BlogHide Resteemsresteemedocjd4jzukwvj3pq (25)in hive-322213 • last year#iweb3 #SYNBO#iweb3 #SYNBO 机器人农场 zk链项目,每天领空投盲盒,没有燃油费,抽到好的再上链卖掉,提前布局等待zk的羊毛空投 官方推特: 官网地址:resteemedhuajiemeta (55)in hive-163341 • last year#mferc 家人们呐#mferc 家人们呐,我昨晚做梦梦见自己回到儿时的老家放牛,结果牛被坏人抢走。然后我摇人,又去把牛🐮抢回来了,结果牛把我们之前丢的两头牛也带回来了,一下回来了三头牛🐮。我朋友说这是吉祥兆,三头牛就是犇,说咱 #BTC 要带头发起大牛市了。 大家怎么说?resteemedhersi007 (69)in hive-346066 • last yearFran Garcia was giving the MVPFran Garcia was giving the MVP yesterday. I'm so happy for him, coz that would literally boost his confidence. Lad was everywhere yesterday even though Take Kubo was giving him a tough time 😄…resteemedyoungj (66)in hive-346066 • last yearThe did Max Halloway dirty onThe did Max Halloway dirty on UFC 5 😂, can't to play though, should have purchased when Discount Offer was on but got no funds. #iweb3 #nerc20 #wormhole3resteemedmfercdao (58)in hive-163341 • last year#mferc #ann 经莫比社区建设者讨论决定#mferc #ann 经莫比社区建设者讨论决定,将前期收到Pool.GameSwap的50%推广活动经费(另外50%已注入活动奖池并完成分发)用于回购$mferc(83,650,000)并打入黑洞进行销毁。 感谢合作伙伴@PoolGames_Play的大力支持!希望大家继续持续关注和支持他们! 销毁Hash:resteemedhersi007 (69)in hive-346066 • last yearXavi said yesterday that BarçaXavi said yesterday that Barça's minimum goal in this UCL was to reach the round of 16. What is Madrid's minimum goal? Ancelotti: "(Laughs) Pass the group stages, round of 16, quarterfinals...…resteemedsj95e (55)in hive-163341 • last year熊市多囤币,为下一周期押注 #SocialFi 😋熊市多囤币,为下一周期押注 #SocialFi 😋 来莫比一起X to Earn👊🏻 @MfercDAO 昨日社区人数正式突破3000人~ 推特长期发文的伙计建议人手一份,带个标签的事儿~DDDD #mfercresteemedabcallenhu838 (69)in hive-163341 • last year因为装修的关系因为装修的关系,今天我将我存了5年的STEEM给卖了,这一切开始于Steem平台,但并未结束,而是继续开始于莫比社区(Mferc),这里拥有希望,这里的收益不唬人,共同富裕从这里开始!🚀🎉😊 #mfercresteemedreadonlm (56)in hive-163341 • last year恭喜MfercDAO(莫比社区)突破3000人!恭喜MfercDAO(莫比社区)突破3000人! 一个自下而上的Socialfi组织, 在这个深熊的Crypto市场逆势成长。 也许3000只是一个微不足道的数字, 但它代表了每个成员对去中心化社区的热爱和奉献。 加入MfercDAO,一起探索Socialfi的无限可能! 为社区贡献价值和影响力,也为自己创造一份收益。 #mfercresteemednecklac431469751 (62)in hive-163341 • last year好多kol被 $tip 白嫖了!其实@wormhole_3 好多kol被 $tip 白嫖了!其实@wormhole_3 这个平台早就平稳运行超半年了!玩法已经相当成熟了,也许这就是 #socialFi 。其中 #mferc 莫比社区发展得相当不错!对social有兴趣的可以看看比一比 收益不比$tip 少resteemedwh0xepica (62)in hive-163341 • last yearCelebrating the open beta of PCelebrating the open beta of Pool.GameSwap products! Tweet to share the 1000u reward! Jump into this link for participate : #iweb3 #mferc #gameswapresteemedpoolgamesplay (47)in hive-163341 • last year🟡 PoolGameSwap now supports #🟡 PoolGameSwap now supports #BNB #Ethereum #Arbitrum #Polygon #OKT 🟡 🔵⚫️🟡 We are excited to announce that we have expanded our network support, bringing our total to 5 supported chains! 🪂…resteemediguazi123952 (67)in hive-163341 • last year昨晚,最想主持人问“最近socialfi的火热给我们带来的启昨晚,最想主持人问“最近socialfi的火热给我们带来的启示?”。然而,并没有😂 1、币圈第一生产力还是资产发行,F.t为KOL发行 $key ,Tipcoin则是自己发行 $tip ; 2、与web2结合哇,当下注意力在哪里?多问两遍! 3、体验,F.t的私钥托管、tip的web2式算积分,让用户先进来,不管操作还是认知。#mfercresteemedsj95e (55)in hive-163341 • last year📍游戏化流动性池玩法的探讨/1📍游戏化流动性池玩法的探讨/1 这是前几天我参加Space时发现的项目,玩法挺有意思的,今天做个解析(没收广告费,项目方看到也可以补😂) @PoolGames_Play 这个项目原理是通过创建多链代币游戏生态并创建流动性池的场景(多链指所有支持智能合约的链) ▪️简单来说就是丰富原有代币的生态 #GameSwap #mfercresteemedherbaycity24 (58)in hive-346066 • last year@3games2023 is a web3 gaming p@3games2023 is a web3 gaming project, you play2earn while playing games. You earn GMC which can later be converted to GMO soon. The game I love most on the platform is QRC attack where you kill…resteemedpeterpefct (50)in hive-163341 • last year#mferc #gameswap#mferc #gameswap pool game 测版本玩法,先玩一下试试,试出BUG了,找项目方去要奖励,哈哈 @PoolGames_Playresteemedliamborgez (60)in hive-163341 • last year⚫️ Bybit expects to exit the⚫️ Bybit expects to exit the UK market. Bybit expects to pull out of the United Kingdom ahead of new marketing rules that are set to go live in the coming weeks #bybit #crypto #iweb3 #mfercresteemedcryptogirls2023 (54)in hive-163341 • last year#mferc #iweb3#mferc #iweb3 《马斯克传》正式出版了,书中有一些关于 #DOGE 和推特 的内容。 关于 doge 马斯克确实喜欢狗狗,他曾经有两只狗,柴犬 Floki 和 另一只狗Marvin。 马斯克的弟弟曾经举行过一场无人秀,其中有过狗狗币logo图案。 关于推特:…resteemedamy6tina (50)in hive-163341 • last year#iweb3 #mferc #iweb3 #mferc 【怎么做才是“对”的?】 如何做对是我们常问老师和自己的一个问题。 “对”是一个很宽泛的概念,其实很少有人真正知道什么是对的,面对无人知晓的市场走势,想分几类来讨论这个问题比较有意义。 1-我们一看就能够识别的机会 2-我们看不懂的机会 3-看一眼就知道不是机会…resteemedistsmile (48)in hive-163341 • last yearmferc 减半了🫡mferc 减半了🫡 #iweb3 #mferc