BlogHide Resteemsresteemedtravelfeed (73)in travelfeed • 6 years ago✈️Australia, Oceania & Africa - Weekly Round-Up #39Welcome to today's weekly Travelfeed Australia, Oceania & Africa roundup brought to you by @guchtere and @for91days. Let's hop around some continents, in order to visit some amazing locations.…resteemedsteemonboarding (68)in steemonboarding • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.@Steemonboarding: The Marketing Tool for the Steem Blockchain You have Been Waiting ForOne of the main obstacles Steem and other cryptocurrency struggles with, is mass adoption. Every Steemian has invited a friend, family or acquaintance to be part of the Steem blockchain as a…roverliqi7 (37)in steempress • 6 years agoWhy do I like to travel?Sitting and looking at the travel photos before, I suddenly remembered that someone once asked me why I like to travel.For me, there are four main reasons. Staying in one place for a long time…resteemeddosdudes (68)in dtube • 6 years ago@dosdudes is proud to announce the winner of the SteemMonsters Alpha Rare Silvershield Paladin card giveaway contest #10 👊 No Upvote, No Resteem, No Follow Required!First of all thanks to all the participants, We truly appreciate everyone taking the time to enter our contests and we have many more on going, so check them out. We have 1 winner of the Alpha…roverliqi7 (37)in partiko • 6 years ago云卷云舒Posted using Partiko Androidresteemedliubao (61)in steempress • 6 years ago我们给女儿做了一个绘本!We made a picture book for our daughter!ter">01 在女儿六宝7个月大的时候,我们为她拍摄了一组照片,并制作成了绘本。这是讲述一个宝宝闯入了二次元世界,在冒险和探索中,学会了勇敢和礼貌,还交了很多好朋友的故事。 When my daughter Liubao is 7 months old,We took a group of photos,and made a picture book for her.This…resteemedteam-cn (66)in steempress • 6 years ago【新手村计划#75】@alvin0617 一位来自台湾现香港大学的交流生问:@alvin0617 您居住在哪里 ? 來香港交換之前是住在台灣的新北市,就在大台北地區的旁邊,平常都靠機車代步,來香港之後就是住在中文大學的宿舍,香港的新界區,離香港的市區真的是有點遠啊... 问:您的职业是 …roverliqi7 (37)in steempress • 6 years ago朝阳有影,飞鸟无痕~——There is a shadow in the rising sun, no trace of the birds~I still remember that these three photos were accidentally photographed when I was climbing the mountain in the early morning with my mother. The records in the photos are far more beautiful than…resteemedfollowforupvotes (64)in free • 6 years ago#474 - Follow For UpvotesUpvotes will go out at random to any followers. Random means I do not choose who gets upvoted, the bot does. It is up to lady luck. Good luck! @followforupvotes is simply an experiment for…resteemedsteemitboard (66)in steemfest • 6 years agoSteemFest³ - SteemitBoard Contest Teaserresteemedocd (77)in ocd • 6 years agoOCD Daily: Issue #269OCD DAILY - Issue #269 Welcome to the 269th issue of @OCD Daily! Issue #269 highlights content from ten (10) Steemit Content Creators! The OCD team continues its search throughout Steemit to…resteemedpartiko (66)in partiko • 6 years agoPartiko iOS - Time to Update!Hello Partiko lovers, It's been a while since we updated our iOS app last time, the wait is finally over! We're thrilled to announce the new iOS version today! Here are the newly added…roverliqi7 (37)in partiko • 6 years ago活着还记得第一次读余华的作品是在念高中的时候,书是在县城的文轩书店买的,黑黑的封皮,极其简单的外表,书背后还有一张余华的照片以及一段关于他的作品和成就的介绍。 不知为何,初次相见,脑海里不觉给它下了一个定义——“土”。可最终还是没能抵挡住书名的诱惑,买下了这本连自己都想不到品读之后何其感慨和赞赏的佳作,它的名字叫《活着》。…roverliqi7 (37)in steempress • 6 years ago活着还记得第一次读余华的作品是在念高中的时候,书是在县城的文轩书店买的,黑黑的封皮,极其简单的外表,书背后还有一张余华的照片以及一段关于他的作品和成就的介绍。 不知为何,初次相见,脑海里不觉给它下了一个定义——“土”。可最终还是没能抵挡住书名的诱惑,买下了这本连自己都想不到品读之后何其感慨和赞赏的佳作,它的名字叫《活着》。…roverliqi7 (37)in partiko • 6 years ago迟到的Halloween第二张……为什么Partiko不能一次性多添加几张照片呢?😂 (表情应该还是可以……照片解说:张开嘴是有蝙蝠从嘴里出来,可怎么也抓拍不到它们……) Posted using Partiko Androidroverliqi7 (37)in partiko • 6 years ago迟到的Halloween闲来无事,在家撸了个妆,穿着棉袄,用拍照工具给自己整了几张不像自己的照片。虽然没有真正过过万圣节,但是满心期待?!😄 希望以后有机会也能像外国朋友那样,在万圣节这一天,happy地穿着奇装异服,摊开小手手,也给别人说一句“trick or treat” 哈哈哈(๑>roverliqi7 (37)in partiko • 6 years ago感父母尚于水火,汝,何以苟且偷安? Posted using Partiko Androidroverliqi7 (37)in partiko • 6 years ago写给蟑螂的话风吹雨成花 时间追不上白马 你年少内心的梦啊 依然记得吗? 云翻涌逝夏 这条路上的你或它 有谁迷路了吗? 有时你想象自己是一只鸟儿 能在天空自由翱翔 有时你想象自己是一条大鲸 能在海洋自在畅游 有时你又想象自己是一头麋鹿 能在森林无拘束地奔跑 但 很可惜 你的名字叫小强 这里没有天空 没有海洋 也没有森林 你说你向往极乐永生 于是我只好愧疚欣喜…roverliqi7 (37)in steempress • 6 years ago呐喊昨天整理电脑,偶然翻到大学时期写的一首小诗。还记得那时候,经常能从网络上或者电视新闻上看到有关叙利亚战争的消息,一面庆幸祖国的强大和安定,另一面更多的是感慨战争带给善良无辜人民的悲痛和苦难。…roverliqi7 (37)in life • 6 years agoMy Four Girls Mountain trip 我的四姑娘山之行啦~如果说那么多次的旅行中,有哪一个地方最让人流连忘返,我想它的名字一定叫做“ Four Girls Mountain”。别致的风景、清新的空气、纯朴热情的人们,远离了城市的喧嚣,也让心灵得到解放。徒步走完7公里的栈道时,站在四姑娘山的脚下,望着它们,忽然觉得一切都值了,一切都可以放下了。而那个乐观快乐自信的我,又回来了! If ever there was a place that was…