BlogHide Resteemsjeffan (37)in travel • 7 years agoThe Garden of the Sea‘Xia men’/故地重游之厦门I have always felt that there are too many emotions in the idiom“gu di chong you”, such as excitement, sadness, missing or despair . the scene is the same at the moment, but the mood is already…jeffan (37)in travel • 7 years agohow to say goodbye on april 1stMale or female, all I know is I love you,just because you。 男也好,女也好,我只知道我中意你——《金枝玉叶》 If not for , April 1 is just the beginning of the spring one day, last November's trip to…jeffan (37)in travel • 7 years agoGibson steps:the best way to the Twelve ApostlesGibson steps is near port campbell . Follow the 86-step climb up the 70-meter-high cliff to the seaside. When you reach the bottom, you will immediately feel the impact of the waves and the soft…jeffan (37)in travel • 7 years agoAmazing" The twelve Apostles" @AustraliaLocated along the coast of Melbourne, Australia, the Twelve Apostles Stone (or "Twelve Apostles Rock") has a strange wall called the Twelve Apostles Stone. It is actually 12 pieces of sand rock that…jeffan (37)in travel • 7 years agoLost in Australia / 澳大利亚迷途If you long for the cold sand, if you love listening to the sound of the waves, if you dream of walking on the yellow sand road with two guns, then you will certainly be addicted to the view of the…jeffan (37)in photography • 7 years agoCherry blossoms fall at a speed of five centimeters a second.DO you know, cherry blossoms fall at a speed of five centimeters a second. 你知道吗,樱花飘落的速度是秒速五厘米。 The flowers are similar in years and years, 年年岁岁花相似, The People are different from years to…jeffan (37)in photography • 7 years agothe great ocean road@Melbournestill the great ocean road 一千块租来的小破车里,满载了大洋路冬天的刺骨寒冷和阴晴不定,草原农场里遍地安逸的牛羊,雨林深处随时出没的袋鼠考拉,海角悬崖惊涛巨浪的声声呼唤,夜晚繁星密布近在咫尺,冰冷又真实的自然风景,让第一次来到这里的人,都流连忘返。 country road take me home mountain mama…jeffan (37)in travel • 7 years agoSunset@Great ocean roadOne of the deepest impressions of last year's trip to Australia was the Great ocean road located southwest of Melbourne, a nearly 300km coastline road.The humid air is accompanied by the changeable…jeffan (37)in travel • 7 years agoTo the lighthouse / 到灯塔去Go to the lighthouse Fly with the seagulls Chase the fleet of distant ships and the murky waters. 到灯塔去/随海鸟起飞/去追逐远渡的船队和晦暗的海水。 cape otway lighthouse griffiths island lighthouse split…jeffan (37)in cn • 7 years ago(๑Ő௰Ő๑)论青团和狗子的正确打开方式(๑Ő௰Ő๑)快到清明时节,小雨淅淅沥沥,天色渐渐暗下来,路边躺亮的食品商店最夺人眼球,放在柜台的最显眼处,青团已经上市啦,印象里以前的青团都是豆沙心的,也不怎么好吃,更多的是作为一种传统习俗,没想到,近两年青团突然就变的高大上起来,有咸蛋黄心的,有肉松心的,甚至还有小龙虾心的!一转眼就走在了潮流的巅峰,有的网红青团甚至要排上好几个小时的队伍,今天碰巧在路上看到,便买了几盒和办公室的小伙伴们一起分享。…jeffan (37)in travel • 7 years agoTrip to xitang/江南水乡-西塘小桥流水人家 i went to the xitang this weekend, hope i can escape the noisy crowd of the city, enjoy carefree quiet afternoon sunlight, when i arrived, bridge was there, house was there , but…jeffan (37)in food • 7 years agoeveryweekend,fat!fat!fat!/每逢周末胖三斤!weekend!eat!eat!eat! 周末就要吃!吃!吃! king of late snack-hot pot/夜宵王者-火锅 In recent years, the night snacks in Shanghai have been occupied by various kinds of hot pot, and the smell that comes…jeffan (37)in cn • 7 years ago久违二零一八杭州雪| 月旦评| ‘三个一’活动说起杭州呀,心里总是泛起涟漪,上海到杭州只需一小时左右的车程,所以有时间有心情去都可以去杭州逛一逛,…jeffan (37)in cn • 7 years ago乡愁前不久离世的余光中老先生在作品《乡愁》中写道: 小时候,乡愁是一枚小小的邮票。 我在这头,母亲在那头。 长大后,乡愁是一张窄窄的邮票。 我在这头,新娘在那头。 后来啊,乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓。 我在外头,母亲在里头。 而现在,乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡。 我在这头,大陆在那头。…jeffan (37)in cn • 7 years agoSomething about the trip to tibet一场大自然与心灵邂逅的旅途 /A journey of nature and soul. 趴着的狗子…jeffan (37)in cn • 7 years agoDAY 2 . The Vocie Of Lhasa/ 拉萨的声音建筑的声音 贞观十五年,拉萨天空传来大唐的马蹄声,文成公主东土而来,翻过日月山,踏过西宁,在当地百姓‘扎西德勒’的呼喊声中,终于到达了拉萨。相传拉萨最为著名的布达拉宫,便是松赞干布为了迎娶文成公主而建。 来到拉萨,布达拉宫是每个游客都会驻足留下脚印的地方,白天布达拉宫前的广场上会有藏民的传统表演,而当夜色降临,布达拉宫才仿佛活了过来,散发着神秘耀眼的光芒…jeffan (37)in cn • 7 years agoDAY 1 . runaway to Lhasa / 私奔去拉萨想带上你私奔 奔向最遥远城镇/Want to take you to elope to that most remote town 拉萨之旅一直是心中的执念,每个人心里似乎都有一个美梦,那就是去拉萨。终于,我出发了。 Lhasa trip has always been in the heart of obsession, everyone seems to have a…jeffan (37)in cn • 7 years ago(๑Ő௰Ő๑)由红包到微信红包的一点感受早上逛cn区,一副喜庆祥和的景象,过年的气氛几乎弥漫了整个cn区,大家有的晒美食,有的晒风景,好不喜庆,偶尔看到了坛子哥@tumutanzi的文章,讲了现在大家不仅会收到长辈的红包,更多的还会通过微信来发红包的一些思考,会不会等我们老了之后,直接就用微信红包来代替传统红包了呢,而这么一个发红包的中国传统习俗也像许多别的传统一样,一点点的消失了呢?其实,对于我来说,真的是一个挺念旧的人,如果可以的话jeffan (37)in cn • 7 years ago(๑Ő௰Ő๑)2018新年快乐!happy chinese new year!今天是大年初一,终于迎来了狗年旺旺旺的第一天,非常开心加入了steem CN的这个大家庭,希望2018年CN区可以红红火火,狗年旺旺旺,也希望大家新的一年,身体健康,财运旺旺! 接下来就到了晒年夜饭的环节了,每家的年夜饭都不一样,可是心情却不尽相同,一家人可以团团圆圆,就是最幸福的事情啦。 给大家拜年啦jeffan (37)in cn • 7 years ago春节前逛吃逛吃~( ̄▽ ̄~)~DUANG! DUANG! DUANG!chinese spring festival coming! 终于开始放假啦,又是阳光明媚,春意盎然的一天,怎么能不出去逛个街呢,还在上班的小伙伴纷纷投来怨恨的眼神。 虽说过年很多小伙伴都离开了上海,可是几个shopping…