BlogHide Resteemsqueentee (31)in metaverse • 3 years agoROVA A NEW INVENTIONSUMMARY ABOUT ROVA Rove is an infinitely expanding web of user-created 3D virtual worlds. These 3D virtual worlds are immersive; they give you a sense of presence.You're not just watching them;…queentee (31)in binacemax • 4 years agoBINANCEMAX;A MODERN INNOVATION BUILT ON DEFI OPERATIONS.INTRODUCTION BinaceMax is aimed at developing an equal effect and bringing both the significance of both centralized and decentralised exchange to establish a synergy which is consequencial, by…queentee (31)in blockchain • 4 years agoWELLBE NETWORK BUILT ON BLOCKCHAIN WITHIN SPORT AND ATHLETE INDUSTRYINTRODUCTION TO WELLBE AND IDENTIFICATION OF CHALLENGES. Blockchain technology is fast growing to be beneficial and helpful for practical use or operation in different specific use or aspect. The…queentee (31)in ascendex • 4 years agoACSENDEXINTRODUCING ASCENDEX AscendEX launches the entry of FREL into an exchange. It can be swapped or exchange with USDT. As a result AscendEX and the team decided to introduce and activate a distinct…queentee (31)in brt • 4 years agoBASE REWARD ECOSYSTEM;A DECENTRALISED VIRTUAL MARKET PLACE BUILT ON BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYINTRODUCTION AND DIFFICULTIES IDENTIFIED Cryptocurrencies and Block chain technology was developed and it serves as a source of enhanced innovation which includes the possibilities to amend and…queentee (31)in cryptocurrency • 4 years agoAPE SWAP. FINANCE; A DECENTRALISED EXCHANGE DESIGNED ON BSCINTRODUCTION TO APE SWAP. FINANCE Ape swap. Finance is an interchange that is DECENTRALISED, an Automated Market Marker [AMM], a yield farming and staking structure designed and operating on…queentee (31)in bitcoin • 4 years agoPRASAGA POWDERED DATAGRID BLOCKCHAIN .THE NEXT EVOLUTION OF BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYINTRODUTION DATAGRID BLOCKCHAIN is designed in confronting the adaptability of Blockchain, with regards to the precise step-by-step methods and procedures, with the aim of expanding the rate of…queentee (31)in ethereum • 6 years agoELROND THE WORLD FIRST HIGH THROUGHPUT BLOCKCHAIN PLATFORM IMPLEMENTING ADAPTIVE STATE OF SHARDING AND SECURE PROOF OF STAKEELROND INTRODUCED AND CONSTRAINT IDENTIFIED Smart contract and cryptocurrencies for example, Bitcoin and Ethereum environments or operating system has invigorated a great attention and involvement…queentee (31)in cryptocurrency • 6 years agoSTELLAR GOLD OFFERS A SOLUTION THAT IS LACKING,NEGLECTED AND UNSUCCESSFUL BY EVERY OTHER COIN AND PLATFORMSTELLAR GOLD INTRODUCED AND IDENTIFICATION OF HURDLES Stellar is structured and designed to having different flexibility required to interchange crypto to fiat currency with little skill or effort.…queentee (31)in crypto • 6 years agoDddeRrrrrrrqueentee (31)in bitcoin • 6 years agoWINKPARK DESIGNED ON BLOCKCHAIN TO MAKE PARKING SAFE AND EASYWINKPARK ECOSYSTEM AND ITS OPERATIONS Winkpark is an operational revolutionary mobileapp map showing certain fundamental information used as a basis upon which gamification elements is utilised and…queentee (31)in steemitdotcom • 6 years agoAERGO DESIGNS AN EFFECTIVE BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYAERGO INTRODUCED AND HURDLES IDENTIFIED Aergo seek to offer a platform majorly centered on IT structures and design,to be employed or utilised by those that engage in creation of application and…queentee (31)in steemitdotcom • 7 years agoAPOLLOX A DECENTRALISED E-COMMERCE ECOSYSTEM BUILT ON BLOCKCHAINIDENTIFICATION OF CHALLENGES Thereare lots of occuring challenges associated with old custom of e-commerce. Access to the internet in the present age have made a huge improvement in the method…queentee (31)in steemitdotcom • 7 years agoDATUM DESIGNS A PLATFORM TO ORGANISE DATA IN A DECENTRALISED WAY BASED ON BLOCKCHAIN SMART CONTRACTINTRODUCTION TO DATUM AND IDENTIFICATION OF ISSUES Organisations ,institutions or individuals often generates data by scanning through or navigating internet,exchange or conversation done between…queentee (31)in steemitdotcom • 7 years agoFXPAY DESIGNS A DECENTRALISED GATEWAY TO DIGITAL GLOBAL ECOSYSTEMINTRODUTION TO FXPAY AND BARRIERS IDENTIFIED FXpay is extremely anticipated favourable chance for business advancement or progress,contributing innovatory technology to foreign exchange (forex).…queentee (31)in steemitdotcom • 7 years agoVIBEO,IMPROVING THE WORLD OF INSTANT MESSAGING THEREBY EFFECTING AN EXICTING COMMUNICATIONVIBEO INTRODUCED There is an increasing use of mobile messaging platform globally resulting in large or great rise in the use of smart phones which however exceeded typical use of deskstop. Also a…queentee (31)in steemitdotcom • 7 years agoMOBILEBRIDGE REVOLUTIONISING MARKETING WORLD AND REDEFINING COMPANIES AND CUSTOMERS RELATIONSHIPMOBILEBRIDGE MOMENTUM INTRODUCTION The old customs associated to marketing,usually entails disseminating information via email(spam) in order to achieve a set goal which does not reflect the…queentee (31)in steemitdotcom • 7 years agoMEDIA PROTOCOL CREATING AN ECOSYSTEM BUILT ON BLOCKCHAIN TO EFFECT TRANSPERENCY TO THE FLOW OF VALUE BETWEEN USERS AND MEDIAMEDIA PROTOCOL INTRODUCED AND ISSUES IDENTIFIED In present time delivery of content wasnt producing the effect intended or desired and its usually communication is conveyed via social network or…queentee (31)in steemitdotcom • 7 years agoFTEC THE FIRST CRYPTOCURRENCY TRADING ECOSYSTEM AIMED AT EFFICIENCTLY IMPROVING TRADING EXPERIENCEINTRODUCTION FTEC is an interconnected intelligent functions and neural networks with the aim of directing an efficient trading experience via cryptocurrency market. FTEC designs a platform that…queentee (31)in steemitdotcom • 7 years agoDISTRIBUTED CREDIT CHAIN A FINANCIAL SERVICE PROVIDER THAT AIMS TO OFFER CREDIT EFFICENCY,PRIVATE PROTECTION AND COST REDUCTION.DISTRIBUTED CREDIT CHAIN INTRODUCED A distributed Bank in essence is an integration of system or interconnectedness of distributed financial services. The notion behind distributed bank is aimed at…