BlogHide Resteemsresteemedpakyeechan (64)in cn • 7 years agoIntroduction of Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) | Translation in Chinese | SMT介紹 (序)I guess every steemians must be very excited about the whitepaper published by @ned yesterday ( look at the price of steem increased more than 20%! ) Alright, the price of steem is not the main…resteemedczechglobalhosts (79)in photography • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - Tuesday of Antarctica and the world’s oceans - the absolute winner takes 150 SBD!Hello fellow steemians! Welcome to my 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge - Tuesday of Antarctica and the world’s oceans - where the winner of the weekly round will be able to participate for…resteemedcatwomanteresa (71)in meetup • 7 years agoThe first major Taipei Steemit Meetup 第一次Steemit台北大型聚會💝前言 Introduction💝 This weekend we held our first major Taipei Steemit Meetup, attended by 10 Steemians. Steemit has developed into a close knit community linking people from all walks of live…kitcat (65)in cn • 7 years ago婚事準備 - 有趣的「過大禮」 Traditional Chinese pre-wedding customs大家好啊,做了標題黨,不是我的婚事啦。還記得之前說過我會當我親哥於今年的婚禮的伴郎嗎,而隨著大日子的臨,我也開始要為這趟喜事籌備張羅了,弄得我都少了時間發文了呢,呵呵。而這陣子首要忙著就是幫忙準備「過大禮」的事情,就是新人結婚前的中式訂婚儀式啦,在這裡紀錄分享一下:D…resteemedkencode (69)in cryptocurrency • 7 years agoSTEALTH token giveawayFor those of you who are still here in support of my products and projects, please ping me on Telegram (see #1 below) with your Bitshares address , as I'd like to give you a couple STEALTH tokens…resteemedczechglobalhosts (79)in cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge – Asian Sunday – the absolute winner takes 150 SBD! 「7大洲照片挑戰」--亞洲之週日--最終贏家會得到150 SBD的獎勵!Hello fellow steemians, I am very excited to kick off my 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge with the first one being Asia. If you like to participate then place your personal image from your…kitcat (65)in cn • 7 years ago美麗星期天 - 上山找老朋友去今天趁著晴天有點雲,太陽也不太猛,決定跑到我家後山上,來一趟短短的遠足,順道去探探我的老朋友 - 定居在山上的流浪貓咪們。我還如常帶了些貓糧,打算給牠們一個美麗的星期天。…resteemedrivalhw (75)in cn • 7 years ago“月旦评”九月推荐入选文章 part 1“月旦评”九月推荐入选文章 part 1 中秋爱人 中文区“月旦评”中秋征文活动 @hannahwu 评委老师评语 一粒天浆籽,落地,带着爱破土而出,茁壮参天后,结下满枝感恩。 养母之恩动情,愿你永存感恩之心,不在惊天动地,而在风雨来临之时和无时的点滴之间。 @tumutanzi 评委老师评语…kitcat (65)in cn • 7 years ago遊波斯尼亞的寧靜美麗小鎮Pocitelj - The beautiful town in Bosina有好一陣子沒有更新我的東歐之旅了,是因為太懶惰了吧連照片都未完全整理好,今天就跟大家分享一下我到波斯尼亞的一個小鎮Pocitelj的經歷。 