BlogHide Resteemsjinrihaihao (39)in hive-165526 • 5 years ago突然良心发现,锅碗瓢盆刷一遍,最后就只为做这一顿饭今天周末,休息在家本想着当个死肥宅舒舒服服的躺在沙发上玩手机荒度一下人生,展示一下本人颓废的一面(毕竟男人不止一面尤其像我这样的人生经历丰富内心需要从多个方面才能诠释的大好青年更是如此)但是理想很丰满,现实往往却很骨感。颓废杀手,励志明灯,鸡汤浇灌者我的母亲大人在此时出现了,顺带手把我的肥宅梦击碎了粉碎粉碎的,都掉渣了。…jinrihaihao (39)in hive-165526 • 5 years ago今天吃饱了撑的发点小牢骚,就当是吐槽不清楚大家最近知不知道有这么一个新闻就是6月1号,骑电动车出行必须戴头盔不带就批评教育加强学习目前还不知道是否进行罚款,虽然给出了听起来完全是借口的理由,但我仍然感觉这次交管部门的规定太荒唐甚至是扯淡。…jinrihaihao (39)in photography • 5 years ago落日余晖夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏jinrihaihao (39)in life • 5 years ago在苍蝇馆里能发现哪些美味这几天因为工作的原因需要经常往郊区跑,一般都是一去一天早上出门到了晚上才能忙完回家,那么中午吃饭就成了我的头等大事,毕竟人是铁饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌万不可怠慢。 幸好办事的地方饭馆挺多,虽然几乎都是路边摊或者是苍蝇馆,但平凡处见神奇说不定还真能碰到什么美味珍馐呢,反正先自我安慰一下在再不行人家还胜在便宜呢,对吧。 下边就是这几天我个人认为口感还不错物有所值的几个小菜。…jinrihaihao (39)in cn • 5 years ago月薪不到四千块能吃到什么样的豪华饭菜?众所周知,从新冠肺炎爆发到现在已经持续半年之久,虽说疫情虽然在一定程度得到控制,全国绝大部分城市已经陆续的开始复工复产,学校,工厂,服务业也都已经或多或少的开始营业。但实际情况是什么样大家应该也都知道,不少公司已经倒闭,餐厅转租,工厂关门。包括我在内的不少家庭生活水准也开始了直线下滑。…jinrihaihao (39)in life • 5 years ago回家路上的风景在不知不觉之间已经入夏,炎热的空气在城市里笼罩从早到晚久久不肯褪去,下班的路上在户外纳凉散步逛公园的人们也逐渐多了起来,虽然人们还没有完全从新冠肺炎的疫情之中完全解放从来,但普通民众对生活的热爱和对自由的向往却早已从摘掉的口罩中体现的淋漓尽致。…jinrihaihao (39)in life • 5 years agoMy delicious lunchToday is the weekend, my friends come to my house for a party, and we had lunch together at noon. This is yam and it has a soft taste. This is tofu. It tastes sweet and looks beautiful. This…jinrihaihao (39)in life • 5 years agoThis is what my mom cooks for meThe Chinese often say the old saying "people take food as the sky." For us foodies, there is nothing more important than eating. If your parents are foodies, it is really too happy, they can help…jinrihaihao (39)in photography • 5 years agoThose old furniture are history and memoriesLiving in a prosperous metropolis for a long time, it is inevitable to be restless. If you want to find a feeling of home, you have to recall that old house and those old furniture. This is a…jinrihaihao (39)in travel • 5 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.My diary Part 1I do n’t have to go to work on weekends, so I want to go out with my friends and go on a trip. However, where to go becomes a problem before us. Since we didn't want to go too far, we searched the…jinrihaihao (39)in travel • 5 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.A Chinese scenic spot suitable for traveling aloneChangsha Changsha City is the capital of Hunan Province, China. It is a modern city. In the urban area, subway and bus transportation is convenient. The commercial areas near IFS are gathered.…