BlogHide Resteemsraghib (51)in steemit • 5 years agotak meyakinkanhadehraghib (51)in mikrotik • 6 years agoTeach Mikrotik, adjust it to customer desires / Mengajarkan Mikrotik, sesuaikan dengan keinginan pelangganMikrotik is a tool that contains a server management system commonly used for internet management purposes. many facilities that can be used on proxies, such as creating a hotspot login, making…raghib (51)in food • 6 years agoMenu Makanan dalam acara Maulid Nabi Muhammad sawMenu makanan dalam acara memperingati hari kelahiran nabi Muhammad, Di aceh, Maulid merupakan hal yang wajib dilaksanakan di setiap daerah, mulai dari rumah, mesjid, sekolah bahkan kantor kantor…raghib (51)in electronic • 6 years agoLearn Arduino, create a traffic light program, Belajar Arduino, membuat program traffict lightHave you ever heard the word Arduino? for most people, never heard of this word, only people who are in the electronic world know this. Arduino is a tool (hardware) and an application program…raghib (51)in religious • 6 years agoExcitement 1 Muharram 1440H in Aceh/Kemeriahan 1 Muharram 1440H di Aceh1 Muharram is a new year for Muslims throughout the world, just like the New Year of Christ, Chinese New Year or Imlek and others. Islamic New Year is enlivened by all Muslims, there are various…raghib (51)in education • 6 years agoMake a beautiful Literacy Corner/Buatlah Pojok Literasi yang indahLiteracy is a culture of reading books. where today all school, both in government and in private schools are crowded together to promote Literacy. Literacy aims to educate the lives of the…raghib (51)in fun • 7 years agoCelebration of Indonesian Independence Day at my school / Perayaan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia di sekolah kuToday the school where I am in charge holds several competitions to enliven Indonesia's independence day. among them tug-of-war competition cracker eating competition race put nails into…raghib (51)in indonesia • 7 years agoWelcoming Indonesia's independence day / Menyambut hari kemerdekaan IndonesiaThere are many things we can do to welcome Indonesia's independence day, one of them is by decorating the school in red and white, because the red and white colors are the colors of the Indonesian…raghib (51)in art • 7 years agoLearn to recognize color mixing /Belajar mengenal pencampuran warnaThere are 3 basic colors given to students, namely red, yellow and blue. from mixing these three colors will produce many new colors. Ada 3 warna dasar yang diberikan kepada siswa, yaitu merah…raghib (51)in indonesia • 7 years agoSchool Health Business / Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS)UKS is a school health business, meaning that schools make a special room to overcome health problems in which there are small doctors, medicines and medical equipment such as tensimeters…raghib (51)in life • 7 years agoRed Ginger, Traditional Drinks useful for medicineGinger is a plant that usually lives in the forest, from ancient times it has been used as a basic ingredient for medicine, generally used for internal medicine, it can also be for the outside of…raghib (51)in education • 7 years agoBerikan Apresiasi kepada anak, atas keberhasilannyaHari ini selesai upacara bendera, siswa siswi di SMKN 1 BNA dikumpulkan dilapangan, untuk memberikan apresiasi kepada teman-temannya yang menang ikut perlombaan bola basket tingkat…raghib (51)in life • 7 years agobudayakan gotong royong ke anak cucu kitaGotong royong merupakan budaya yang harus kita lestarikan, banyak hal yang bisa kita pelajari dari gotong royong, misalnya: menjalin silaturrahmi antar sesama menjadi lebih baik pekerjaan…raghib (51)in education • 7 years agoFriday Campus (PERJUSA) of PRAMUKA students. Perkemahan Jum'at Sabtu (PERJUSA) siswa PRAMUKALots of wisdom that we can take from Scout activities, among others Help each other improve team cohesiveness mutual tolerance and many other benefits, the most important is to form a good…raghib (51)in medical • 7 years agoKelebihan dan Kekurangan RSU Zainal Abidin Banda Acehpada hari ini saya membawa orang tua saya berobat ke RSU ZA, Banda Aceh, maklum saja penyakit orang tua, jadi harus di cek ke dokter spesialis. Ada banyak kelebihan RS ini dibandingkan…raghib (51)in fun • 7 years agoWahana liburan buat sang anak, ayah dan ibu di Banda Acehjika anda pergi ke kota Banda aceh, cobalah singgah ke lapangan Blang Padang, tentunya anda masih ingat lapangan blang padang terkenal dengan monumen pesawat selawah air yaitu pesawat yang pertama…raghib (51)in coffee • 7 years agoDifa Arabica Coffee GayoBagi anda para steemian yang suka dengan minuman kopi, kali ini saya akan memberikan sedikit cerita tentang kopi gayo. Kopi gayo berasal dari Takengon dan daerah sekitarnya, kopi ini…raghib (51)in nature • 7 years agoTeknologi hydroponi dalam budidaya sayur-sayuransayuran merupakan konsumsi harian setiap orang, didalam sayuran terdapat banyak vitamin dan gizi. contoh sayur-sayuran adalah bayam, kangkung, sawi, tomat dan lain-lain. kali ini saya akan…raghib (51)in travel • 7 years agoThe Story of my trip my adventure to TakengonTakengon is the biggest coffee-producing city in Indonesia, its coffee is famous to its country, arabica coffee, that is its name. my journey begins from the edge of the freshwater lake…raghib (51)in travel • 7 years agoMy Trip My Adventure - The Beauty of Lake Toba Indonesiahello steemians, i would like to introduce you about my trip to lake toba in indonesia. during the school holidays we decided to travel to Lake Toba located in the province of North…