Commentsontheway2017 (45)in cn • 7 years agoRE: steemit 账户中SP 的分配策略看你的 SP 不少,说说你的配置方式呢。ontheway2017 (45)in cn • 7 years agoRE: steemit 账户中SP 的分配策略学习了ontheway2017 (45)in cn-shui • 7 years agoRE: cnbuddy 补赞贴 2018-03-24看一下这个贴,好像没点ontheway2017 (45)in cn-shui • 7 years agoRE: cnbuddy 补赞贴 2018-03-21好像一直都没自动投票,手动效率低,能找下原因不?ontheway2017 (45)in cn • 7 years agoRE: 别高兴太早棋子,棋手各有各的运命。ontheway2017 (45)in cn-shui • 7 years agoRE: cnbuddy 补赞贴 2018-03-15今天没有自动点赞:ontheway2017 (45)in cn-shui • 7 years agoRE: cnbuddy 补赞贴 2018-03-15我的文章都不自动点赞,justyy 自动点赞都很准时的。这篇文章感觉又不会自动点了:ontheway2017 (45)in cn • 7 years agoRE: cnbuddy股东名单 2018-03-16没有赞,为啥呢?ontheway2017 (45)in cn-shui • 7 years agoRE: cnbuddy 调整及补赞贴 2018-03-11最近两天都没有赞,@shenchensucc 检查下呢ontheway2017 (45)in cn • 7 years agoRE: 一虾多吃--媒体链爆发! steemit,yoyow,yours,bihu,iveryone未来谁来解决跨链资产转移?要不然和现在的互联网也没啥区别...ontheway2017 (45)in wine • 7 years agoRE: 何以解忧?唯有杜康——那些酒的记忆(上)人生苦短,我喝杜康!ontheway2017 (45)in cn • 7 years agoRE: 【原创】浮世:梦回徽州 | 三个一 |月旦评黄山怎么看都美,记得有一年是大雪后去的黄山,雪后上山的人很少,雪山,雪峰,雪松美极了,静极了!ontheway2017 (45)in cn • 7 years agoRE: 【原创】浮世:枝上一枯叶,庭前几许花 | 三个一 |月旦评春天,生机勃勃的季节。面朝大海,春暖花开!ontheway2017 (45)in showoff • 7 years agoRE: [146號檔案] 炫耀nice!ontheway2017 (45)in cn • 7 years agoRE: 点赞只是瞬间的感动,注意力才是你持久的收获成为收获点赞的人。ontheway2017 (45)in cn • 7 years agoRE: 春寒料峭已过,春暖花开正来太阳直射点是地球表面太阳光入射角度(即太阳高度角 )为90度的地点,是地心与日心连线和地球球面的交点。 太阳直射点所在的经线的地方时为正午12时。 活动规律为: 春分(3月21日前后) ,太阳直射点在赤道(0°),此后北移。 夏至(6月22日前后) ,太阳直射点在北回归线(23°26′N)上,此后南移。 秋分(9月23日前后)…ontheway2017 (45)in btc • 7 years agoRE: 靠比特币实现财富自由靠谱吗?资本的多少,时间的长短,投资的智慧都将影响你的投资收益。祝你早日实现财富自由!ontheway2017 (45)in cn • 7 years agoRE: [ 中文区] 新人福利,回复获得点赞 (不少于 0.25 SBD) **72小时有效**性别: 公牛 地域: 重庆 年龄: 70后 职业介绍: 互联网金融 STEEMIT 寄语: 希望steemit能让我坚持写作ontheway2017 (45)in cn • 7 years agoRE: 最人性的叫醒方式最温情的叫醒方式是妈妈在耳朵边的呢喃...ontheway2017 (45)in steem • 7 years agoRE: O哥闲扯淡:注册账户那点事有用的文章,前两天也是用 TB 注册了一个,23RMB,知识就是金钱呀!
RE: steemit 账户中SP 的分配策略
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RE: steemit 账户中SP 的分配策略
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
RE: cnbuddy 补赞贴 2018-03-24
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RE: cnbuddy 补赞贴 2018-03-21
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RE: 别高兴太早
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
RE: cnbuddy 补赞贴 2018-03-15
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
RE: cnbuddy 补赞贴 2018-03-15
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RE: cnbuddy股东名单 2018-03-16
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RE: cnbuddy 调整及补赞贴 2018-03-11
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RE: 一虾多吃--媒体链爆发! steemit,yoyow,yours,bihu,iveryone
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
RE: 何以解忧?唯有杜康——那些酒的记忆(上)
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
RE: 【原创】浮世:梦回徽州 | 三个一 |月旦评
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
RE: 【原创】浮世:枝上一枯叶,庭前几许花 | 三个一 |月旦评
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RE: [146號檔案] 炫耀
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
RE: 点赞只是瞬间的感动,注意力才是你持久的收获
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
RE: 春寒料峭已过,春暖花开正来
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
RE: 靠比特币实现财富自由靠谱吗?
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
RE: [ 中文区] 新人福利,回复获得点赞 (不少于 0.25 SBD) **72小时有效**
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RE: 最人性的叫醒方式
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RE: O哥闲扯淡:注册账户那点事
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