BlogHide Resteemskaixinzhiwen (25)in cat • 5 years ago我失去猫的第6天,我疯了我在这孤独摇曳的城市中,独自一人打拼,唯一陪伴的我便是我身边的这只小花猫了,在我身边跑来跑去,让我感觉到了丝丝温暖。这是我在第六天回来的时候,看到阔别已久的小花猫的感慨。 金秋十月,也迎来十一黄金长假,既高兴,但又伤心,长假去哪? 我的小可爱怎么半?…kaixinzhiwen (25)in work • 5 years ago无脑工作,何时是头啊我感觉自己就像是一个无脑机器人一般,周一到周五每天都在重复做着相同的工作。9点准时到公司上班,打开电脑,一直发呆到中午吃午饭,中午休息,下午继续对着电脑发呆,直到下班。你的上班状态是什么呢? I feel like a brainless robot, repeating the same work every day from Monday to Friday. 9 o'clock on…kaixinzhiwen (25)in man • 5 years ago女人,别傻了,当男人不爱你的时候,你会有什么表现?人们常说,恋爱中的女人一般智商为零,其实这话一点都没错,因为爱的太深,她们会失去自我辨别和自我思考的能力,一心只关注在男人身上。 这样的女人,在爱情中是处于弱势的,在感情中冲昏了头脑,沉浸在男人的甜言蜜语中无法自拔,这样很容易忽略男人已经不爱他的事实。…kaixinzhiwen (25)in youth • 5 years ago人生如赌,青春便是资本人生如赌徒般,在输钱的时候,干劲十足,想要将钱赢回,但当赢钱的时候,却止步了。失败也许就是赌桌上的一次失误,不要放弃,重新来过,青春就是人生赌桌上的资本。kaixinzhiwen (25)in lazy • 5 years ago穷--Lazy懒,便是穷 Lazy, it is poorkaixinzhiwen (25)in sister • 6 years agoMy sister and II am 31 years old and my sister is 35 years old. I've seen a lot of incest before and I like to watch it, but I always think it's virtual. I didn't expect it happened when I was 31 years old. We…kaixinzhiwen (25)in march • 6 years ago逃亡途中铸就绝唱,用音乐唤醒国人第一次知道 原来光看弹幕就能把人看哭 不信,你看 1932年,年轻的聂耳与田汉结识,并由此入党。 在抗日电影《风云儿女》拍摄中,作曲家聂耳主动提出为电影主题曲作曲。编剧田汉编写的剧本初稿,其中最后一节诗稿,就成为了歌曲的原版歌词。 1935年田汉被捕,聂耳也遭到通缉,不得不离开上海东渡日本。 小剧场中,聂耳拿着田汉被捕前未写完的歌词,紧皱眉头,来回踱步。…kaixinzhiwen (25)in the • 6 years ago一入宫门深似海,从此钱包是路人许多人自从入了故宫文创坑后, 每月上新都固定剁手。 美貌的口红,颜值爆表的纸胶带, “奉旨发胖”的茶杯………… 当故宫祥瑞元素遇上“日常”, 臣等真的管不住自己的手啊! 这,大概就是“故宫”的魅力吧! 仿佛拥有一件镌刻故宫祥瑞元素的文创产品, 就拥有了一朝朝岁月封藏间的纯真往事, 就拥有了一代代江山帝王握紧的不朽传奇。…kaixinzhiwen (25)in inner • 6 years agoYellow Emperor's Internal Classic-Health WisdomHuangdi Neijing is the earliest classic of TCM theory in China. Its publication has created a unique theoretical system of TCM in China. The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic stresses that the…kaixinzhiwen (25)in live • 6 years agoGo far in groups, fly high aloneSome people are open-minded, like to socialize, more social. Some people are naturally introverted, like to be alone, more quiet. Hu Shi is an exception. He has both in his life. He explained…kaixinzhiwen (25)in life • 6 years agoNo place to escape is better than joy; no pure land is better than meditation; no wish is better than relief.Life is not short, nor long. Worry is also a day, why not be happy to face the present? In the hustle and bustle of the city, sometimes, the cruel life makes people feel nowhere to escape.…kaixinzhiwen (25)in family • 6 years ago最美家风便是善良了古语云:“道德传家,十代以上,耕读传家次之,诗书传家又次之,富贵传家,不过三代。” 一个家庭善良仁德,那么薪火相传,可以传承十代以上。其次是耕读、诗书传家,而富贵传家,很少会超过三代。 一个人的内心如何,很容易在气质上表现出来,日积月累,甚至会体现在脸上。 这是长久修身养性的结果,是做不了假的。 内心善良的人,往往懂得换位思考,即便自己着急万分,也会为他人着想。…kaixinzhiwen (25)in zhaoliying • 6 years ago知否动漫和海报版的明兰大大眼睛,手持刺绣 刘海多余的盛明兰 楚楚可怜的动漫版 戏里戏外的撒狗粮 干练美丽的赵丽颖kaixinzhiwen (25)in yehongyu • 6 years ago红衣妩媚孟子义,干练御姐叶红鱼粉红装扮孟子义 桃花映衬叶红鱼 干练御姐叶红鱼 干练御姐叶红鱼 红衣玫瑰孟子义 偏偏红衣叶红鱼kaixinzhiwen (25)in the • 6 years ago故宫博物院举办紫禁城里过大年故宫博物院于2019年1月6日起在午门展厅举办“贺岁迎祥——紫禁城里过大年”展览。以破纪录的近千件文物,恢复多种昔日皇宫过年的装饰、活动,为观众呈现一个充满年味的紫禁城。 这个活动于2019年1月6日开幕,正值阴历戊戌年腊月初一,也是一系列庆贺新年活动开始的日子。闭幕日期选在2019年4月7日,阴历己亥年三月初三,即游春踏青的“上巳节”。…kaixinzhiwen (25)in beauty • 6 years agoHow many actresses do you know in an actor's character?Zeng Qi has a clear and elegant temperament, like a wisp of spring breeze Cao Xue, a long-legged imperial sister, makes you envy her figure Jiang Yiduo, a master of 18 kinds of martial…kaixinzhiwen (25)in koi • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Koi carp became a lucky word in China in 2018Koi carp, originally a kind of high-grade ornamental fish, is highly appreciated and loved by people. During the 2018 national day, Alipay official micro-blog launched the raffle, and the people…