BlogHide Resteemspromudy (40)in tokoin • 5 years agoAMA is coming!!!!!!!!!!GOOD NEWS! We’re proud to announce that we’re having another long-awaited AMA, this time with one of our advisors, Mr. HongZhuang. The details are as follows: ⭐️ SHUTTLEONE & TOKOIN AMA ⭐️ ⏰…promudy (40)in tokoin • 6 years agoA COMPARISON BETWEEN TOKOIN AND OTHER RECENTLY CONCLUDED IEOsIntroduction Initial exchange offerings (IEOs) is the new catch in cryptocurrency market and these IEOs are proofs that the crypto market is still being explored by new companies looking to…promudy (40)in tokoin • 6 years agoTOKOIN: A SUMMARY OF THE IEOIntroduction Cryptocurrency has been in existence for over a decade and it has made tremendous impact in all spheres of life as it has been used as a platform for building various technologies. The…promudy (40)in msme • 6 years agoTOKOIN: NURTURING MICRO SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE BUSINESSES THROUGH THE BLOCKCHAININTRODUCTION The ореnіng and grооmіng оf a buѕіnеѕѕ еntеrрrіѕе іѕ a vеrу tеdіоuѕ and rоugh jоurnеу with lоtѕ оf uрѕ and dоwnѕ. This jоurnеу nеvеr ends аѕ rісhеr and bіggеr buѕіnеѕѕеѕ сrаvе fоr mоrе…promudy (40)in smartfund • 6 years ago$MARTFUND: YOUR FIRST STOP TO SECURED INVESTMENTCryptocurrency has long been in existence since the last decade. However, its adoption into the financial market has not been fully exploited and this is as a result of the inadequacy in the…promudy (40)in blockchain • 6 years agoVOLUM: A PLATFORM FOR B2B ENTERPRISESTrade, a medium of exchange of goods and services which started long before the existence of digitalization and has trended over time is known to be a point of call for every individual. Since the…promudy (40)in blockchain • 6 years agoVOLUM: REACHING THE WORLD OF B2B BUSINESSESpromudy (40)in batmine • 6 years agoBATMINE: A Mining SolutionThe advent of blockchain technology and its adoption has brought to limelight a number of challenges that has plagued this industry and one of them is the mining technology, However, Batmine…promudy (40)in blockchain • 6 years agoJAVVY: BUILDING A WORLD WITH A DIFFERENCELittle wonder why the world is transcending from the era of centralisation practiced by our antecedents? This is as a result of the progression of technology from the typical system that has ruined…promudy (40)in cryptocurrencies • 6 years agoHUBRISONE: A SWOT ANALYSISHello readers, this is a second review on Hubrisone. The last review I explicitly explained the aim and advantages of Hubrisone. This time I will be conducting a SWOT analysis on HUBRISONE, then we…promudy (40)in cryotocurrency • 6 years agoHUBRISONE WELCOMES YOU TO A WORLD OF SWIFT TRANSACTIONSHave you ever thought about the difficulty of banking transactions? Have you sought for a loan to no avail? Have you imagined an easy way out of all these dilemma without finding any? Hubrisone is a…promudy (40)in cryptocurrency • 6 years agoCollective: A Safe TechThe Collective is a technological organization located in Guernsey, called the Fintech company, having varieties of products. Collective has a community management office, assigned to particularly…promudy (40)in blockchain • 6 years agoChimpion: A Blockchain that Empowers MerchantBitcoin (BTC) has stirred a new phase and method in business since its introduction in 2009. There has been a conspicuous rise in the demand of cryptocurrency as a way of making payment, due to…promudy (40)in blockchain • 6 years agoIOVO: THE DECENTRALISED FUTURE WE SEEKIntroduction Today, in modern digital world, at every given point in time, huge quantity of data is being generated. Sometimes, this generated data are stored, transferred and shared even without…promudy (40)in logisticsx • 6 years agoLOGISTICSX: AN OVERVIEWIntroduction Transportation has been one of the factor that drives physical businesses. Transportation uses many mode ranging from air to water to road (land) to pipe (to transport oil). All…promudy (40)in aergo • 6 years agoAERGO: A SWOT ANALYSISIntroduction Blockchain technology has come to stay and its use has spread to different sector of the economy. It does not only help in storing information about transactions, it stores them in a…promudy (40)in blockchain • 6 years agoAERGO: THE GAME CHANGER FOR BLOCKCHAIN ENTERPRISESINTRODUCTION In about a decade since the creation of blockchain, an innovative technological breakthrough, its relevance cannot be swept under the carpet or glossed over. It has been a revelation…promudy (40)in aergo • 6 years agoAERGO: THE FOUNDATION FOR BLOCKCHAIN ENTERPRISESINTRODUCTION Thе blockchain which іѕ thе bedrock оf rесеnt dіgіtаl tесhnоlоgісаl іnnоvаtіоn hаvе made thе glоbе a digital village. Developers nоw hаvе a gаrdеn whеrе thеу саn рlаnt thеіr…promudy (40)in blockchain • 6 years agoPost DeletedPost deletedpromudy (40)in blockchain • 6 years agoDeletedDeleted post