BlogHide Resteemstherebotlove (43)in ntopaz • 6 years ago[CO]Natural variabilityNatural variability causes many clouds to float in general.therebotlove (43)in ntopaz • 6 years ago[CO]Opposing Beauty PhotographyDarkness and light are different things. But these two things cannot be separated Because they have to rely on each othertherebotlove (43)in ntopaz • 6 years ago[CO]Opposing Beauty PhotographyThe erosion of the rocks caused by rain and sunburning for a long time Causing the beauty of these stones to disappear Left only the decay.resteemedsteeminfobot (70)in blog • 6 years agoHow to plan your content to generate leads and boost salesThanks to attacks from @gtg this accounts is closed. Also I have my blogs compiled into eBooks on Amazon .resteemedangelinafx (79)in contest • 6 years agoThursday – Dec - 20 - 2018 - STEEM - Predict the Price and You Could Win 1 STEEM!I would like to invite all who are new to Steemit community platform, have basic knowledge about Crypto trading and meet the requirements listed below to participate in this contest. The purpose…resteemeddonkeypong (75)in fiction • 6 years agoChasing the Thrill of Fenn's Treasure (Fiction, Part 7)This is Part 7 of a work of fiction. Please check my blog for the other parts. This chapter will not make sense unless you've read Parts 1-6 first! The first clue was probably to “begin where…resteemedpapa-pepper (80)in spirituality • 6 years agoSPIRITUAL FOOD 4 THOUGHT - DOES A DAY BEING AS 1000 YEARS RELATE TO CREATION WEEK?Periodically within the discussion about whether the earth is just a few thousand years old or whether it is billions of years old, people will cite a passage from Peter. " But, beloved, be not…resteemedpooka (69)in tasteem • 6 years ago[테이스팀] 후쿠오카 탄탄토 탄탄멘 국물이 끝내줘요^^겨울이면 당연하게도 따뜻한 국물 요리를 찾게 됩니다, 몸도 녹이고 얼큰함도 즐길 수 있는 곳 후쿠오카 탄탄토 입니다. 바 스타일의 테이블과 몇개의 자리가 추가로 더 있어요 가게는 좀 작은 편이네요 그래도 맛만 좋으면 되니까요^^ 탄탄멘과 라멘 그리고 교자를 주문했는데요 교자가 먼저 나왔어요 그래서 바로 맥주를 주문…resteemedbbooaae (68)in tasteem • 6 years ago[mercure hotel - SODOWE Restaurant] 쏘도베 레스토랑mercure hotel - SODOWE Restaurant 상호 머큐어 서울 앰배서더 강남 쏘도베 주소 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로25길 10 전화번호 02-2050-6000 역삼역 5,6 번 출구에서 아주 가깝습니다. 도보로 2분 저의 천사 생일이기도 한데 바쁠거 같아서 주말에 미리 밥을 사줬는데 밥 먹을 시간이…resteemedyoo1900 (72)in chorros • 6 years agoChorros rosesChurro dough: 1 cup boiling water 100 g butter 4 tablespoons sugar 1 vanilla sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 heaping cup flour 2 eggs Preparation: In a saucepan boil butter, sugar and salt until…resteemedamiramnoam (70)in zengula • 6 years agoZengulaNote: I made exactly half of what I think is enough for 6-10 people, I made relatively small spirals In the bowl of the mixer + hook, put 2 tablespoons of yeast + 2.5 cups of lukewarm water, Add…resteemedpapa-pepper (80)in spirituality • 6 years agoSPIRITUAL FOOD 4 THOUGHT - THE "ETERNAL GOD" EXCUSEWithin the Christian conversation about the potential age of the earth, there is what I "call the eternal God excuse." Periodically, those attempting to reinterpret the Bible in order to fit…resteemedpapa-pepper (80)in life • 6 years agoONE YEAR DREAD UPDATEHas it been a year already? After finding a video from a year ago where I had these dreadlocks started, it seems that it is time for a one year update. This is actually my fifth set of dreads…resteemedpapa-pepper (80)in life • 6 years agoPUTTING THE SKIRTING ON OUR MOBILE HOMEIt's more progress! This was one of my backlogged videos, of which I've still got a few. When @Grandpa-Pepper came for a visit after our return from Texas and Mexico, he helped me as I got back…resteemedsoundlegion (72)in music • 6 years agoArtists Submit your Original Music to Online Radio - Bushrod Music Radio - MSP-WavesHello music artists and music fans on Steemit. Today I wanted to share a great way to both discover new fresh original music and also to get your original music discovered and heard. Online…resteemedpapa-pepper (80)in food • 6 years agoHOW TO BEGIN EATING SUNCHOKESOkay I grew them, now what? Sunchokes AKA Jerusalem Artichokes are one of those plants that are easy to grow, but they can be intimidating to start eating. After receiving some questions about…resteemedbellaian (53)in share2steem • 6 years agoRegister Atomy IndonesiaPagi ini aku memberanikan diri untuk mengirim pendaftaran Atomy Indonesia melalui seorang teman @cjsdns #share2steem #indonesia #atomy rapmonrls Posted from Twitter via…resteemedbbooaae (68)in actifit • 6 years ago운동기록: 11월 15 20182바퀴 돌고 왔습니다. 아이고 오늘은 근력운동못하겠네요 힘드네요 ㅎㅎㅎ 형아들 스몬 이벤트 포스팅 하고 있어 기다려봥 잠깐만.. ㅎㅎㅎ"" 내말좀 들어봐 잠깐만 내 말좀 들어줘봐, 잠깐만 죽을 것 같애서 난 숨도 못쉬어 나좀 살자, 제발 한번만 너의 집 앞에서 네시간째 찢어지는 내 맘 넌 모른채 웃고있니, 행복하니 모든 추억과 날 버린채…resteemedbbooaae (68)in kr • 6 years ago종료==마감했습니다==일욜발표=[steemmonster] GOLD 카드의 주인공은 누구?+ 아차상 풀보팅5명골드를 잡아라! 스 팀 몬 스 터 steemmonster 게임 흥행과 홍보를 위해 매일매일 힘쓰고 있는 손형 고마웡~ ㅎㅎ @sonki999 형~~이벤트에 골카가 당첨되서 사실 두번째인데 ㅎㅎ 난 겜 보다 주사위 굴리는 게 더 잼있드라고~ㅎㅎ 나보다…resteemeddonekim (81)in coinkorea • 6 years ago[이오스 이야기] Do Good, Earn KARMA 선행보상 소셜 플랫폼 카르마에 대해서 알아보자!안녕하세요, 디온(@donekim)입니다. 오늘은 "Do Good, Earn KARMA" 라는 슬로건을 가지고, 전세계의 모든 사용자들이 인류를 위해 사소한 선행부터 실천을 하며 보상을 받을 수 있도록 함으로써 보다 나은 세상을 만들어나가고자 하는 이오스 기반 소셜 네트워크 댑 카르마(KARMA) 에 대해서 소개를 해 보도록 하겠습니다.…