BlogHide Resteemsishtiyaquealam (25)in life • 2 years agoFive Dishes From Uttar Pradeshsource It's unrealistic for anybody to concur more with the saying "Food is the all-over language of love." It joins individuals and perceives their arrangements. While Hindus and Muslims have…ishtiyaquealam (25)in life • 2 years agoThe Great Forgetting Earth is losing its memory.source I saw a strange tiredness hanging in his bowed shoulders as my mother and I drew up to the check to get him. His snowboard was spread out farther than halfway into the halting area, as…ishtiyaquealam (25)in tech • 2 years agoManual for Introduce WordPress/Manual for Introduce WordPresssource WordPress is supported by The foundation of WordPress is: Display the neighborhood servers Using PHPMyAdmin, create an additional informational index. Create the…ishtiyaquealam (25)in tech • 2 years ago4 Features of Good Image Hosting Websites for Photographerssource You cannot rely on your own computer for photo storage if you are a professional photographer. You can lose all of your hard work if your laptop crashes for some reason. As a result, you…ishtiyaquealam (25)in bitcoin • 2 years agoWhat Is Internet of Things, Blockchain and Its Business BenefitsThe concept of the Web of Things is growing swiftly and is becoming harder for specialists to comprehend. Many people have no idea what the IoT (Web of Things) actually is, what the IoT stage is, or…ishtiyaquealam (25)in mgsc • 6 years agoaccounting (25)in mgsc • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.accountingTHE double entry book keeping system serves as a born for large bussiness that have lost of aaserts thounds of transection and various external supplies of capital in this system two entries are…ishtiyaquealam (25)in knowledge • 6 years agoparrot. he fauna of New Zealand evolved for a long time in arrots, for example, the adaptations to flightlessness of the kakapo and the ground breeding of the kea.[34] Polynesians arrived at Aotearoa…ishtiyaquealam (25)in knowledge • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.technologyishtiyaquealam (25)in knowledge • 6 years agoTechnologyhis article is about the use and knowledge of techniques and processes for producing goods and services. For other uses, see Technology (disambiguation). A steam turbine with the case opened. Such…ishtiyaquealam (25)in knowledge • 6 years agochairIf someone "nearly fell off their chair" after being informed about something, it was because they were very shocked or surprised.[34] An orchestra awards the best player in a particular section a…ishtiyaquealam (25)in knowledge • 6 years agoalcohalUse and effects Main articles: Short-term effects of alcohol consumption and Alcohol intoxication See also: Alcoholic drink § Short-term effects, and Alcohol and health § Short-term effects…ishtiyaquealam (25)in knowledge • 6 years agoatomagainst radioactive decay.[136] The most likely candidate for a stable superheavy atom, unbihexium, has 126 protons and 184 neutrons.[137] Exotic matter Main article: Exotic matter Each particle…ishtiyaquealam (25)in knowledge • 6 years agotechnologyDNA double helix is a molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses. Einstein's theory of relativity and the…ishtiyaquealam (25)in knowledge • 6 years agotechnologyishtiyaquealam (25)in knowledge • 7 years agoimageishtiyaquealam (25)in knowledge • 7 years agoimagetayyab ardoganishtiyaquealam (25)in knowledge • 7 years agoindian leader gandhiimageishtiyaquealam (25)in knowledge • 7 years agoindian flageishtiyaquealam (25)in knowledge • 7 years agoEarthquake reveals 1,000years old temple in Mexico========A devastating earthquak that rocked central Mexico September last year has revealed the remnants of temple inside an Aztec pyramid. The temple dedicated to the rain god Tlaloc was unearthed by…