BlogHide Resteemsshuke0327 (40)in chintai • 6 years ago【Chintai使用手册】如何出租EOS在 Chintai , 你可以出租你闲置不用的EOS,收取租金,获取被动收入;如果你是开发者,也可以用低廉的价格,租用带宽/CPU资源,让你的平台运营成本更加低廉。 目前,只支持Scatter 钱包,为了更好的使用体验,建议您在PC端使用更好。 下一篇我也会介绍如何用集成了Scatter支持的钱包,在Mobile上使用。 1. 使用Scatter 登陆…resteemeddan (69)in eos • 7 years agoDoes Freedom Require Radical Transparency or Radical Privacy?As a society we seem to have double standards when it comes to privacy. We would like to know everything about everyone else while simultaneously ensuring nobody knows anything about us. We want the…shuke0327 (40)in eos • 7 years agoDPOS 的下一步: 区块生产者的去中心化(译文)如果区块生产者也是去中心化的组织,那么,将会给DPOS带来什么不同? @samupaha 作者探讨了这种可能的设计。 本文翻译自:( 译者:区块链中文字幕组 [荆凯(shuke0327)] ( 翻译时间:2017-10-14 One of the most common criticisms against delegated proof of stake…resteemedbarrydutton (74)in cryptocurrency • 8 years agoDan Larimer Video Interview on EpiCenter Today!! This is a REALLY good watch/listen, it is pretty in depth about his past, goals, crypto life etc. 73 mins.Dan Larimer by many accounts is a genius. He has been in Crypto a long long time and is well known in the space as someone who helped launch 3 projects in the Top ~ 20 Crypto's these days: --…resteemeddan (69)in eos • 8 years agoCasper as an EOS ContractI recently reviewed the latest Casper Research Paper in light of an ongoing discussion with Vitalik Buterin over consensus mechinisms. It is my intent to be as objective and practical as…resteemedjeffberwick (68)in steem • 8 years agoSteem Co-Founder Dan Larimer On Why He Left Steem & His New Potential Ethereum Killer Cryptocurrency EOSAlmost a year ago today I first heard about A few people had mentioned it and said I should get on it. But I get dozens of tips like that per day and most just go unnoticed. But…shuke0327 (40)in eth • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.翻译 EOS vs Ethereum - 泰坦之战原文地址: eos-vs-ethereum-clash-of-the-titans author: @mohit18jan Recently, Dan Larimer along with the team, announced the development of EOS , a consensus blockchain operating system…resteemediang (59)in eos • 8 years agoEOS - An IntroductionI've written up my view of EOS technology into a paper format: EOS - An Introduction Abstract: Current technologies for blockchain fall short of providing what developers and end-users…resteemedmohit18jan (47)in eos • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.EOS vs Ethereum - Clash of the TitansRecently, Dan Larimer along with the team, announced the development of EOS, a consensus blockchain operating system that provides databases, account permissions, scheduling, authentication…shuke0327 (40)in cryptocurrency • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.PressOne的ICO发售规则与解读相信很多人跟我一样,对PressOne的团队有个看法:真耐得住性子! 还好,官方的信息更新终于出来了。 四个小时前的七点多,PressOne官网放出了PRS(PressOne代币符号)的发售通知。对于这姗姗来迟的通告,想必关心的同学已经从不少渠道了解到了,没有看过的,请访问PressOne官网( 友情提示:耐心读一篇,再读一遍,想想看有什么不懂的,再读一遍。…shuke0327 (40)in cn • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.关于PressOne和ICO,这些也许对你有用 Something about PressOne ICO版权声明 本文首发于微信公共帐号: 增长之道(mind_notes) 请注意: 无需授权即可转载; 甚至无需保留以上版权声明,你喜欢就好…… 我的 上一篇文章 写道,我对于ICO日期的推测是7月16日左右,是根据当时的资料来推断的。 发文章的第二天,李笑来老师在公众号发了一篇 “我们的故事” ,说7月12日开始ICO.…resteemeddan (69)in eos • 8 years agoEOS - Developer Log, Stardate 201707.7This week we made great strides toward refining the architecture of EOS and defining the developer API. In particular we have identified a programming model that should enable parallelism while…shuke0327 (40)in cryptocurrency • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.English version for Press One introduction : the incoming blockchain intended to revolutionize the content publishingYou could see all the following introductions at link : Decentralized content publishing Press.One is a Content Distribution Public Chain (CDPC) based on the EOS blockchain infrastructure…resteemeddommaraju (60)in eos • 8 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Can EOS give tough completion to Ethereum?The blockchain for EOS is designed in such a way that it will provide a robust platform for large scaled businesses, on the other side few coins have been more fairer, aiming at Independent users…resteemeddan (69)in eos • 8 years agoEOS - Developer’s Log Stardate 201707.3Today I met with the team to discuss the challenges of making smart contracts both easy to develop and easy to execute in parallel. If you are familiar with the challenges associated with parallel…shuke0327 (40)in pressone • 8 years agoPress one 来了!Press one is coming!tonight, I see the new change in pressone, which will be release later this month for ICO: 今天晚上,看到了pressone更丰富的一些信息,第一时间公布在这里, 来源: 去中心化的内容分发平台 PressOne是一个基于EOS区块链基础设施的内容分发公链,…shuke0327 (40)in cryptocurrency • 8 years agopressone,ico two---关于pressone,我的猜测首先声明,下文是我的不全面也未必准确的猜测和大开脑洞,目的只是抛砖引玉希望能够引出一些有价值的讨论, 不可看作任何投资建议。 一 pressone要解决的问题 这个区块链主要用来解决一个问题,版权内容的分发问题,即出版问题。实际上,可以通过对比steem和阅链来猜测pressone,结合我看到的资料 李笑来提出到时候众筹会有两种货币参与,而在pressone的应用场景中,存在:…resteemedchitty (69)in eos • 8 years agoAnd the winner of the EOS price contest is….@financialcritic !!!, who guessed that the price of EOS first distribution will be 0.003 ETH per EOS. The final price was of 0.003259 ETH Congratulations, I will be sending 10 SBD your way…shuke0327 (40)in eos • 8 years agoEOS.IO 软件开发路线图 EOS.IO Software Roadmap Chinese VersionEOS团队更新了一下软件开发的路线图,今天花了些时间翻译出来,希望能够对有兴趣了解的同学们有用. 英文文档链接: 中文文档链接: 英文作者是 @dantheman EOS.IO 软件开发路线图 本文档列出了对开发计划的一个高度概括的大纲,软件完成1.0版本的进度后,该文档会更新.…shuke0327 (40)in eos • 8 years agoEOS ICO has gathered more than 224,290 ETH and YUNBI Exchange takes a share large than 66.8%!Till now(2017-6-27-16:00 UTC ), the EOS ICO has achived the following performance: ETH Balance: 224, 291.126761177595670292 Ether