BlogHide Resteemssgtreport (70)in sgtreport • last yearOUR GOVERNMENT IS EVIL -- BRENT JOHNSONOUR GOVERNMENT IS EVIL -- BRENT JOHNSON I just took my City Council to task for squeezing citizens for thousand of dollars per household with assessments for road improvements. And you thought…sgtreport (70)in sgtreport • last yearTHEY'VE POISONED EVERYTHING!! -- SOFIA SMALLSTORMTHEY'VE POISONED EVERYTHING!! -- SOFIA SMALLSTORM Sofia Smallstorm returns to SGT Report with the shocking truth about our food, and specfically, our kid's food. The school lunch programs…sgtreport (70)in sgtreport • last yearTHE DIVINITY OF WATER, MUSIC & MIRACLES -- DR. LEN HOROWITZTHE DIVINITY OF WATER, MUSIC & MIRACLES -- DR. LEN HOROWITZ Dr. Len Horowitz returns to SGT Report with the truth about water, music, miracles and God. Don't miss this important broadcast. In…sgtreport (70)in sgtreport • last yearIT'S IN ALL OF US & THIS IS HOW TO GET IT OUT! -- DR. ROBERT YOUNG & MATT HAZENIT'S IN ALL OF US & THIS IS HOW TO GET IT OUT! -- DR. ROBERT YOUNG & MATT HAZEN Dr. Robert Young and Matthew Hazen join me to share some very bad news: there's graphene oxide in all of us now. And…sgtreport (70)in sgtreport • last yearNWO SERVICE CORPS & MURDER INC. -- CHRISTOPHER JAMESNWO SERVICE CORPS & MURDER INC. -- CHRISTOPHER JAMES The actionable information shared in this interview has the power to change your life for the better. Activist and researcher Christopher James…sgtreport (70)in sgtreport • last yearA LINE IN THE TEXAS SAND -- ATTORNEY TODD CALLENDERA LINE IN THE TEXAS SAND -- ATTORNEY TODD CALLENDER Treacherous lecher Joe Biden and the US Supreme Court just jumped the shark regarding the Texas border, and now Governor Greg Abbott and as many…sgtreport (70)in pizza • last yearOUR MORTAL ENEMY INSIDE THE GATES -- Nathan ReynoldsOUR MORTAL ENEMY INSIDE THE GATES -- Nathan Reynolds Author and survivor of a Satanic Illuminati family, Nathan Reynolds returns to SGT Report with a message of hope amidst the darkness of the new…sgtreport (70)in pizzagate • last yearBANKERS, ASSASSINATIONS & PEDO NETWORKS -- MARK ANTHONY TAYLORBANKERS, ASSASSINATIONS & PEDO NETWORKS -- MARK ANTHONY TAYLOR Mark Anthony Taylor returns to SGT Report with an update about bankers, assassinations, manipulation and pedo networks.sgtreport (70)in sgtreport • last yearTHE AGE OF CHAOS -- DR. LEN HOROWITZTHE AGE OF CHAOS -- DR. LEN HOROWITZ Dr. Len Horowitz returns to SGT Report to drop truth bombs about spiritual warfare and survival in an age of chaos and deceit.sgtreport (70)in diseasex • last yearDISEASE X BIOTERROR -- DR. JASON DEANDISEASE X BIOTERROR -- DR. JASON DEAN Dr. Jason Dean joins me to blow the World Economic Forum-Gates-UN-UK-CIA lab created 'Disease X' bio warfare agenda out of the water. The choice has never…sgtreport (70)in vegas • last yearAMERICAN GLADIO -- JIM FETZERAMERICAN GLADIO -- JIM FETZER Prof. James Fetzer returns to SGT Report to discuss the deep details revealing another Gladio-style act of terror in the United States which was undoubtedly a false…sgtreport (70)in sgtreport • last year5G, COVFEFE & TRUMP -- TODD CALLENDER & DR. LEE VLIET5G, COVFEFE & TRUMP -- TODD CALLENDER & DR. LEE VLIET We all know that 5G is a dangerous weapons system, but what most still do not know is that President Trump may have saved us all from a…sgtreport (70)in sgtreport • last yearDEEP STATE PIZZA, PEDO & PONZI SCHEMES -- MICHAEL HICHBORNDEEP STATE PIZZA, PEDO & PONZI SCHEMES -- MICHAEL HICHBORN Michael Hichborn the President of The Lepanto Institute returns to SGT Report to discuss Vatican corruption, the Chabad jew tunnels below…sgtreport (70)in sgtreport • last yearTHE [SATANIC] PREDATOR CLASSTHE [SATANIC] PREDATOR CLASS The ruling genocidal predator class wants YOU dead, but if you somehow survive, they want you broke, desperate and living on their global slave plantation under a…sgtreport (70)in sgtreport • last year#PIZZA-PEDOGATE IS WORSE THAN EVER -- LIZ CROKIN#PIZZA-PEDOGATE IS WORSE THAN EVER -- LIZ CROKIN Investigative journalist Liz Crokin returns to SGT Report after a three year hiatus to discuss Pizzagate & Pedogate which has only gotten far worse…sgtreport (70)in vaccine • last yearBEND THE KNEE, SLAVE -- CALLENDER | VLIETBEND THE KNEE, SLAVE -- CALLENDER | VLIET Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet are back with a dire warning. If we don't stop what the satanic rulers of the darkness have planned for all of…sgtreport (70)in ufo • last yearSGT 2023 RECAP: GAS LIGHTING THE GREAT AWAKENINGSGT 2023 RECAP: GAS LIGHTING THE GREAT AWAKENING This is a 2030 year end wrap up: Gaslighting the Great Awakening - and 2024 will be even bigger. Merry Christmas to you and your family friends.sgtreport (70)in ufo • last yearWHAT ABOUT UFOS HAS TUCKER TOO TERRIFIED TO COVER IT?WHAT ABOUT UFOS HAS TUCKER TOO TERRIFIED TO COVER IT? Tucker Carlson and Clayton Morris are extremely concerned about UFO disclosure and the government's involvement in the esoteric subject. From…sgtreport (70)in biden • last yearAGENTS OF EVIL -- NATHAN REYNOLDSAGENTS OF EVIL -- NATHAN REYNOLDS Nathan Reynolds had to escape his illuminati family in order to save his soul - and his children, so he knows a thing or two about the agents of evil who are hell…sgtreport (70)in sgtreport • last yearYOUR ENEMY IS NOT RUSSIAN -- TODD CALLENDERYOUR ENEMY IS NOT RUSSIAN -- TODD CALLENDER The UN-World Economic Forum puppet banned Edison bulbs so all you can get now is the LED bulbs which radiate you all day long, meanwhile the puppet's…