BlogHide Resteemsminnowswarm (38)in minnowswarm • last yearMINNOW SWARM IS A FREE VAStl;dr: You let it to trigger votes on your behalf for other members when your account hasnt been voting, its fully automated, it only runs when youre away. Find out how to join here: What…minnowswarm (38)in minnowswarm • last yearMINNOW SWARM IS A FREE VAStl;dr: You authorize minnow swarm to to trigger votes on your behalf for other members when you havent voted for a while, the rest is automatic, it only runs when youre away. Find out how to join…resteemeddvl (54)in twitter • last year"Искусство расслабиться: 5 способов снять стресс и насладиться моментом"Искусство расслабиться: 5 способов снять стресс и насладиться моментом Стресс – это неизбежная часть нашей жизни. Он может быть вызван работой, отношениями, финансовыми проблемами или другими…resteemedpolkan (55)in dog • last yearGood boy Story. Day: 56Once upon a time, in a cozy little house, lived a playful and adventurous dog named Max. Max was a friendly golden retriever with a heart full of curiosity. He woke up early in the morning…resteemedfreepic (54)in nature • last year"The Healing Power of Nature: Exploring the Benefits of Ecotherapy"The Healing Power of Nature: Exploring the Benefits of Ecotherapy Nature has always been a source of comfort and inspiration for humans. Whether it's a walk in the park or a hike in the mountains…resteemediotman (59)in science • last year🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: Vega and Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks 🪐On December 4, periodic Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks shared this telescopic field of view with Vega, alpha star of the northern constellation Lyra. Fifth brightest star in planet Earth's night, Vega is…resteemedwekin (55)in life • last year"The Fascinating World of Animal Intelligence: Exploring the Surprising Cognitive Abilities of our Animal Friends"The Fascinating World of Animal Intelligence: Exploring the Surprising Cognitive Abilities of our Animal Friends Animals are fascinating creatures that have been studied for centuries. From the…resteemedja5127 (64)in kr • last year<두번째 후련함>이 될 수 있는 기회 앞에서 떨린다.340 그냥 안다. 영상을 30분쯤 듣다가 멈춘다. 완벽한 세상에서 만족할 수 있는 것이 없다는 것도 , 그래서 할 말이 없다는 것도 알았을 것이며 그럼에도 불구하고 독경 소리 따라서 엄마 태에 들어온 나의 영혼의 숙제에 대한 , 요즘 망상이다. 어렸을때부터 지켜보는자에게 숙제검사를 받듯이 긴장하며 살았다.…resteemedmotez (57)in hiking • last year"Exploring the Treasures of the French Language: A Hiker's Journey"Explorer les trésors de la langue française : Le voyage d'un randonneur Par un randonneur passionné de découvertes linguistiques Chers amis randonneurs et voyageurs, Aujourd'hui, je…resteemedshenming (57)in zzan • last year今天在我们的餐桌上: szechuan chicken 🍧Szechuan Chicken Ingredients: -2 tablespoons Szechuan peppercorns -1 teaspoon black peppercorns -2 tablespoons vegetable oil -1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1 inch…resteemedavtobus (55)in hiking • last yearHidden Gems: Exploring the Untouched Beauty of British CountrysideHidden Gems: Exploring the Untouched Beauty of British Countryside As a British hiker and traveler, I am constantly amazed by the hidden gems that can be found in the untouched beauty of the…resteemedminjon (58)in zzan • last year今日食谱 🍚材料: 1 целая куриная грудка 2 стакана воды 1 стакан морковного сока 1 чашка моркови 1 чашка свеклы 1 чашка маринованных грибов 2 столовые ложки соли 1 чайная ложка…resteemedimaran (57)in family • last yearThe Adorable Side of Animal Behavior 🌳Animals have long been known to exhibit some of the most adorable behavior in the natural world. From cats and dogs cuddling up together to monkeys and birds playing together, animals have a…resteemedzaibb (60)in hive-109435 • last yearsteemCreated with Sketch.Better life | The Dairy Game | 07-12-2023 | Story of a beautiful day |ASSALAM-U-ALAIKUM 07/12/2023 I hope all the friends are fine and waxing well. I am also fine by the grace of almighty Allah. Today I am here with a new dairy game. I wanna share with my…resteemedbitfeed (57)in bitcoin • last yearBitcoin Feed: 2023-12-08 ₿Copyright: Solkiomary Bitcoin Today Description: Bitcoin (BTC) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2010. Users are able to generate BTC through the process of mining. Bitcoin has a…resteemedzorgen (53)in twitter • last year"Искусство на пике: вдохновение в каждой крошке"Искусство на пике: вдохновение в каждой крошке Искусство - это не только картины, скульптуры и музыка. Искусство может быть найдено во всем, что нас окружает. Оно может быть в крошках хлеба, в…resteemedzaznoba (53)in humor • last year"Шалена супернова: останній витік гумору"Шалена супернова: останній витік гумору Останнім часом в соціальних мережах активно поширюється відео про неймовірну подію - вибух супернової, який відбувся на відстані 55 мільйонів світлових…resteemedvorob (54)in twitter • last year"Как преодолеть прокрастинацию и достичь максимальной продуктивности"Как преодолеть прокрастинацию и достичь максимальной продуктивности Прокрастинация, или откладывание дел на потом, может стать настоящей проблемой для любого человека. Но как же преодолеть эту…resteemedzagon (53)in poetry • last year流云韶景 (Liú yún sháo jǐng)流云韶景 流云韶景,天地交融之景, 云卷云舒,如梦如幻之景。 山水相依,山青水秀之景, 翠色婆娑,美不胜收之景。 风吹云散,万象更新之景, 日出日落,时光流转之景。 鸟语花香,生机勃勃之景, 心灵舒畅,心境宁静之景。 流云韶景,自然之恩赐, 感受大自然的美丽与宁静, 让我们心灵得以舒展, 感悟生命的真谛与意义。 愿我们保护这一片流云韶景,…resteemeddeming (56)in flowers • last yearSunflowerSunflower에 대해 사실을 말하다 1. Sunflower란? Sunflower는 해바라기라는 뜻으로, 학명은 Helianthus annuus입니다. 미국과 멕시코 원산으로, 지름 30cm 이상의 큰 꽃을 가지고 있습니다. 2. Sunflower의 특징 태양을 향해 꽃잎을 펴서 태양을 따라 회전한다는 특징이 있습니다. 꽃잎은…