freyman (56)in dtube • 6 years agoDistillation in copper stillsXa facía tempo que non usaba o alambique. A proposición de un veciño de fabricar hidrolato de romero fixome retomar o asunto, e, a xeito de test, destilar un vermú casero que resultou un tanto…freyman (56)in art • 6 years agoIsto non é unha Cadea de BloquesThis is not one blockchain. Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Webfreyman (56)in stem-steem • 6 years agoPot-Still / Alambique (II)Image CC by me; @freyman Pot-Still simple instructions Image CC from Wikipediafreyman (56)in busy • 6 years agoPot-still / Alambique (I)resteemedsteemchiller (74)in steemworld • 6 years agoSteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #20[EN] This post is intended to cover the server costs for and to enable me to continue my development in the future. In case you missed the first part: SteemWorld ~ Weekly…freyman (56)in busy • 6 years agoCactus inagurando (trabucado) a primavera.freyman (56)in steemmonsters • 6 years agoUnnoficial Rexxie Monster Book (Statistics, prices, fan-art ...)Steem Monsters Cards, is a collectible of Non Fungible Tokens running in the Steem BlockChain. When you own one card, you can sell, hold, uplevel or simply save -or destroy-. In SteemMonsters…freyman (56)in photography • 6 years agoAinda creo na xente... (I still believe in people)Ainda creo na xente. No seu errático andar, na incertidumbre de seu. Pero ainda creo na xente. Ainda creo na xente. Longa noites de pedra agardan e mares de bágoas. Ápteros bípedos implumes.…freyman (56)in steemmonsters • 6 years agoUnnoficial Goblin Sorcerer Monster Book & Giveaway #15 + Winner AnnNo follow, no re-steem, no upvote needed ! Beta Goblin Sorcerer L1 Giveaway !! #Contestkings rules Steem Monsters Cards, is a collectible of Non Fungible Tokens running in the Steem…freyman (56)in steemmonsters • 6 years agoUnnoficial Flesh Golem Monster Book & Giveaway #14 + Winner AnnNo follow, no re-steem, no upvote needed ! Beta Flesh Golem L1 Giveaway !! #Contestkings rules Hi Steemians. We have new combat rules in steemmonsters. If you want to achieve more victories…resteemedbinkyprod (67)in steemmonsters • 6 years agoThe 12 Rules of Combat - Steem Monsters Game Mechanics + Tips to WinNow that the Rules of Combat change at every new battle, you will see some of the more rare rules appear a bit more frequently, though there are more common ones that appear more often than the…freyman (56)in steemmonsters • 6 years agoUnnoficial Sabre Shark Monster Book & Giveaway #13 + Winner AnnNo follow, no re-steem, no upvote needed ! Beta Sabre Shark L1 Giveaway !! Hi Steemians. We have new combat rules in steemmonsters. If you want to achieve more victories you will have to know…