BlogHide Resteemsmauromar (73)in hive-175254 • 13 hours agoScientists observe DNA unwinding for the first time/Científicos observan por primera vez cómo se desenrolla el ADNSource As you all know, Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is the molecule that contains the genetic information of all living beings. Curiously, when fully unfolded, this molecule can reach two meters in…mauromar (73)in science • 2 days agoLUCA, the ancestor of all life on Earth, is 200 million years older than previously thought/LUCA, el ancestro de toda la vida en la Tierra, es 200 millones de años más viejo de lo que se creíaSource On November 24, 1859, Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species. Darwin presented the theory of evolution by natural selection, which explained how species change over time through…mauromar (73)in science • 3 days agoThe entire universe could be the interior of a black hole of colossal dimensions/Todo el universo podría ser el interior de un agujero negro de dimensiones colosalesSource The idea that our universe could be contained within a colossal black hole has recently been widely discussed among scientists. This is a fascinating hypothesis that emerged from the…mauromar (73)in hive-175254 • 4 days agoNew battery that uses garbage as raw material/Nueva batería que utiliza basura como materia primaSource The lithium battery market is experiencing exponential growth, driven by demand for electric vehicles and portable electronic devices. The lithium-ion battery market is estimated to have…mauromar (73)in science • 5 days agoThey create a new laser with the energy of a million nuclear plants/Crean un nuevo láser con la energía de un millón de plantas nuclearesSource Although the headline may be a bit scandalous, it would be true based on the amount of watts they generate. While the average power output at nuclear power plants is expressed in gigawatts…mauromar (73)in science • 6 days agoNew technology for producing "green" steel using electricity/Nueva tecnología de obtención de acero "verde" usando electricidadSource Steelmaking is one of the most polluting industries because it traditionally relies on processes that emit large amounts of carbon dioxide. Most steel is produced in blast furnaces that use…mauromar (73)in hive-175254 • 7 days agoCardioMind, China's new medical intelligence/CardioMind, la nueva inteligencia médica de ChinaSource In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Thomas Robert Malthus, considered one of the first demographers, published his "Essay on the Principle of Population" in which he stated that…mauromar (73)in science • 7 days agoHumidity-driven method recycles up to 94% of plastic in 4 hours/Nuevo método impulsado por la humedad del aire recicla hasta el 94% del plástico en 4 horasSource We're not going to repeat how harmful plastics are to the environment, both in their macro, micro, and nano forms. Besides, by now we all know that the whole plastic recycling thing is a…mauromar (73)in science • 9 days agoZuchongzhi 3.0, a new quantum computer billions of times more powerful than current ones/Zuchongzhi 3.0, nuevo ordenador cuántico miles de millones de veces más potente que los actualesSource A discipline advancing alongside artificial intelligence and promising to be equally, if not more, disruptive is quantum computing. According to experts, once these quantum computers reach…mauromar (73)in hive-175254 • 9 days agoGemini Robotics: Google's bid to bring AI into the physical world/Gemini Robotics: la apuesta de Google para llevar la IA al mundo físicoSource So far, artificial intelligence, although already quite dangerous to humanity, seems at least contained in large data centers where, if things go wrong, we can cut off its power supply or…mauromar (73)in science • 11 days agoQuantum material based on nanographene that allows controlling individual spins/Material cuántico basado en nanografeno que permite controlar espines individualesSource As you all know, quantum computers use qubits that, unlike bits that can have the value 0 or 1, can exist in a superposition of both states at the same time. These qubits can be "made" in…mauromar (73)in science • 12 days agoA robot to build structures in space without human intervention/Un robot para construir estructuras en el espacio sin intervención humanaSource Currently, the design of satellites and other infrastructure is limited by size and weight restrictions, as the size of space structures is currently limited by the dimensions of rocket…mauromar (73)in hive-175254 • 13 days agoNew technology capable of recycling 90% of nuclear waste/Nueva tecnología capaz de reciclar el 90% de los residuos nuclearesSource Nuclear energy has been demonized in recent decades, mainly due to nuclear accidents and, above all, due to its military use against Japan in the Second World War. But the energy bulimia…mauromar (73)in science • 14 days agoAustralian company launches world's first 'biological computer'/Empresa australiana lanza el primer "ordenador biológico" del mundoSource A few days ago we discussed the development of humanoid robots that use synthetic muscles and bones that mimic human equivalents, I suppose in an attempt to humanize these devices and flood…mauromar (73)in science • 15 days agoLow-cost way to trap carbon dioxide using common rocks discovered/Descubren una forma de bajo coste para atrapar dióxido de carbono usando rocas comunesSource Of all the external agents that are supposedly causing global warming on our planet, the most hated by far is carbon dioxide. CO2 is the most abundant greenhouse gas, accounting for…mauromar (73)in hive-175254 • 16 days agoNew type of microscope based on quantum sensors/Nuevo tipo de microscopio basado en sensores cuánticosSource As we want to observe smaller and smaller objects, conventional microscopes are no longer effective, as they only allow us to see objects larger than the wavelength used for their…mauromar (73)in science • 17 days agoRevolutionary genetic engineering technique kills mosquitoes after mating/Técnica revolucionaria de ingeniería genética mata mosquitos tras el apareamientoSource Mosquitoes are responsible for serious public health problems and impacts on agriculture, mainly due to their role as vectors of diseases and pests. Diseases such as malaria, which causes…mauromar (73)in science • 18 days agoProtoclone, humanoid robot with muscles and bones/Primer robot humanoide con músculos y huesosSource When I read this news I couldn't help but remember the Cyberdyne T-800, the living tissue robot on a metal endoskeleton from the film Terminator by James Cameron and starring Arnold…mauromar (73)in hive-175254 • 18 days agoUAE prepares solar farms to make rain in the desert/Emiratos Árabes Unidos prepara parques solares para generar lluvia en el desiertoSource In the mid-1990s, some people began to believe that the contrails left by airplanes in the sky were not just water vapor, but chemicals released for hidden purposes, and from there arose the…mauromar (73)in science • 20 days agoScientists create antenna 10,000 times smaller than any other known/Científicos crean una antena 10.000 veces más pequeña que cualquier otra conocidaSource An antenna is a device that allows the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves, acting as a bridge between electrical signals and radio waves (or vice versa), making wireless…