BlogHide Resteemsmaranran (32)in cn • 7 years ago周末溜猫我在东莞市旗峰公园 周末,人多 找片人少的草地 把猫咪要出来 耍耍 让它早点成为森林小王子 羡慕那些见得场面不畏缩的猫 流浪汉不怕被蚂蚁蚊子虫子叮咬吗?maranran (32)in cn • 7 years ago图书馆,青年时代的乐园五年前,为了一个考试 每天背着行囊 来到图书馆,天亮到天黑 看烦了专业书 看些励志书 真佩服那时的毅力 全职考试一年 今天再回来 回忆是苦涩的maranran (32)in cn • 7 years ago不懂创作也要学会欣赏想把一个技能、 一个生活习惯, 甚至是一种心态‘长’在大脑之中, 唯一的办法是不断重复。maranran (32)in britain • 7 years agoCooperation under conflict: Britain and Russia will jointly deal with football hooligans during the world cup.British police said in April 10th that they would cooperate with the Russian police during the Russian World Cup in 2018 to deal with football hooliganism and other issues. In 2017, the British…maranran (32)in world • 7 years agoThe world cup is coming in 2018. Have you done your homework yet?The 2018 World Cup will be held in 12 venues in 11 cities in Russia from June 14, 2018 to July 15th. This is the first time the world cup has been held in Russia and the first time the world cup…maranran (32)in cn • 7 years ago清晨感悟习惯性懒床, 没得吃早餐。 这个煮蛋可以顶到上午十点左右吧。 没心情吃 不想起来去吃顿 感觉生活就这样了, 没什么奔头 没有早起的理由 没有奋斗目标 慢慢走到饮水机压一杯水 望向窗外,可爱的小车车在等我下班 和心爱的人儿朝夕相处 工作虽然不是高职位 也不算高新 但是可以过上小资 也有三五个小伙伴逛街玩耍 人到三十 安安稳稳就算了…maranran (32)in golf • 7 years agoThe holy place of golfIn addition to its rich natural landscape and unique culture, Arizona is also the site of many world-class golf courses, especially Silk F Dyer, Arizona . The top more than 200 golf course and…maranran (32)in yellowstone • 7 years agoYellowstone National ParkYou know what? Within a day, you can drive from the beautiful Yellowstone National Park of Wyoming to the wild Glacier National Park in Montana. It starts with green hills and green water, and…maranran (32)in travel • 7 years agoHighway 95Apart from the vast area in the west, closely linked to the States on the eastern coast of the United States, self driving will be the most suitable way of traveling. Along the the Atlantic…maranran (32)in beer • 7 years agoThe good wineAlong the lake in New York, The mountains and tranquil farms go ahead. You will see endless wine factories, breweries, distilleries and fruit wineries. In addition to the Finger Lakes located in…maranran (32)in travel • 7 years agoYosemite National ParkYosemite National Park should be one of the most popular national parks in the United States. The upcoming spring is the best season of Yosemite play. You can see with your own eyes that snow and…maranran (32)in travel • 7 years agoOutdoor sportMoab in eastern Utah is a paradise for outdoor sports. Hiking, bicycling, rock climbing, cross-country racing... Colorful outdoor activities attract a large number of outdoor sports enthusiasts.…maranran (32)in travel • 7 years agoThe most beautiful national park in the United StatesIf you like being surrounded by the wonders of nature, the Joshua Tree National Park in California can be your next destination. The intersection of high and low altitudes makes many kinds of eco…maranran (32)in healthy • 7 years agoreading notes----copd 读书笔记之---慢阻肺maranran (32)in bitcoin • 7 years agoWhat is a block chainThe last two years The bitcoin was stir fry. There is another strange noun -- block chain has been more and more popular recently. A point to be explained first. Block chain is not the same as…maranran (32)in life • 7 years agoWhat is the principle of face recognitionNow the brush face is becoming more and more common. I need to sign in with a pen before going to work Now you may only need to scan the brush machine to complete the attendance. So what is the…maranran (32)in life • 7 years ago愉快的旅游会让你忘记疲惫为什么要急着去国外游呢 祖国山河无限美好 和家人,老友 带上少许盘缠(电子支付,钞票不再重要啦) 去一个天高海长 一眼望去,海天成一线的地方 你不需要去 马尔代夫,不需要去夏威夷 去博罗的巽寮湾就好啦 因为我是在东莞生活的 去博罗开车2个多小时就到了 建议去的话,找个好一点的酒店 提前预定会比较便宜的, 每年的三四月份,属于淡季 可以先订好房间…maranran (32)in cn • 7 years ago胆经,一个穴位通畅一身都通大家好,我是maranran,今天跟大家分享一个穴位。 是在这个季节非常非常重要的一个穴位, 这个穴位通畅全身通畅 它在我们祖国博大精深的养生文化中的穴位如同身怀绝技的扫地僧 虽不曾显山露水却暗藏深厚的功力 他就是位于我们肩膀上的“肩井穴” 也非常容易找 此穴位于乳头正上方与肩线的交接处 为什么这个肩井穴有如此的美誉呢? 这要从他从它所在的足少阳胆经说起…maranran (32)in cn • 7 years ago关于医保那点事儿由于社保普及率和报销比例都不是很高 很多人会买商业保险 买商业保险前,会要求您做个身体检查 宽进严出,一般有个高血压,高血脂,检查前,吃个药也就过去了。 检查结果没事儿,好了,保险顺利买成 保险公司也会睁一只眼闭一只眼 然而,当真的不幸住了院,需要报销时 会有工作人员来到医院病案室调查你的病例 他们会拿一份授权委托书,…maranran (32)in cn • 7 years ago陪伴妈妈61岁开始学古筝, 一年了,只学会一首曲子---《女儿情》虽然弹得还是很不连贯, 但是,弹者抒情惬意,每次弹完都自己念叨着,总结着。 哪里需要改进,哪个手法需要多练习。 她还有忠实的粉丝,一直用着欣赏的眼光看着,听着,鼓励她。 爸爸喜欢音乐 每天只要老伴儿开始练琴,他就把电视闭上 坐在旁边认真听。 不知道什么时候开始他们停止吵架,…