BlogHide Resteemssupchina (12)in news • 7 years agoSudden flood in Shandong: two people have been killed 山东突发洪水:已致2人遇难On the afternoon of August 19, heavy rains broke out in the east of Nianjiatun Village, Tianbao Town, Tai'an High-tech Zone, Shandong Province. The mountain floods destroyed the houses, causing two…supchina (12)in news • 7 years agoChinese netizens exceed 800 million 中国网民超8亿 98%用手机上网On August 20th, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released the "Statistical Report on the Development of China's Internet Network". The number of Chinese netizens reached 802…supchina (12)in news • 7 years agoTop 5 News in China [2018-08-20]Top 10 News and Events in China 2018-08-20 -Sun Yang wins the men's 200m freestyle gold medal 孙杨夺冠国旗却掉落 他之后的表现被网友大赞 news and picture from The first mayor of Sansha, the mayor of the…supchina (12)in news • 7 years agoHeavy rain in Heze, Shandong!construction site collapse 山东菏泽特大暴雨!西关建筑工地塌陷As of 8:00 on the 19th, heavy rain in Heze, Shandong Province, the average precipitation is 170.6mm, Xiguan construction site collapse 截止到19日8时 山东菏泽特大暴雨,平均降水量170.6mm,西关建筑工地塌陷 picture from pixabaysupchina (12)in news • 7 years agoWhy do people sleep better when it rains? 为什么下雨的时候人睡得比较香The sound of rain sound is 0-20KHZ, which is a kind of white noise. White noise can play a certain role in the treatment of sounds for people of all ages. It is a "harmonious" therapeutic voice.…supchina (12)in news • 7 years agoSurvey: 71% of Chinese university students are currently single调查:71%的中国大学生目前单身Recently, "Mikesi 2018 college students' emotional state survey" shows: 71% of Chinese college students are currently single 近日,“麦可思2018年大学生感情状态调查”显示:71%的中国大学生目前单身 picture from pixabaysupchina (12)in news • 7 years agoPalau refuses to "break off diplomatic relations" with Taiwan帕劳拒与台湾“断交”As one of the 18 countries in the world that has established diplomatic relations with Taiwan, Palau refuses to "break off diplomatic relations" with Taiwan. 帕劳作为目前世界上与台湾“建交”的18个国家之一,拒与台湾“断交”…supchina (12)in news • 7 years ago洪水围村8000多名民众被困 More than 8,000 people in flood village were trapped2018年8月19日,安徽淮北,受第18号台风“温比亚”(热带风暴级)影响,洪水围村,8000多名民众被困 On August 19, 2018, Huaibei, Anhui Province, was affected by the No. 18 typhoon “Wambia” (tropical storm class). More than 8,000 people were…supchina (12)in news • 7 years ago马云:区块链技术将被用于打击伪劣产品Ma Yun: Blockchain technology will be used to combat counterfeit products8月19日,北京,中国企业家俱乐部演讲现场,马云表示:区块链技术将被用于打击伪劣产品 On August 19th, Beijing, China Corporate Furniture Department speech, Ma Yun said: blockchain technology will be used to combat counterfeit productssupchina (12)in cn • 7 years ago软银否认投资中国比特大陆 Softbank denies investment in China Bit China软银集团发表声明称,无论是软银集团还是软银管理的愿景基金,均没有参加比特大陆公司的投资。 The Softbank Group issued a statement saying that neither the Softbank Group nor the Softbank Management Vision Fund participated in the investment of…supchina (12)in cn • 7 years ago江苏徐州医院被暴雨冲毁Jiangsu Xuzhou Hospital was destroyed by heavy rain18日夜间,江苏徐州一医院墙体被暴雨冲毁 致病人3死1伤 On the night of the 18th, the wall of a hospital in Xuzhou, Jiangsu was destroyed by heavy rain, causing 3 deaths and 1 injury to the patient.supchina (12)in cn • 7 years ago徐州暴雨导致1死9伤 Xuzhou torrential rain caused 1 death and 9 injuries徐州暴雨导致1死9伤 500余户房屋受损严重 Xuzhou torrential rain caused 1 death and 9 injuries, more than 500 houses were seriously damagedsupchina (12)in news • 7 years ago更多中国企业家赴马来西亚投资Mahathir hopes more Chinese entrepreneurs will invest in Malaysia8月19日在北京,中国企业家俱乐部举办的“中国企业家俱乐部论坛”举行,马来西亚总理马哈蒂尔.穆罕默德发表了演讲,希望有更多中国企业家赴马来西亚投资 On August 19th, in Beijing, the “Chinese Enterprise Clubs Forum” held by the Chinese Enterprise Club was held. Malaysian…supchina (12)in news • 7 years ago亚运会首日,中国队获得16枚奖牌On the first day of the Asian Games, the Chinese team won 16 medals.在十八届亚洲运动会首日,中国代表团在武术、游泳、射击、击剑等项目上获得7枚金牌。首个比赛日结束后,中国队累计获得7金5银4铜 On the first day of the 18th Asian Games, the Chinese delegation won 7 gold medals in martial arts, swimming, shooting, fencing and…supchina (12)in news • 7 years ago中美下周重启会谈 11月前结束僵局China and the United States restart talks next week, seeking to end the trade deadlock before November中国和美国的谈判代表正在筹划下周重启会谈,争取在11月之前结束两国贸易僵局。 Negotiators from China and the United States are planning to restart talks next week and try to end the trade impasse between the two countries by November.supchina (12)in cn • 7 years ago疫苗案问责刷屏:免职、责令辞职和引咎辞职有何区别中共中央政治局常务委员会召开会议 听取关于吉林长春长生公司问题疫苗案件调查及有关问责情况的汇报 人民日报客户端8月17日报道,8月16日晚,一则题为《政治局常委会听取关于长春长生问题疫苗案件调查及有关问责情况汇报》的消息引起了社会各界广泛关注——…supchina (12)in cn • 7 years ago下班啦!周五下班美滋滋 (滑稽)supchina (12)in news • 7 years agoAlibaba help Shanghai's new economy阿里巴巴助力上海新经济8月16日,阿里巴巴、蚂蚁金服和上海市政府达成战略合作协议,开展高规格战略合作,以新零售推动“上海购物”品牌,助力上海全球城市建设。On August 16, Alibaba, Ant Financial and the Shanghai Municipal Government reached a strategic cooperation agreement to carry out…supchina (12)in news • 7 years ago劳动力套利已结束 人工智能将重塑制造业Labor arbitrage is over. Artificial intelligence will reshape manufacturing今日,ABB全球CEO史毕福在纽约接受采访时提到:劳动力套利已结束,人工智能将重塑制造业 Today, ABB Global CEO Ulrich Spiesshofer said in an interview in New York: Labor arbitrage is over, artificial intelligence will reshape…supchina (12)in news • 7 years ago科大讯飞、森马服饰否认投资红芯浏览器Keda Xunfei, Senma Apparel Denied Investment Red Core Browser红芯浏览器涉嫌“抄袭chrome浏览器”后,几家传闻中的投资方开始回应。科大讯飞、森马服饰都否认投资红芯浏览器。 After the Red Core browser was suspected of “plagiarizing the chrome browser,” several rumored investors began responding. Keda Xunfei and…