BlogHide Resteemsgen-shi (41)in cheetah • 8 months agoCheetahs 🐆The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)is a large cat and the fastest land animal. It has a tawny to creamy white or pale buff fur that is marked with evenly spaced, solid black spots. The head is small and…gen-shi (41)in snake • 8 months agoSnake 🐍Snakes are elongated, limbless reptiles of the suborder Serpentes. Like all other squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of snakes have…gen-shi (41)in turtle • 8 months agoTurtles 🐢Don't mistake Turtles for Tortoises. Tortoises have more rounded and domed shells where turtles have thinner, more water-dynamic shells. Turtle shells are more streamlined to aid in swimming. One…gen-shi (41)in alligator • 8 months agoAlligator 🐊An alligator, or colloquially gator, is a large reptile in the genus Alligator of the family Alligatoridae of the order Crocodilia. The two extant species are the American alligator and the Chinese…gen-shi (41)in shark • 8 months agoSharks 🦈Sharks are a group of elasmobranch fish characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton, five(5)- seven(7) gills on the sides of the head, and pectoral fins that are not fused to the head. Modern sharks…gen-shi (41)in scorpion • 8 months agoScorpions 🦂Scorpions are predatory arachnids. Their scientific name is Scorpiones. They have eight legs and are easily recognized by a pair of grasping pincers and a narrow, segmented tail, often carried in a…gen-shi (41)in hippopotamus • 8 months agoHippos 🦛The hippopotamus, also shortened to hippo, is a large semiaquatic mammal native to sub-Saharan Africa. It is one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae, the other being the pygmy…gen-shi (41)in franch • 11 months agoOrangs-outans 🦧Les orangs-outans sont des primates intelligents originaires des forêts tropicales de Bornéo et de Sumatra. Ils sont connus pour leurs cheveux roux et leurs longs bras adaptés pour se balancer à…gen-shi (41)in orangutans • 11 months agoOrangutans 🦧Orangutans are intelligent primates native to the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. They are known for their red hair and long arms adapted for swinging through the trees. Orangutans are the…gen-shi (41)in japanese • 11 months agoペンギン 🐧ペンギンは、一生のほとんどを水中で過ごし、足ひれのように翼を使って泳ぐ、ペンギン目スズメバチ科の飛べない鳥です。 ペンギンは 20 分ごとにうんちをし、最古のペンギンの化石は 6,200 万年前のものです。 ペンギンには歯がなく、オーストラリアが起源です。ペンギンは南半球に生息しており、南極の氷の海から南アフリカの暖かい海岸まで、さまざまな種が生息しています。…gen-shi (41)in french • 11 months agoManchots 🐧Les manchots sont des oiseaux incapables de voler de la famille des Sphéniscidés de l'ordre des Sphénisciformes qui passent la majeure partie de leur vie dans l'eau, nageant avec leurs ailes comme…gen-shi (41)in chinese • 11 months ago企鹅🐧企鹅是企鹅科企鹅科的不会飞的鸟类,它们一生的大部分时间都在水中度过,像鳍状肢一样用翅膀游泳。 企鹅每 20 分钟便便一次,最古老的企鹅化石已有 6200 万 (62,000,000) 岁。 企鹅没有牙齿,起源于澳大利亚。它们分布在南半球,物种范围从南极洲冰冷的海水到南非温暖的海滩。 企鹅面临着气候变化、过度捕捞和石油泄漏的威胁。gen-shi (41)in korean • 11 months ago펭귄 🐧펭귄은 물속에서 대부분의 삶을 보내며 지느러미처럼 날개를 가지고 헤엄치는 스피니시스과(Sphenisciformes)에 속하는 날지 못하는 새입니다. 펭귄은 20분마다 똥을 싸는데, 가장 오래된 펭귄 화석은 6200만(6200만)년 전의 것입니다. 펭귄은 이빨이 없으며 호주에서 유래되었습니다. 펭귄은 남반구에서 발견되며 남극 대륙의 얼음 바다에서…gen-shi (41)in penguin • 11 months agoPenguins 🐧Penguins are flightless birds from the family Spheniscidae of the order Sphenisciformes that spend most of their lives in the water,swimming with their wings like flippers. Penguins poop every 20…gen-shi (41)in chinese • 11 months ago斑马🦓斑马是引人注目的黑白条纹食草动物,它们在非洲的草原和稀树草原上漫步。 为了保护斑马,你可以为野生动物留出安全的空间,斑马会咬人,所以不要抚摸! 尊重斑马的空间,它们也会尊重你。它们以群体的形式生活,利用斑纹作为伪装来迷惑捕食者。 斑马有三(3)种。 他们是: • 格雷维斑马。 • 平原斑马。 • 山斑马。 斑马与马同属于马属,这三个群体是马科中唯一现存的成员。 斑马可以站着睡觉!…gen-shi (41)in hive-179660 • 11 months agoSteemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W5 - "If you had the opportunity to settle overseas, which three countries would you choose?If you had the opportunity to settle overseas, which three countries would you choose? • America 🇺🇸 • France 🇫🇷 • England 🇬🇧 Which First Country do you wish to migrate to, and how does…gen-shi (41)in french • 11 months agoZèbres 🦓Les zèbres sont de remarquables herbivores rayés de noir et blanc qui parcourent les prairies et les savanes d'Afrique. Pour protéger les zèbres, vous pouvez réserver un espace sûr pour la faune.…gen-shi (41)in korean • 11 months ago얼룩말 🦓얼룩말은 아프리카의 초원과 사바나를 돌아다니는 눈에 띄는 검은색과 흰색 줄무늬의 초식동물입니다. 얼룩말을 보호하려면 야생동물을 위한 안전한 공간을 확보하세요. 얼룩말은 사람을 물기 때문에 쓰다듬지 마세요! 얼룩말의 공간을 존중하면 그들도 당신을 존중할 것입니다. 얼룩말은 무리라고 불리는 그룹으로 생활하며 줄무늬를 위장 수단으로 사용하여 포식자를…gen-shi (41)in japanese • 11 months agoシマウマ 🦓シマウマは、アフリカの草原やサバンナを歩き回る、白と黒の縞模様が印象的な草食動物です。 シマウマを保護するために、野生動物のために安全なスペースを確保してください。シマウマは人間に噛みつくので、なでたりしないでください。…gen-shi (41)in zebra • 11 months agoZebras 🦓Zebras are striking black and white striped herbivores that roam the grasslands and savannas of Africa. To protect zebras, you can Set aside safe space for wildlifeZebras will bite humans, so no…