BlogHide Resteemslydiachan (66)in park • last year🌻黎明步道公園🌻今年的新年天氣真的特別好!記得前幾年的過年都是陰雨綿綿,想到就覺得哀傷🥹🥹🥹 趁著這幾天好天氣,我們一家子就到附近的黎明步道公園走走,因為是新年放假期間,公園裡的人不是太多,讓女兒可以放心的到處玩😉😉resteemedshieha (70)in photography • 7 years ago📷 Dead Tree - #PinholePhotographyShot this photo near my home during sunset. f/135 | 1/6 s | ISO 6400 Equipment Used Camera: Sony A7 Lens: Custom 0.15mm pinhole Software: Lightroom Classic CC Hope you…resteemedshieha (70)in photography • 7 years ago📷 Abandoned Theater - #PinholePhotographyDigital pinhole photo taken in Ximending, just outside the abandoned theater. Too bad it was locked, I wanted to go inside for some urban "exploration" (last time I visited, someone in our group saw…lydiachan (66)in photography • 7 years ago☼ Lydia貪玩記事 - 夕陽八坂神社✈華頂山到了接近傍晚時刻,微涼的天氣,說真的,我在清水寺晃了整個下午已經玩累了,但此時此刻才是最完美的拍照時刻啊! 所以我只好拿出我的 預備能量 ((那是什麼東西?!)) 來好好的把這堪稱14天內最充實的一天給做個完美結束。((不誇張,我真的覺得那天我最累!!)) 隨這時間飛逝,我們不知不覺的從清水寺的某條人煙稀少的小路往上走,途中還遇到兩個也是台灣妹紙在自拍呢~…resteemedshieha (70)in photography • 7 years ago📷 Relaxing Under The Tree - #OutdoorPhotographyPicture taken on Mt. Wakakusa in Japan. f/8 | 1/500 s | ISO 100 Equipment Used Camera: Sony A7 Lens: Sony Zeiss 16-35mm f/4 Software: Lightroom CC (iPad) Hope you enjoyed…lydiachan (66)in photography • 7 years ago☼ Lydia貪玩記事 - 祇園白川✈花見小路✈建仁寺其實在去清水寺之前,我先帶著室友到了滿路充滿櫻花及古都氣息的祇園白川及花見小路通,不過初期他聽完我介紹白川跟花見小路後,還覺得一路上有一種被騙的感覺... 原本預計是一大早七點就要出門,但大家也知道的,14天的旅程就是很任性,我們還是依舊大約九到十點才抵達我們今天的第一站✈祇園白川。…resteemedshieha (70)in photography • 7 years ago📷 Phoenix - #MacroPhotographyf/4 | 1/160 s | ISO 1600Equipment UsedCamera: Sony A7Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8Software: Lightroom Classic CCHope you enjoyed this post! I strive hard to provide original quality content :)My goal…resteemedshieha (70)in photography • 7 years ago📷 The Window - #BlackAndWhitePhotographyThis morning when I woke up, I was feeling the need to photograph something... this is the result taken with my phone. f/1.8 | 1/60 s | ISO 36 Equipment Used Camera: Asus Zenfone 4…lydiachan (66)in travel • 7 years ago☼ Lydia貪玩記事 - 清水寺 ✈✈✈本篇為完全不負責導覽,這篇文章只是想單純炫耀我比室友找到更多美美的角度! ((室友跺腳中)) 由於我們有14天的時間可以旅遊,所以我們一直走很休閒的路線。 ((真是任性)) 所以導致每次抵達景點的時候都是人山人海啊! ((報應來臨!!!)) 