BlogHide Resteemsnyankichi-lab (40)in animalphotography • 7 years ago猫の集会 Cat meeting 貓會議 (Ф∀Ф) (= ̄ω ̄=) ^ↀᴥↀ^毎日行われているニャン吉合資会社の会議の風景。 Scenery of the conference of Nyankichi Joint Stock Company which is being held every day. 這是每一天喵吉合股公司進行會議時的情境。 みんなリラックスすると、最高に面白いアイデアが思い浮かぶにゃりよ。…nyankichi-lab (40)in animal • 7 years agoCome, spring! 春よ来い!nyankichi-lab (40)in proverb • 7 years ago猫の額 Cat's foreheadRelaxation time of an adult man. 男のリラックスタイム invader. 侵入者。 It is impossible to use this box with two cats. 狭いんですけど... Adult man training. 男の修行。 【Meaning of the cat's forehead】…nyankichi-lab (40)in proverb • 7 years agorisk one's life 火中の栗を拾う遅ればせながら、ネム買うぞ!にゃり。 (NEM/XEM)で保護猫活動をおこなう「NEM猫プロジェクト」が活動開始 ヾ(ΦωΦ)/ネコ、ネムの勉強 ●国や政府などに縛られない、金銭的な自由と平等や分散の原則のもと新しい経済活動を起こすことを目的としている。 ●去年の12/21から中国の「WeChat」アプリ内でネムが使えるようになった。…nyankichi-lab (40)in technology • 7 years agoI see, the future energy source is water. なるほど、未来のエネルギーの原料は水なんですね。That is "Oxygen Hydrogen Mixed Atomic Symmetrized Aeration Gas" For short, "OHMASA-GAS" あれが「Oxygen Hydrogen Mixed Atomic Symmetrized Aeration Gas」 略して「オオマサガス」 Surprisingly,The raw material is…nyankichi-lab (40)in proverb • 7 years agoMy wife's holiday 妻あまりんの休日。Just to speed up, It is not life. -Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi- 速度を上げるばかりが、 人生ではない。 - ガンジー - People who sleep will eventually get up! All is good. -Bakabon's Dad- 寝たものは必ず起きるのだ! これでいいのだ!…nyankichi-lab (40)in miracle • 7 years agoAuspicious picture that good things happened to many people. たくさんの人に良い事が起こった幸運な写真Is this an unknown creature? これが未知の生物ですか!? It seems that creatures turning cigarettes jumped into the mouth of the photographer while taking a second shot.…nyankichi-lab (40)in pets • 7 years agoIs that an aliens!? あれが宇宙人ですか!?nyankichi-lab (40)in pets • 7 years agoEngland that I found on the Japanese seaside road. Start work 2018.1.6This bus is here.↷ 福岡県 糸島(Itoshima Fukuoka Prefecture) This is a cafe "LONDON BUS CAFE" made with a real London bus. This cafe is located in Itoshima in Fukuoka prefecture. My gelato of this…nyankichi-lab (40)in video • 7 years ago未熟な猫のレスリング Immature cat wrestling初心者の謙虚さを忘れてはいけない。 Don't forget the beginner's humility. そして... And 我々は、未熟だったことを忘れない。 We will not forget that we were immature. 参考・参照 初心忘るべからずって英語でなんて言うの?nyankichi-lab (40)in pets • 7 years agoAmerica that I found on the Japanese seaside road. Start work 2018.1.6This bus is in this town.↷ 福岡県 糸島(Itoshima Fukuoka Prefecture) 【参考】 今、注目されている福岡県・糸島。オススメ観光スポット教えます♪nyankichi-lab (40)in newyear • 7 years ago🌟HAPPY NEW YEAR 🌟 Cats do not fight sleep 2018.1.3I celebrated the pleasant year. And I did not wasteful resistance.nyankichi-lab (40)in newyear • 7 years ago🌟HAPPY NEW YEAR 🌟Cat in lack of sleep 2018.1.2I had too much pleasure yesterday. I celebrated the pleasant year. And I had too much pleasure yesterday.nyankichi-lab (40)in newyear • 7 years ago🌟HAPPY NEW YEAR 🌟A cat that poses in front of Kadomatsu. 2018.1.1Is this "cool Japan"?nyankichi-lab (40)in newyear • 7 years ago🌟HAPPY NEW YEAR 🌟 Cat and "Kadomatsu"In Japan, in the New Year "Kadomatsu" will be decorated in front of the gate. It is a necessity to welcome God at home. "Kadomatsu" is made with pine (matsu), bamboo and so on. Pine leaves are…nyankichi-lab (40)in newyear • 7 years ago🌟HAPPY NEW YEAR 🌟 It is my family.🎉明けましておめでとうございます🎉 ぼくの家族にゃり。nyankichi-lab (40)in japanese • 7 years agoCat hibernation 猫の冬眠春になったら起こしてくださいにゃり。 Please wake me in the spring.nyankichi-lab (40)in japanese • 7 years agoCherry blossoms and cats in Japan 日本の桜の花と猫Come, spring 春よ来い( haruyokoi) This is a famous Japanese song "春よ来い(haruyokoi)". It is a song that wishes the arrival of spring. これは、日本の有名な歌「春よ来い(haruyokoi)」です。 春の訪れを願う歌です。 Beautiful…nyankichi-lab (40)in japanese • 7 years agoThank you もういくつ寝ると寝正月 ♬ After a few days, New Year will be able to sleep as much as you like?今日が「仕事納め」「御用納め」の皆さま、1年間お疲れさまでした。 みんながお休みのときにお仕事ガンバってくださる皆さま、ありがとうございますにゃりん 。 In Japan, there are many people who will begin holiday season from tomorrow. Congratulations for a year. I am…nyankichi-lab (40)in proverb • 7 years ago師走 shiwasuIn Japan, we call December 'shiwasu'. This is the name of December in the lunar calendar. The meaning is "a time when the teacher runs around so busy". Who is this teacher? There are various…