BlogHide Resteemsnikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 6 months agoKasih sayang monyet kepada anaknyaSource Monyet menunjukkan berbagai perilaku perawatan anak yang kompleks dan bervariasi tergantung pada spesiesnya. Secara umum, perawatan anak pada monyet melibatkan kasih sayang, perlindungan…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-145160 • 6 months agoMengenal Simpanse dan keluarga mereka yang bahagiaSource Simpanse (Pan troglodytes) adalah salah satu spesies primata yang paling dekat hubungannya dengan manusia. Mereka adalah anggota keluarga Hominidae, yang juga mencakup gorila, orangutan…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 7 months agoTahukah anda cara lebah menghasilkan madunyaSource Lebah madu menghasilkan madu melalui proses yang melibatkan pengumpulan nektar dari bunga, pemrosesan di dalam sarang, dan pengeringan. Proses ini dimulai ketika lebah pekerja terbang dari…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 7 months agoMengenal keunikan capung yang cantikSource Capung adalah serangga yang menarik dengan berbagai keunikan dalam perilaku, morfologi, dan siklus hidupnya. Berikut beberapa keunikan capung yang menarik untuk dibahas: Metamorfosis…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 7 months agoMonyet dan cara berkembangbiaknyaSource Proses berkembangbiak monyet adalah bagian penting dari siklus hidup mereka dan melibatkan beberapa tahapan penting. Monyet, seperti mamalia lainnya, berkembang biak secara seksual. Ini…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 7 months agoHal yang menarik dari kelelawarSource Kelelawar adalah mamalia yang unik dan menarik, dengan berbagai karakteristik yang membedakannya dari hewan lainnya. Salah satu hal paling mencolok tentang kelelawar adalah kemampuan…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 7 months agoKupu-kupu yang sangat cantikSource Kecantikan kupu-kupu begitu memikat dan menginspirasi. Dari segi estetika, kupu-kupu menampilkan keindahan yang tiada tara dengan corak dan warna yang luar biasa. Kepak sayapnya yang…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 7 months agoApa yang kita ketahui tentang RusaSource Rusa adalah mamalia herbivora yang tersebar luas di berbagai habitat di seluruh dunia, kecuali Antarktika dan Amerika Selatan. Mereka termasuk dalam famili Cervidae dan memiliki sejumlah…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 7 months agoget to know the turtleSource Turtles are scaly reptiles known for their hard shells and ability to retract their heads and limbs into their shells when threatened. They are widely distributed in freshwater and…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 8 months agoGet to know the Centipede, the 1000 foot BeastSource Centipedes are a type of insect belonging to the Arachnida class and the Scorpiones order. They are known for their characteristic long, pointed tails which are often referred to as "whip…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 8 months agoGet to know how tigers huntHello all Steemian friends, how are you today, I hope you are fine. Come back with me in today's latest post about tiger hunting. Source Tigers are very efficient predators and have…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 8 months agoThe dangers of flies are often ignoredSource Flies, although often considered a minor nuisance, can actually cause various dangers to human health. House flies (Musca domestica) are the most common species found around homes and…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 8 months agoMosquitoes and the dangers caused by their bitesSource Mosquito bites can pose a serious threat to human health, especially in tropical and subtropical areas where mosquitoes are significant vectors of disease. Various dangers that can arise…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 8 months agoHave you met sparrows?Source Sparrows are a type of small bird that is commonly found in various habitats throughout the world. They belong to the Emberizidae family, which includes a variety of species with…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 8 months agoWhite dove philosophySource Merpati Putih's philosophy originates from a traditional martial arts school originating from Java, Indonesia. This school not only teaches physical self-protection techniques, but also…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 8 months agoPigeons and how they breedSource Pigeons are a type of bird that is known for its extraordinary ability to adapt to urban environments. They usually live in large groups and are often found around human settlements.…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 8 months agoCats are one of the cute and smart animalsSource Cats are often considered intelligent and charming pets. They have natural traits that make them interesting and unique among other pets. The specialty of cats lies primarily in their…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 8 months agoBears and their uniquenessSource Bears are large mammals known for their physical strength, swimming ability, and omnivorous diet. They are widely distributed in a variety of habitats around the world, from wilderness…nikon-aceh (50)in hive-159906 • 8 months agoStray Cats, are they dangerousFeral cats, or often called domestic feral cats, are ordinary cats that live in wild environments without direct human supervision. They are the descendants of domestic cats who once had owners, but…nikon-aceh (50)in photography • 7 years agoRed Girl Beautiful PhotoshootShoot by Nikon D750 Shoot by Nikon D750