BlogHide Resteemsmukmal (29)in inspiration • 6 years agoSix reasons you have not been successful1. Lazy If you are not a milader child and hope to be a rich but lazy work and lazy to think creative, what might your desire reached? Do not be lazy, because it can become toxins for your…mukmal (29)in inspiration • 6 years agoPrices to pay for success is!Our real problem is not how we have to be great today, but building strength for strength that will be the way out for our greatness tomorrow.mukmal (29)in inspiration • 6 years agoNever be afraid to try new things!Life is about living the risk. If we never take risks, we will never know what we can.mukmal (29)in indonesian • 6 years agoWelcome greeting new year 2019Hello friends, everything was not felt tonight, the last night of 2018, hopefully in the new year 2019 we are all protected by Allah and also given success in a career. Thank you 2018. So many…mukmal (29)in inspiration • 6 years agoThe struggle hasn't ended here!Our real problem is not how we have to be great today, but building strength for strength that will be the way out for our greatness tomorrow.mukmal (29)in inspiration • 6 years agoThe struggle hasn't ended here | Perjuangan belum berakhir sampai disini!Never say goodbye when you still want to try. Never give up when you can still take it. Never say you don’t love them when you can’t let go. (Translate) Jangan pernah mengucapkan selamat tinggal…mukmal (29)in inspiration • 6 years agoMotivation became a great leader | Motivasi menjadi pemimpin hebat!Leadership is not about position, position or titel on the business card, this is about a life capable of affecting others to be better. (Translate) Kepemimpinan bukan tentang posisi, posisi…mukmal (29)in inspiration • 6 years agoThink you before stepped | Berpikirlah kamu sebelum melangkah!Think once again before goodness. And think of a thousand times before disreputation. (Translate) Berpikirlah sekali lagi sebelum melakukan kebaikan. Dan berpikirlah seribu kali sebelum…mukmal (29)in inspiration • 6 years agoBelief is the key to life | Keyakinan adalah kunci kehidupan.Belief is the key to life. If you don't believe in yourself, then other people will find it hard to believe in you. Translate Keyakinan adalah kunci kehidupan. Jika kau tidak percaya pada diri…mukmal (29)in inspiration • 7 years agoFailure not opposed to the success but part of the success | Kegagalan bukan lawan dari kesuksesan tetapi bagian dari kesuksesan!Live every day as if it were your last day, and enjoy every experience as if it was your first experience. Translate Hiduplah setiap hari seolah-olah itu adalah hari terakhirmu, dan nikmati…mukmal (29)in inspiration • 7 years agoAlways optimistic in any case | Selalu optimis dalam hal apapunOptimism can destroy the dividing wall between the 'can't' and the 'can' we do. Optimistic thinking makes things as possible. Translate Optimisme dapat menghancurkan tembok pemisah antara yang…mukmal (29)in inspiration • 7 years agoInspiration for future spirits | Inspirasi pembangkit semangat masa depanIf you want to be trusted, then be honest. If you want to be honest, then do the truth. If you want to do the truth, then be yourself. (Translate) Jika kau ingin dipercaya, maka jujurlah. Jika…mukmal (29)in inspiration • 7 years agoInspiration A better life {Inspirasi Kehidupan yang lebih baik}Trust can disappear within seconds, it takes a lifetime to get it back, it will never be as strong as the first. Translate Kepercayaan bisa hilang dalam hitungan detik, membutuhkan seumur hidup…mukmal (29)in aceh • 7 years agoAceh's special "Timphan Asoe Kaya" food is very popular | Makanan khas Aceh "Timphan Asoe Kaya" yang sangat populerTimphan Asoe Rich is one of Aceh's most popular traditional foods, this timphan is usually made during big occasions such as weddings, lebaran days, and also on other big days. Timphan is made…mukmal (29)in inspiration • 7 years agoInspirasi Kehidupan | Inspiration of Life |Jika kau ingin dipercaya, maka jujurlah. Jika kau ingin jujur, maka lakukan kebenaran. Jika kau ingin melakukan kebenaran, maka jadilah diri sendiri. English If you want to be trusted, then be…mukmal (29)in indonesian • 7 years agoPerbedaan Mahasiswa Indonesia dan Mahasiswa Luar Negeri | The difference students Indonesia and students overseasBeda negara beda pula budayanya, termasuk dengan budaya belajarnya. Artikel kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai perbedaan mahasiswa Indonesia dengan Mahasiswa Luar Negeri Budaya membaca, jauh…mukmal (29)in inspiration • 7 years agoInspirasi Pembangkit Semangat Juang | Inspiring Generation Mighted SpiritsKegagalan di masa lalu bukanlah sesuatu yang harus disesali, melainkan proses yang harus kita jalani sebelum akhirnya kita mencapai kesuksesan. [ENGLISH] Failure in the past is not something to…mukmal (29)in aceh • 7 years agoMegahnya Mesjid Islamic Center Lhokseumawe, bukti kejayaan dan peradaban islam kerajaan samudra pasaiBerdiri megah di pusat kota lhokseumawe, Provinsi Aceh, Islamic Center atau Almarkazul islami Lhokseumawe menghadirkan nuansa Timur Tengah di tanah Aceh yang subur. Berdirinya islamic Center ini…mukmal (29)in inspiration • 7 years agoInspirasi pembangkit semangat | Inspiration plant spiritLebih baik melakukan hal kecil dengan hati yang tulus, daripada melakukan hal besar namun hanya sebatas modus. [ENGLISH] Better to do small things with a sincere heart, rather than doing big…mukmal (29)in aceh • 7 years agoSimbol "Ranup" dalam adat istiadat Aceh | Symbol "Ranup" in Customs AcehAssalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Gimana kabarnya hari ini sahabat steemit, semoga kita selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT. Kebetulan hari masih suasana hari lebaran maka saya ingin berbagi sebuah artikel…