BlogHide Resteemskhininjinnkyaw (35)in hr1 â˘Â 7 years agoinstruction, but also to her???áá˝áąá¸áááááťáž instruction, but also to her I am a writer by accident. However, The firm will be content when I see before my main And a separate, Any Match I get caught up and then write themâŚkhininjinnkyaw (35)in esteem â˘Â 7 years agoTale of the blue turtles.Tale of the blue turtles. One day, in addition to a grasshopper, while playing at No. I saw the body of a caterpillar. I took it up and read it, he ran into the house and his mother a hero. He isâŚkhininjinnkyaw (35)in esteem â˘Â 7 years agoNow you want to give up the "0"Now you want to give up the "0" (Read ááŽáááŻáˇá áşááąá¸áááŻ) 5 years old, his father, School at age 16, he went out to buy At age 17, now work 4 ááźá°ááş 18-year-old man married to ownership BetweenâŚkhininjinnkyaw (35)in esteemapp â˘Â 7 years ago# # Love about a spoonful of salt# Love about a spoonful of salt Once tycoon has three daughters. One day, the father, three daughters tycoon asked how much I love him. The main clause in order to inherit it .. The firstâŚkhininjinnkyaw (35)in esteem â˘Â 7 years agoáąááŹáášá¸ááŻááášáá˛áá ᏠáĄáááá ášááŻááąá ááááš ááášáááášááąááŹáášá¸ááŻááášáá˛áá ᏠáĄáááá ášááŻááąá ááááš ááášáááášá ''áĄááşááłá¸áááŽá¸ááşáŹá¸áá˛ááááŽááášá¸áąáĄáŹáášááášáááš ááŻáášá¸áááášáˇááŹá¸ááŻááŹá¸"" ''áááášáˇááášááášáááš áááášáˇááŤáááš ááááášáˇáá°á¸ááášáááš ááááášáˇááŤáá°á¸'' ááŹáąáááŹáášáˇáá˛ááŻááąááŹáˇ áááŽáąáááŹáášáˇâŚkhininjinnkyaw (35)in esteem â˘Â 7 years agoá áŹááŹáááŻáá˝áááşááŤáąá ááŻáá¸ááŽáá ášááŻáá˝áŹ áĄááŻáášááŹáąáá˝áşáŹáášáá°áá ášáŚá¸áᏠáááášááŹáá˝áŹááşáąááá˛áˇ áĄááááášáá ášá ááᯠáąááŹáášáťááŽá¸ áĄááááášááśáŻá¸áᲠáááˇášáá˛áˇááášá ááŤááᯠáĄááŹá¸ááťááášááźáŹá¸áá˛áˇ áĄááŹáá˝áá áąááźáááźáŹá¸áťááŽá¸ áá°áááᯠáĄááŻáášááášááááŻáášááášá áá ášáťááŹá¸áá°âŚkhininjinnkyaw (35)in esteem â˘Â 7 years agoDeveloped a new "route"Developed a new "route" Once you have something unique that you can experience around kids ... First, they will be your storage ... Your ongoing work to secure the situation, you willâŚkhininjinnkyaw (35)in photography â˘Â 7 years agoColourfulphotographykhininjinnkyaw (35)in myintroduction â˘Â 7 years agoMY INTRODUCTION @ khininjinnkyawđ Hi đ A new I freelance model My name is called khininjinnkyaw Steemit user name @khininjinnkyaw. I was 27 years old. Where I live in the It would be in Yangon Our country is very quietâŚ