BlogHide Resteemsnurulfazillah (49)inΒ politicΒ β’Β 6 years agoAnggota Partai Aceh sedang berkoordinasi mencari dukunganMenjelang pemilu banyak cara dilakukan oleh partai politik untuk mencari dukungan rakyat agar bisa mendapatkan suara yang signifikan dalam pemilihan umum.. Sehingga hal ini akan membuat merekaβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ naturalΒ β’Β 6 years agoAwan yang cerah.Ini adalah foto pemandangan awan cerah yang terlihat menjelang siang hari di daerah tempat tinggal saya,foto ini diambil sekitar pukul 10 siang ketika matahari sedang terik. Awan yangβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ poetryΒ β’Β 6 years agoPoetryAku merasa sepi ketika orang yang aku sayangi tidak disisi. Hari-hariku tentu tidak akan seperti ini jika kamu datang untuk menemani. Aku rindu bila kamu selalu ada di sampingku setiap waktu.β¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ esteemΒ β’Β 6 years agoView of the residents' rice fieldsIni adalah pemandangan areal persawahan warga yang sudah hampir memasuki musim panen raya,diperkirakan tak lebih dari satu bulan lagi panen akan segera tiba. Padi yg terlihat di areal persawahanβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ foodΒ β’Β 6 years agoMorning foodTo make ends meet, of course we all need to eat every day, wherever it is we really need food to be able to move without weakness. Everyone certainly has different foods to serve as ingredients toβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ flowerΒ β’Β 6 years agoMembeli bunga cantikMenjelang tahun baru saya ikut membeli sekuntum bunga liontin cantik untuk sata jadikan sebagai bunga hiasan dirumah. Bunga liontin ini saya beli dari penjual bunga dengan harga sekitar 300β¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ memoriesΒ β’Β 6 years agoPenampilanku ketika masih muda.Ini adalah sebuah foto kenangan ketika aku masih berusia 16 tahun yang masih tersisa di album memori. Foto ini diambil ketika aku belum mengenal cinta dan belum mengenal apa-apa,sekarang usiakuβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ wafricaΒ β’Β 6 years agoPlease have fun while you can.If you want to be happy and avoid problems, then spend more time having fun as you wish. We must not keep a lot of thoughts that can make us frustrated, one way to please the mind is to singβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ travelΒ β’Β 6 years agoBeautiful views of the river banks in Bukit Lawang tourist attractions.As a tourist spot that is always crowded with tourists, Bukit Lawang certainly saves a lot of beauty that cannot be described in words. One of the sights that should not be missed in the lawangβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ storyΒ β’Β 6 years agoYou are too selfishTo this day I never understood why you have the heart to treat me like that when we have just had a good time together. I flinched at your decision, since then I really lost my way to lifeβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ sportΒ β’Β 6 years agoMany women take part in watching football at the stadium.Football is one sport that is liked by everyone regardless of age and gender. In every soccer match we can find many small children and women who watch the game, not only adults and men. Theyβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ animalsΒ β’Β 6 years agoWe need to love animalsAnimals are God creatures that live side by side with humans, we must do good with fellow beings not necessarily with humans, because creatures other than humans are also entitled to live theirβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ foodΒ β’Β 6 years agoFruit saladRujak is a food made from various types of fruits and mixed with a little sweets and sweet soy sauce. Rujak consists of various types and flavors, but basically made with fruits that are easy toβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ foodΒ β’Β 6 years agoEat mango with sweet soy sauce.I am a rujak lover and often try various types of fruit for me to make rujak.. Usually I look for fruits that taste sour for me to make as rujak, it tastes very good especially when eaten usingβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ writingΒ β’Β 6 years agoDewan pimpinan ranting Partai Gerindra.Saat ini saya sedang berada di Bahorok,sebuah kecamatan di pedalaman kabupaten Langkat,sekitar 64 kilometer dari kota Medan,.saya kesini dalam rangka mengunjungi karib yang telah berpisah sekitar 5β¦resteemedlvj (63)inΒ homelessΒ β’Β 6 years agoStory of My Life on DTube, Part Four. La Vida de JuancitoHow did you end up on the streets? You saw where I was one month ago. Many comments asked how this happened. I told this story to my closest friends and now to you. This is not easy to talkβ¦resteemedscoopstakes (63)inΒ football5Β β’Β 6 years agoScoopstakes - FOOTBALL 5: 18/19 - ROUND 23 . Enter for Free and win Steem Dollars! 100 Steem Dollars JackpotRound 23 Enter FREE. Predict correct scores. Win STEEM Dollars! Current Jackpot: 100 Steem Dollars Payouts will be based on the rewards allocated to this post if Jackpot isβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ esteemΒ β’Β 6 years agoKemuliaan kitab suci Al-Quran.Al-Quran adalah suatu mukjizat yang paling besar yang diturunkan oleh Allah kepada Rasul penghulu segala Nabi,yaitu Nabi Muhammad SAW.. Kita suci umat islam ini adalah suatu kitab suci yangβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ esteemΒ β’Β 6 years agoNyareng theun cicemSeulamat malam keu bandum awak droneuh.. Dang-dang teungeut lon nek tuleh bacut tentang nyareng kawat yang dipakek untuk theun cicem lam blang.. Nyareng kawat nyo cukop koeng han mudah reuloehβ¦nurulfazillah (49)inΒ poetryΒ β’Β 6 years agoMy gem of my heart.You are my lost gem, I really hope you come back to make my life worthwhile.. I felt silence without you, there was no place for me to share laughter and joke, and also there was no place for me toβ¦