Hello Steemian, it's seem quiet a while that I didn't write about my trip to the Balkan. So today let me bring you guys my…resteemedczechglobalhosts (79)in cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge – chance to win 150 SBD - 7大洲照片挑戰——贏取150 SBD的機會!Hello fellow steemians, Those of you that have been following me long enough are aware of my daily photo challenge where I ask you to share your personal pictures you took during your travels to…kitcat (65)in cn • 7 years ago秋天的诗句 - 谷歌点名 #8 秋 Autumn@jubi 舉辦的谷歌點名活動又來到了第八期,放眼大家創作的內容,實是一期比一期精彩,我也要繼續努力的去支持支持 :) 這次的點題是秋天,我想了好一陣子,今次就不去說說那些年秋季我去了哪裡之類的流水帳了 ; 或許來聊聊我印象中的秋天就好了。 談及秋天,好像都是個多愁善感的哀傷季節,也許是因為秋木凋零紅葉落而聯想到的生命的各樣悲哀吧。陸機在《文賦》中說過:…resteemedjonny-clearwater (71)in pixelartweekly • 8 years agoPixel Art Weekly! Theme Announcement! Win Steem!🤓🤓 Hello my fellow Steemians! Welcome back to another round of Pixel Art Weekly! We took a week off so my family and I could deal with the monster that was Hurricane Irma. Not gonna lie…resteemedkenchung (66)in contest • 7 years ago[Question] Mathematics × Programming Competition #7 [問題] 數學 × 程式編寫比賽 (第七回)Mathematics × Programming Competition #7 Designed by @nicolemoker 21/9/2017 UTC 04:00 - 28/9/2017 UTC 04:00 For Chinese version please scroll to the bottom. 中文版請見文末。 Question A…kitcat (65)in cn • 7 years ago如何在steemit說私訊悄悄話 How to send private message with the memo昨天在外文區瀏覽時,赫然得悉現在steemit的 memo 欄訊息已經可以被加密,我也不知道是不是就只有我以為是新發現,於是在徵得原作者的同意後,斗膽在此嘗試以中文寫寫他的介紹。 Source: Pixabay 在這裡要先感謝 @twinner 的分享,他的原文在 這裡 ,請大家多多支持原作者。…resteemedtwinner (68)in steemit • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Today I learned that can encrypt memos. This enables secure p2p messaging between all steemit accounts.View this post on Hive: Today I learned that can encrypt memos. This enables secure p2p messaging between all steemit accounts. .kitcat (65)in cn • 7 years ago重拾舊日興趣是不是只要是喜歡的東西,都就是興趣? 這是我從前就有的疑問。 最近的 @jubi 的谷歌點名活動的點題是興趣,我的腦袋就把這個墊底的小問題都尋找出來了。我只能說,我在最近的 活動文章 中提及的事項都是我打從心底的覺得是我的興趣,但我也有一些其他喜好,也不知該算不算是我的興趣,例如畫畫這件事情。…kitcat (65)in cn • 8 years ago有你終身美麗 - 一部值得再看的老電影 Movie review - A Beautiful Mind今天在收拾東西的時候,找到了一箱已封塵的書藉,好奇打開看看以前我都是看那些書的,赫然記得原來我也讀過那本《A Beautiful Mind》(《有你終身美麗》)。這個故事還被改編成電影,還奪得了多項奧斯卡的獎項。 書本其實我沒有全看了,太厚了,而且看了的部分也記憶不多,所以心血來潮的我去找了它的電影再次重溫。 故事大綱…resteemedsuesa (72)in science • 8 years agoSuesa's Science Challenge #2Taken from It is time again for a new challenge! After the first one got so many great entries, I decided to do it again with a different topic. The Topic This time, it is all…kitcat (65)in cn • 8 years ago輕鬆郊遊樂 - 文化古蹟篇最近工作及生活都實在很忙,壓力不少,為了紓解一下壓力,我找了個空間時間去郊遊遠足,呼吸呼吸新鮮空氣。其實我也是蠻喜歡去遠足的,應該也算是其中一個興趣,哈。…resteemedrivalhw (75)in cn • 8 years ago(广纳良策) Steemit 中文社区“月旦评”活动评审的一些思路有些朋友私信问我,“月旦评”活动什么时候开始?很抱歉,这几天因为一些事情忙,另一方面还有个主要原因,就是我留意到上次发布的内容中,有些朋友询问“月旦评”活动的一些评审规则,也有朋友留言,希望“月旦评”活动能公布出具体的如评审标准、文章要求等,以便让大家更好地创作等。…