BlogHide Resteemsmuhammadyani (47)in esteem • 7 years agoMy friend is my steemian***Companions are our joy together He is present not because there is a desire and also no nothing. He Comes with simplicity and what it is. No distance or distance to each other and share that we…muhammadyani (47)in aceh • 7 years agoReady Xpander Ultimate A/T Salam mitsubishi Xpander Aceh Special Promo Mitsubishi Xpander Aceh 2018 dengan paket promo Merdeka Cukup Bayar Dp 71 Juta saja dengan cicilan bulanan 5.5 jutaan Kesempatan mendapatkan alokasi…muhammadyani (47)in aceh • 7 years agohealthy body and mindPerlei keu sehat mesti beuna olahraga.. Exercise is a physical activity which is done by humans to be able to tighten like muscle, lung nerve. In many studies there are several important factors…muhammadyani (47)in aceh • 7 years agoZiarah Rumoh Tjut Meutia"Beudeoh hai aneuk beudoh.. Uroe ka suboh meubek lee meulaloe.. Beudeoh hai aneuk beudeoh.. Jak peutoe droe nibak musalla.. Beudeoh hai aneuk beudeoh.. Meubek ta meugadeoh nibak buet…muhammadyani (47)in aceh • 7 years agoIm come back for youback to learn and share my experience not to be arrogant it's just part of the marketing strategy. in the field of automotive parts sales must master the basics of marketing in order to be in…muhammadyani (47)in aceh • 7 years agoProses Serah terima Unit L300 Pu FD Proses adalah suatu keharusan bagi seorang sales dimana proses itu sendiri dapat di jadikan sebagai tolak ukur untuk menggapai kesuksesan. Tantangan demi tantangan yang harus dilalui oleh sales…muhammadyani (47)in esteem • 7 years agoadjust between needs and wants adjust between needs and wants. Antara kebutuhan dan keinginanMany reasons not to get rid of if already surrounded by the needs and tastes. Because both are not easy to be shaken. If the present only one thing then it can very easily be conquered, especially…muhammadyani (47)in aceh • 7 years agoSolidaritas Pemuda KTB Lhokseumawe dan Santunan anak yatimPemuda itu harus terdepan Terdepan dari segala penjuru Baik di lini kepemudaan itu sendiri maupun di ranah pemerintahan daerah, khususnya dalam mendukung aparatur gampong demi mewujudkan visi misi…muhammadyani (47)in esteem • 7 years agoIJAB QABULSaleum keu banbandum sahabat steemian loen awai phoen nibak Pujoe keu Allah SWT beuneupeusampoe Seulaweut keu Nabi Muhammad SAW. Bacut haba uloen neuk peugah nibak bah muamalah Ijab Qabul pih…muhammadyani (47)in esteem • 7 years agokebutuhan atau seleraBeribu-ribu alasan tidak mengenyahkan jika iya sudah di kelilingi oleh kebutuhan dan selera. Karena kedua-duanya tidak gampang untuk di goyahkan. Jika mereka hanya salah satunya saja maka dengan…muhammadyani (47)in aceh • 7 years agoDelevery Order (DO)beragam cerita dan fenomenal yang terjadi pada pekerjaan adalah tidakterlepas dari Tantangan dan cobaan, Maka Hadapilah iya dengan semangat, tekun, ulet dan Bersabarlah, karena semua itu adalah…muhammadyani (47)in esteem • 7 years agoMajelis kepemudaan KTBSebaik2 perkumpulan adalah majelis yang mengkaji Ilmu serta berbicara yang baik-baik Meskipun kadang didalam majelis itu terdapat orang-orang dengan wajah garang namun seyogyanya mereka adalah…muhammadyani (47)in esteem • 7 years agoRamadhan MubarraqRamadan is a month full of blessings. where humanity complement each other in sharing the good. the good of others is not only in the act of malikan more than that as well as suspected to fellow…muhammadyani (47)in busy • 7 years agoPreh Dara Baroe LhoksukonJak preh dara Baroe raja si uroe di lhoksukon preh dara baroe dari bireun tepat jih kec. peudada. Rakan tanyoe steemian pasee jeut keuraja wilayah si uroe bersama. Selamat bahagia sahabat…muhammadyani (47)in esteem • 7 years agoEnjoiying for tu gather turn onFood and enjoiting Companions are our joy together He is present not because there is a desire and also no nothing. He Comes with simplicity and what it is. No distance or distance to…muhammadyani (47)in essteem • 7 years agoMy steemian lanjutanCompanions are our joy together He is present not because there is a desire and also no nothing. He Comes with simplicity and what it is. No distance or distance to each other and share that we…muhammadyani (47)in aceh • 7 years ago Memorendum of college academicsSome activity agendas have been done for the purpose of shaping the character of the academic community. They gain a lot of experience from every activity. They activists do it voluntarily. [Doc.…resteemedabudar (66)in aceh • 7 years ago@abudar Reports For #acehmacro from 19 to 22 april 2018Here are the names of the @abudar voices in #acehmacro, you can check from the names of accounts I have mentioned below, and you must report to acehmacro if the account I mentioned below is a…resteemedsaramiller (73)in travel • 7 years agoViva Las Vegas! 🔥 Steeming it Up at the STEEM CREATORS CONFERENCEWe got steemy in Vegas at the STEEM CREATORS CONFERENCE! Now I'm back home in the comfort of the @gardenofeden, and I have lots of photos to share along with some thrilling commentary! Look at…muhammadyani (47)in esteem • 7 years agoRaja di raja siuroeJak intat Lintoe Baroe || Hantaran linto baro raja si uroe dari lhoksukon menuju bireun meujak intat sampoe u peudada. Rakan tanyoe steemian pasee jeut keuraja wilayah jeumpa bersama.…