BlogHide Resteemsqmin0705 (45)in cn • 8 years ago美食當前-驚喜的舊金山傳奇排隊早午餐店Dotte's blue café美好的早午餐☕️ 走在6th street快到market st,原是要去CVS買過敏藥,意外經過了滿滿排隊人潮的店面...(WOW WOW眼睛為之一亮) 看到這排隊的人潮,當然二話不多說買完藥立刻直奔店門乖乖地排隊.... 畢竟在這6th…qmin0705 (45)in cn • 8 years ago體驗Vegas復古的Downtown文化-Fremont Street★☆★☆Fremont Street Experience★☆★☆ 來到Las vegas,一定要去體驗舊城的文化,雖然不比拉斯維加斯大道上來的繁華熱鬧,舊城區仍保留一些傳統當地的文化。…resteemedbarrydutton (74)in steemit • 8 years agoIf you have SBD / Steem Dollars to sell -- NOW is a good time to sell them on BITTREX!!They are trading in the upper limit range for the whole last week, meaning you can get more money right now. We can always share info that helps each other like this. Together we can all…qmin0705 (45)in cn • 8 years agoMy first BCA tour!!(Part 2)全美最大的業餘花式撞球比賽Friend of mine Eric played his first 8 ball match this afternoon,he is really really good pool player, broke and ran out many times.…qmin0705 (45)in cn • 8 years agoMy first BCA tour!!(Part 1)全美最大的業餘花式撞球比賽Rio casino,not only the home of world series of poker but hosting the biggest amateur pool tournament,too. 里約賭場,不只是世界撲克大賽的主辦賭場,也同時舉辦全美最大的業餘花式撞球比賽. Friend of mine played the tournament this…qmin0705 (45)in cn • 8 years ago我的暑假-美西之旅-品嚐16種世界各地的可口可樂,拉斯維加斯 # My summer-The trip to the west coast-World of Coca-ColaWorld of Coca-Cola 可口可樂大家都不陌生,全世界各地都有著它們的商品,唯有在這拉斯維加斯的專賣店-二樓飲料販賣部,讓你一次環遊世界16國:TASTE OF THE WORLD,16 international flavors. Everyone knows about Coca-Cola,possibly the most recognizable brand in…qmin0705 (45)in travel • 8 years ago我的暑假-美西之旅-闖入五彩繽紛M&M's world,拉斯維加斯 My summer-The trip to the west coast-M&M's world,Las Vegas.☆★☆★M&M's world☆★☆★ 講到M&M巧克力,童年兒時回憶啊!!只溶你口,不溶你手~~~~~ 全世界的M&M's world專賣店,只有五個地方有,來到了Las vegas,這麼可愛的一間店,當然是不能放過了,建築物的外觀就夠吸引你進店內參觀了:) When it comes to M&M best childhood memory!!M&Ms…qmin0705 (45)in cn • 8 years ago好文翻譯分享 (Dog lovers must see!!!)今天早上在臉書的社團wordporn裡無意的發現了這篇好文後,馬上翻譯成中文跟cn區的好朋友們分享,我無法用言語形容我看完之後的感受.... 有個人從收容所收養了一隻年邁的狗狗,在某天散步的時候.狗狗停了下來看著他.…qmin0705 (45)in cn • 8 years ago★美食日記★提拉米蘇雪花冰,Las Vegas ★Yummy dessert★ Tiramisu snow, Las Vegas拉斯維加斯的晚上九點,氣溫都還在攝氏42度啊!!!熱死人不償命的天氣,唯有吃冰好消炎炎夏日的暑氣:)出發來去snow white囉~ It's still 107 degrees at 9 pm in Las Vegas....Damn hot !!! A bowl of shave ice never hurts,let's go to snow white! ✅snow…qmin0705 (45)in cn • 8 years ago我的2017暑假-美西之旅-Bellogio,拉斯維加斯 # My 2017 summer-The trip to the west coast-Bellogio,Las Vegas.天氣晴朗,今天下午一人獨自在燦爛華麗的拉斯維加斯大道上閒逛,來到了這充滿藝術風情的Bellgio ,因為去年冬天來拉斯維加斯旅遊,當時也有來到Bellagio內參觀,對飯店內的溫室花園印象深刻~抱持著好奇心、新鮮感,決定再來去看看溫室花園會不會再度讓人驚豔?! What a nice day!! Decided to hang out on Las Vegas Blvd just by…qmin0705 (45)in cn • 8 years ago來到烘培坊,人人都是烘培大師,自己親手做蛋糕,既美味又好玩!!! Bakery!!! everyone is baking master,DIY your own cake is always fun and yummy!!!迫不及待分享成品,蛋糕出爐的那片刻,真的非常感動~ I cant wait to share with you what I just made,the moment when my cake came out from the was really touched. 烘培坊:日好甜廚 Bakery: biendaybaking…qmin0705 (45)in cn • 8 years agoMy first post at Steemit!!!!在STEEMIT的第一發!!!!Finally uploaded my photos here,took me a little while but totally worth it... :D My name is Yumi,love to hang out and alway trying new things,hopefully I can meet new friends and fun stuffs at…