BlogHide Resteemsicythura (38)in life â˘Â 7 years agoMoney: Save or Spend++ Image from google ++ In daily life, we have to earn money for our living. Some are facing financial problems as they canât manage finance in their lives. So, the easiest and simplest ways ofâŚicythura (38)in life â˘Â 7 years agoDo The Job You Love++ Image from google ++ All successful persons around the world tried with passionate creation, the job they love, full self-confidence and the mind that they never give up in order to achieveâŚicythura (38)in life â˘Â 7 years agoGive priority to Major things++ Image from google ++ You will not achieve the result you want if you canât distinguish what is major and minor in every work you do. When doing a work, you should always consider and decideâŚicythura (38)in life â˘Â 7 years agoMoney ruins the thoughts++ Image from google ++ Donât keep the condition that money is needed for a long time. Because if so, being not enough of money not only makes our daily life insufficiency of food and lack ofâŚicythura (38)in myanmar â˘Â 7 years agoáááá ááŻáá˝á ášáąááşáŹáš Super Nintendo áááášá¸áá˛áˇ ááąáá¸áááĄáá˝áášááááşáŹá¸++ Photo from google ++ áááášá¸ áááŻáˇáąáťááŹáááŻáášáááš áĄááŻáąáááš áá°áááš áąááŹááşášáŹá¸áąáḠáááášá¸ááąáḠááąááźá¸ ááášáá°áááᯠáááááááŻáˇááąáá¸ááááŻáášá¸á áĄááášá¸áá˛áˇ áĄááşáŹá¸áąááŹáˇáá°á¸ážáááášáá˝áŹáĄáá˝áášáá˛á ááźáášáá˛áˇáá˛áˇ áĄáá˝á ášáá˝á ášáááš 1990âŚicythura (38)in myanmar â˘Â 7 years agoáĄááşáášáˇáááŻá¸++ Photo from google ++ áááąáĄá¸ áĄáášáąááşáŹáášááášáˇ áááášá¸ááᯠááźáŹáá˛ááá°áąááź ááááŹáááášá¸áąááŹášááášá¸ áááŻáášááşáŽáąáᏠáá ášáááŹáťááŻáśá¸á áááááŻááááŻááášáá˝áŹ áááášá áĄáášáááášáá˛ááĽášá¸áá˛áˇááášá áááŻáąááášááźááš Facebook ááášááášá¸ááá áĽááşááłá¸áááŻâŚicythura (38)in life â˘Â 7 years agoInvestment of life++ Image from google ++ There is a word. Mostly most of the people use it as an excuse as they donât want to try to solve the problem. That word is investment of life. Its meaning is not same forâŚicythura (38)in life â˘Â 7 years agoLook Carefully = Opportunity++ Image from google ++ The ability of successful person and the person who can look for their destination is that they can apply the opportunity and value depending on the occurring conditionâŚicythura (38)in life â˘Â 7 years ago4 ways to solve the problem for overloading of your brain++ Image from google ++ Sometimes, we feel that there are many matters in our brain. So, we often donât know what should we do or we can feel all are confused. If you feel your brain is overloadâŚresteemedcharles1 (68)in funny â˘Â 7 years agoA Funny but Strategic Explanation of FOMO and FUD In Cryptp´s : Steem, Bitcoin, EOS , Bitconnect et alI am bullish on steem and its ecosystem and love cryptocurrencies a lot- thus will stay in the space no matter the lies haters are spreading against the space . These lies (see my former post forâŚicythura (38)in life â˘Â 7 years ago7 Facts that you have to eliminate to achieve success in your life+++ image from google +++ If you want to change your life to be better, to be rich and to be successful, firstly you must know the facts to be eliminated in your present life. (1) Eliminate theâŚresteemedmgtun513 (38)in esteem â˘Â 7 years agoAn EmptinessShe felt sore... Lonely and desolate... The heat unbearable Had a tiff with her sister Emotional replay of the verbal conflict On and on and on......... Understanding was her sister'sâŚicythura (38)in life â˘Â 7 years agoA SoldierThe mother torn in cruel fate cursing destiny Her bleeding womb staining motherhood.. Her lullabies reduced to barren ashes.. Scalding tears flowing from her soul... The grief of a haplessâŚicythura (38)in life â˘Â 7 years agoThe brain likes to move connectionAs you have seen, the way that the brain learns is by making con- nections. Axons and dendrites link together to enable meaning and learning to flow from one neuron to another. In fact, your brainâŚicythura (38)in korea â˘Â 7 years agoMy favorite dj angel ever"Dj Soda". She is a very beautiful, talented, charismatic and pretty dj girl. All of Her dj songs are fantastic and catchy. ěŹëí´ě ěë¤ěź. đđđđđđicythura (38)in foodphotography â˘Â 7 years agoNaruto's ramen in real lifeWho want to try to eat that ramen? It looks very tasty and sweet. I am dying to eat it as I have never eaten it before. đ đ đ đicythura (38)in kdrama â˘Â 7 years agoRomantic and funny kdrama"Full House". This kdrama made me funny, sad and romantic. I liked it a lot.icythura (38)in movie â˘Â 7 years agoUnforgettable action movie"The One" by Jet Li. It is a thrilling and great action movie. I like the scene that two Jet Li fight against each other very fast.icythura (38)in anime â˘Â 7 years agoBest Temari Cosplay"Temari" cosplay. She is very charismatic and beautiful. Her only one weapon is the big fan.resteemedxello (37)in zappl â˘Â 7 years agoHello Good Morning zappl usersGood morning all of my friends.What are you doing after wake up ? For me, firstly I check my zappl steemit community sipping my coffee. And then I'm always thinking how to post on zappl steemitâŚ