BlogHide Resteemssyadowahyudi (43)in photography • 7 years ago🌷 Beautiful pink flowers.. !! || smartphone photography#colorchallange📷Pink flower that wants to bloom with this unique shape, I memoternya use camera phone 16 megapixcel. Many other cashew flowers with different colors, these guava flowers come from aceh, the aceh…syadowahyudi (43)in plants • 7 years agoenjoy the beauty of this ornamental plant, for you lovers of plants !!Hello steemians? May you all be all healthy, This time I want to share a few photos of some beautiful ornamental plants. I photographed it with a camera phone so be advised when it is less…syadowahyudi (43)in plants • 7 years agoBeautiful ornamental plants! #for plant lovers.Hello every steemit friends wherever you are, on this occasion I want to try to share a little photo about the beauty of natural plants. ornamental plants that we often find, this type of plant is…syadowahyudi (43)in plants • 7 years agoObservation of Lantana camara Plant. !!Finally I found after so long I was looking for the benefits of this plant, which is as a means of insect repellent, or in other words the aroma of this plant is very unpopular by insects…resteemedffcrossculture (71)in cn • 7 years ago金丝桃金丝桃又称狗胡花、金线蝴蝶、过路黄、金丝海棠、金丝莲、土连翅等。半常绿小乔木或灌木。 花型集合聚伞花序着生于枝顶,花色金黄,其呈束状纤细的雄蕊花丝也烂若金丝,绚丽夺目,是我国南方常见的庭园观赏花木。 金丝桃除了有观赏价值外,还是一种中药,其根、茎、叶、花、果均可入药,抗病毒作用突出。resteemedffcrossculture (71)in cn • 7 years ago尽责守护去年在澳大利亚路过一桉树树下,见到两只鹦鹉在守护一个桉树洞。其实,这个桉树洞是粉红胸凤头鹦鹉的巢穴。 粉红胸凤头鹦鹉一般在繁殖季节会找一个高约15米左右的桉树洞筑巢,将蛋产在洞里。孵化期25天,在此期间雌雄鹦鹉轮流守护,一直到7、8周后雏鸟羽毛长成为止。 (与你分享美好的旅途)resteemedffcrossculture (71)in cn • 7 years ago船形体育馆去年到澳洲悉尼旅游,在悉尼奥运中心,见这个船形体育馆,真够大的。我退到好远的地方也无法将其完整纳入相机镜框内。据说其长度平排可以停4架波音最大的747大型客机。 (与你分享美好旅途的点滴)resteemedffcrossculture (71)in cn • 7 years ago枯叶蛾这只不仔细看还以为是蝴蝶的动物,其实是一只枯叶蛾。 我在走廊里见到这只枯叶蛾不断的撞向玻璃,却将自己撞晕在地面。最后,还是在我的帮助下,再次获得自由。 枯叶蛾,是鳞翅目枯叶蛾的统称。大部分种类幼虫取食植物叶片,少数种类蛀食嫩芽。这种赤褐色的蛾子,因其静止时翅膀像枯叶而名之。resteemedffcrossculture (71)in cn • 7 years ago秋海棠秋海棠属多年生草本植物,茎生叶互生,叶褐绿色,边缘伴有紫红色。花以红色或粉红色为主,包片长圆形,先端钝,花药倒卵形,子房长圆形。 秋海棠花形多姿,叶色柔媚,花色艳丽。这种矮生、多花的观赏花卉,是花坛、草坪边缘、庭院美化的常栽植物花卉,也是家庭布置一个清新幽雅客厅、阳台的常用花卉之一。resteemedffcrossculture (71)in cn • 7 years ago五彩芋五彩芋又称彩叶芋、二色芋、花叶芋,多年生草本植物。原产南美亚马逊河流域,中国的广东、福建、云南和台湾等地有栽培。 彩叶芋变异品种极多,叶片色彩丰富。虽属观叶植物,但也会开花,根亦可外用治疗骨折。syadowahyudi (43)in foods • 7 years agoEat dawn with Western Steak & Rice menu Asian and Western Cuisine Cuisine.Good evening steemians? This time I post about my dawn dish menu. If the local cuisine menu is mushrooming in medan, it does not mean that the menu from outside countries does not exist. The proof…syadowahyudi (43)in cobinhood • 7 years agoFeatures mainstay and comparison cobinhood with other platforms.!!In the digital world this, all available digital also including for money. Yes, the term currency digital also known as cryptocurrency. The same as the currency real, it can be exchanged and you…syadowahyudi (43)in cobinhood • 7 years agoWill IOTA Price (MIOTA) Increase After Entering COBINHOOD?price charts iota : IOTA Prices (MIOTA) Increasingly - IOTA (MIOTA) has been referred to as "the first ever open source book built to drive the future of the Internet of Things (IoT) enabled by…syadowahyudi (43)in cobinhood • 7 years agoCobinhood Predictions Price for June 2018.Cobinhood review exchange Link : Cobinhood, a newly emerging altcoin in the market that offers zero cost on exchanges and exceptional customer service. Cobinhood was created for institutional…syadowahyudi (43)in animals • 7 years agoSharp eyes se Eagle tail ..Hello steemians! We wish all of you a fine, healthy physical and spiritual uplifting and always in carrying out its activities a day-day. At this time I would like to tell you about the sharp…syadowahyudi (43)in photography • 7 years ago"Dragonflies are very interesting"This image depicts a uniquely complex mode of reproduction among dragonflies. Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Websyadowahyudi (43)in butterfly • 7 years ago beautiful butterflies who never in a predatory attack..Common Rise ( Pachliopta aristolochiae) The red body, bright colouration and pattern of the wings indicates predator that this butterfly is inedible. It also emits a nasty smelling substance when…syadowahyudi (43)in animalsanimals • 7 years agoa beautiful spider webs with a zig zag!!Interestingly, it builds four zigzag stripes in its web to hold its legs together in pairs to disguise itself. This behaviour helps the spider befool and attract insects. The male is much smaller…syadowahyudi (43)in life • 7 years agoIt's amazing.!! A very beautiful frog eggs.Life in a Drop. "This is a egg of Aceh Frog. Size of the egg was hardly 4mm and the amazing thing to see was how this tiny frog was moving inside this tiny egg which was stuck on the bark of a…syadowahyudi (43)in life • 7 years agoalangkah lucunya negeri ini.. orang asing dikasih kerjaan sedangkan orang kita masih banyak pengangguran. #2019 ganti presiden Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Web