BlogHide Resteemsiqbal-pase (54)in music • 6 years agoThe Meaning of the Song Title 'Labirin' Tulussource image Some time ago, Tulus released a new work entitled 'Labyrinth'. Through this song the 31-year-old man wants to voice something experienced by many people. 'Labirin' tells about the…iqbal-pase (54)in food • 6 years agoSUP SOSISSUP SOSIS BAHAN-BAHAN : Air Kaldu Sapi Wortel potong kotak Kentang potong kotak Kol sedikit potong kotak 3 buah sosis kimbo serbaguna 1 buah Tomat potong bagi 4…iqbal-pase (54)in food • 6 years agoTUMIS BUNCIS UDANGTUMIS BUNCIS UDANG BAHAN-BAHAN : 250 gr udang kupas, cuci belah punggungnya 250 gr baby buncis, cuci potong jadi dua 2 buah wortel, cuci Potong-potong sama panjangnya seperti…iqbal-pase (54)in food • 6 years agoPESMOL IKANPESMOL IKAN BAHAN-BAHAN : 1 kg ikan apa saja boleh 1 buah jeruk nipis 10 buah cabai rawit utuh 1 tangkai daun bawang Potong-potong 3 lembar daun jeruk buang tulangnya 2…iqbal-pase (54)in food • 6 years agoASINAN RAMBUTANASINAN RAMBUTAN Bahan-bahan : 1 kg rambutan buang kulitnya 3 buah jeruk limau, belah jadi 2 2 buah jeruk limau, percikin ke asinan 2 cabai merah keriting (sesuai selera) 5…iqbal-pase (54)in food • 6 years agoCUMI HITAM {Resep Makanan Nusantara}CUMI HITAM Bahan-bahan : 700 gr cumi 10 siung bawang merah, iris 5 siung bawang putih, iris 2 lembar daun salam 2 ruas jari lengkuas, geprek 1 ruas jari kunyit…iqbal-pase (54)in food • 6 years agoSelai NanasSelai Nanas Bahan-bahan: 3 buah nanas matang ukuran kecil ( sekitar 1300 gram) 250 gram gula pasir (pilih yang warna coklat ya, agar bagus warnanya) 4 cm kayu manis 5 buah…resteemedinspire1 (65)in food • 6 years agoNational Chocolate Cupcake Day today - heard it on the news this morning, googled it and it is realI know they've invented events or things to celebrate for just about every single day if you go to those websites that have the "what is today" type of database. Well, today is the Chocolate…resteemedpinkspectre (78)in recipes • 6 years agoFudgy Chocolate BrowniesWho doesn’t love a gooey, fudgy, chocolate brownie? Brownies are the quintessential chocolate dessert. Serve them with ice cream, with a dollop of whip cream, or all by themself; however you enjoy a…resteemedpinkspectre (78)in recipes • 6 years agoQuinoa and Egg BowlThis breakfast is a healthy, protein packed way to start the day. Every ingredient serves to bring energy and flavor to your day. When I first became a vegetarian, I relied heavily on this dish…resteemedsweetsssj (76)in travel • 6 years agoMiss Delicious #96 : Exploring the not so conventional food offerings of Ximending, Taipei!Dear Steemit Friends: I can't wait to share with you today an exploration of some of the many exciting restaurants of Ximending , in the heart of Taipei in Taiwan. Last time we explored the…resteemedchetanpadliya (71)in food • 6 years agoVegan Whiped Cream : Made with Aquafaba Aquafaba is a viscous water obtained after boiling legume seeds like Chickpeas Aquafaba is used in so many vegan recipes specially as an egg replacer. From long time I was thinking to make whip…resteemedkiwiscanfly (78)in photography • 6 years agoJacob's 9th Birthday PartyToday we celebrated my son's 9th birthday party, he invited a few of his friends around and they ate sugary bullcrap and ran all over the inflatable We had some good weather not too hot or cold…resteemeddonkeypong (75)in food • 6 years agoThe Common Ancestry of Two ApplesAs we approach the height of fall apple season, I notice there are two different kinds of apples in my fruit basket. One is called Golden Delicious; these apples actually came from a tree in our…iqbal-pase (54)in food • 6 years agoAyam Goreng Sambal BaladoAyam Goreng Sambal Balado Bahan-bahan : Ayam goreng: 1 ekor ayam, potong beberapa bagian sesuai selera 2 sdt ketumbar 4 siung bawang putih 2 ruas jari kunyit secukup nya…iqbal-pase (54)in food • 6 years agoTUMIS JAMURTUMIS JAMUR Bahan-bahan : 150 gr jamur horn, cuci bersih 15 buah bakso, belah jadi 2 5 buah sosis sapi, potong-potong 1 buah bawang bombay ukuran kecil, potong dadu 3…iqbal-pase (54)in food • 6 years agoKERANG PEDAS MASAK SANTANKERANG PEDAS MASAK SANTAN Bahan-bahan : 2 batang serai. Geprek 1 buah bawang bombay ukuran sedang, rajang halus 300 ml santan cair sedang 1 sdt garam 2 sdt gula pasir/…iqbal-pase (54)in food • 6 years agoSambal Goreng Hati Kentang dan BuncisSambal Goreng Hati Kentang dan Buncis Bahan-bahan : 4 buah hati ayam, cuci bersih dan rebus dengan sedikit garam hingga matang. Potong kecil dan goreng hingga kering. 1 buah kentang…iqbal-pase (54)in food • 6 years agoSup Ikan Nila KemangiSup Ikan Nila Kemangi Bahan-bahan : 2 ekor ikan nila, potong jadi 3 bagian 1 cm kunyit 1 cm jahe 5 biji bawang merah 2 biji bawang putih 3 buah cabai 2 cm laos…resteemedgood-karma (76)in surfer • 7 years agoTop 5 reasons why I use Surfer!View this post on Ecency: Top 5 reasons why I use Surfer!