今天我們來到的京都最有名、必去的大景點 -…resteemedshieha (70)in photography • 7 years ago📷 Lotus Pods - #PatternPhotographyf/8 | 1/100 s | ISO 400Equipment UsedCamera: Sony A7Lens: Sony Zeiss 55mm f/1.8Software: Lightroom Classic CCHope you enjoyed this post! I strive hard to provide original quality content :)My goal…lydiachan (66)in photography • 7 years ago我在綠島天氣晴氣溫32度, 艷陽高照, 空氣乾爽, 視野良好, 你呢?resteemedihatebanana (57)in girls • 7 years ago💅Girl Stuff - Simple & Clean Style Today! Let see what you can have if you have the short nails! 短指甲超適合的可愛極簡風格!Today i'm going to share the nails again! The topic is about the girls who have short nail, the models have the short nails this time, because of biting nails or gene. So i do the easy line style…lydiachan (66)in travel • 7 years ago☼ Lydia貪玩記事 - 平安神宮近期好似較有空閒一些。 ((說不定是暴風雨前的寧靜)) 囧囧囧囧囧囧 人妻趕緊來分享前前前前前些日子走過的日本景點分享給大家! ((不知為何,3月底一晃眼就快速到了5月底啊~)) 今天要介紹的是日本的平安神宮,這神宮呢,本來不在我的行程裡,當天被室友覺得我排的行程太爛,所以他就默默地把這景點放入行程,後來沒想到這地方還挺美的呢!…lydiachan (66)in food • 7 years ago千萬別在晚上煮食物明明就是隔天晚餐要吃的麻辣鍋,但還是選擇了在前一晚先煮. 下場就是,滿屋子充滿濃濃的花椒味,這叫我怎麼睡得著啊!! ((所以你們也別想睡了!!))lydiachan (66)in tenfactsonelie • 7 years ago假一真十遊戲 ☞☞☞答案篇☜☜☜嗨嗨!今晚人妻晚下班,加上還得替晚歸室友張羅晚餐,所以遲遲拖到現在才發文。((真的是藉口太多了....)) 終於讓我這樣混過了七天!!((悠閒的時光總是飛快....)) 還記得我們的遊戲規則嗎? 猜中哪一個是假的朋友們,可均分獎金3SBD! 現在就來答案揭曉! ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ 1.話說我最近有一個老公!…resteemedihatebanana (57)in cn • 7 years ago🐈Cat lovers, WATCH OUT! When your cats start to drink too much water! | 貓咪突然喝水,貓奴要注意了!深切的自身經驗!I think a lot of cats lovers have the problems that your cats don't like to drink water at all, so you always need to try a lot of ways to attract them to drink. This problem has bothered me for a…lydiachan (66)in tenfactsonelie • 7 years ago假一真十遊戲 ☀☀☀問題篇☀☀☀平時就很慵懶的我,自從升格為人妻之後,就把所有的勤奮都貢獻在夫家,看看這裡的雜草都已經比我身高還高了!((我到底是多高?!)) 不過我就是很難拒絕朋友的盛情邀約~ 所以感謝 @catwomanteresa 的提名((督促)),就讓大家來猜猜我的假一真十吧! ☄遊戲規則:猜中哪一個是假的朋友們,可均分獎金3SBD! 話說我最近有一個老公!((這根本送分題))…lydiachan (66)in food • 7 years agoYUM CHA meetup! 👏👏👏上週很高興的去了一趟三天兩夜的香港,原本是很單純的參加室友同學的婚禮,突然想到這裡可是有許多未碰面過的steemit朋友們啊! 由於行程決定的很突然,所以臨時只約到了@aaronli來參加. 就像他所說的,原本我也以為會是一場很陌生的見面會,但聊了天之後才覺得,感覺已像是多年好友這般! 很感謝Aaronli介紹這間有可愛餐點的創意飲茶餐廳,而且很好心的把拍食物的工作留給了我~…resteemedaaronli (73)in meetup • 7 years agoA Steemit Meetup day! 2 Steemit meetup in one day! 一天兩個Meetup!爽!Due to my work’s nature, I only have 1 day day off in a week. And I contributed my yesterday day off to steemit haha. I got two steemit meetups yesterday…lydiachan (66)in food • 7 years ago美食巡禮 ~ HK這只是第一步~ 😏 事實上是要跪求美食推薦!! 快來救救我~~ 😂😂😂